RUSSIAThis Sunday, September 18th, the Russian elections take place. West often focuses on the small parties that criticize President Vladimir Putin and his party United Russia, but the real battle is for second place. Will it be communists or liberals who become Russia's second largest party? New Times (NyT) spoke to the political analyst and the head of the International Institute of political expertise Yevgeny Minshenko of the recent electoral reforms and the West's view of the election.
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Bosnia is divided between the EU and Russia
BOSNIAA serious political crisis has been unfolding in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and, to be exact, in one constituent part of it – the entity of Republika Srpska – for a year already. The crisis in this post-Yugoslav country threatens the stability of the entire region. The opposition wants to sue the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance for accepting foreign loans without the approval of parliament. Recently, demonstrations were held by both opposition and government supporters in the capital Banja Luka. Nya Tider attended both demonstrations and interviewed leading figures on both sides.
Luka Petrović: The Arabs are buying up land in Bosnia
The government representative Luka Petrović meets Nya Tider in Banja Luka to describe the recent turbulent events and the position of the authorities. He is the Secretary General of the Union of Independent Social-Democrats (SNSD) and the deputy president of the party. He solemnly warns that his country is becoming a bridgehead for foreign terrorists into Europe.
Former President: The Republic is run by IMF and the West
The opposition leader Dragan Čavić, former President of Republika Srpska, tells Nya Tider about the work of the opposition and the recent demonstrations. He also explains his view on the Dayton Agreement, which he has been involved in negotiating, and which was a peace treaty between Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia and Croatia, and resulted in the forming of a NATO peace force and a new constitution for Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 1998 Čavić was deemed obstructing the Agreement and was therefore stripped of his parliamentary seat by the EU and forbidden to work politically for five years. Already in the elections of 2002 he however became Vice President and in 2006 he was elected President of the Republika Srpska.
Volunteers Against the Islamic State
IRAQVolunteers from all over the world are joining the fight against the terrorist army who call themselves the Islamic State. Free West Media visited the frontlines at Daquq, northern Iraq, where Tony from Sweden is one of those assisting Kurdish troops in liberating the area from the Islamists' reign of terror.
As “good Europeans”, Sweden Democrats should embrace Wilders and Le Pen
OPINIONOn May 8th, London got a muslim mayor in the Pakistani Sadiq Khan. In Germany, Frauke Petri, the leader of Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), announced that her party would henceforth join both conservative groups in the European Parliament. The groups concerned are: Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD) led by Nigel Farage and David Borrelli, and Europe of Nations and Freedom (ENF), headed by Marine Le Pen and Marcel de Graaff. The South African writer Dr Dan Roodt writes that Frauke shows the way for European unity.
EU-supporters won in Serbia, but Russia-friendlies are gaining
SERBIAThe Serbian parlamentary elections on April 24th were won as expected by the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). The elections were held early, which is wildly interpreted as an attempt by Serbian Prime Minister Alexandar Vucić to capitalize on the support he still enjoys with currently stable popularity ratings as insurance against a possible loss in regular elections set for 2018.

Bosnia is divided between the EU and Russia
BOSNIAA serious political crisis has been unfolding in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and, to be exact, in one constituent part of it – the entity of Republika Srpska – for a year already. The crisis in this post-Yugoslav country threatens the stability of the entire region. The opposition wants to sue the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance for accepting foreign loans without the approval of parliament. Recently, demonstrations were held by both opposition and government supporters in the capital Banja Luka. Nya Tider attended both demonstrations and interviewed leading figures on both sides.

Luka Petrović: The Arabs are buying up land in Bosnia
The government representative Luka Petrović meets Nya Tider in Banja Luka to describe the recent turbulent events and the position of the authorities. He is the Secretary General of the Union of Independent Social-Democrats (SNSD) and the deputy president of the party. He solemnly warns that his country is becoming a bridgehead for foreign terrorists into Europe.

Former President: The Republic is run by IMF and the West
The opposition leader Dragan Čavić, former President of Republika Srpska, tells Nya Tider about the work of the opposition and the recent demonstrations. He also explains his view on the Dayton Agreement, which he has been involved in negotiating, and which was a peace treaty between Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia and Croatia, and resulted in the forming of a NATO peace force and a new constitution for Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 1998 Čavić was deemed obstructing the Agreement and was therefore stripped of his parliamentary seat by the EU and forbidden to work politically for five years. Already in the elections of 2002 he however became Vice President and in 2006 he was elected President of the Republika Srpska.
Volunteers Against the Islamic State
IRAQVolunteers from all over the world are joining the fight against the terrorist army who call themselves the Islamic State. Free West Media visited the frontlines at Daquq, northern Iraq, where Tony from Sweden is one of those assisting Kurdish troops in liberating the area from the Islamists' reign of terror.

As “good Europeans”, Sweden Democrats should embrace Wilders and Le Pen
OPINIONOn May 8th, London got a muslim mayor in the Pakistani Sadiq Khan. In Germany, Frauke Petri, the leader of Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), announced that her party would henceforth join both conservative groups in the European Parliament. The groups concerned are: Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD) led by Nigel Farage and David Borrelli, and Europe of Nations and Freedom (ENF), headed by Marine Le Pen and Marcel de Graaff. The South African writer Dr Dan Roodt writes that Frauke shows the way for European unity.

EU-supporters won in Serbia, but Russia-friendlies are gaining
SERBIAThe Serbian parlamentary elections on April 24th were won as expected by the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). The elections were held early, which is wildly interpreted as an attempt by Serbian Prime Minister Alexandar Vucić to capitalize on the support he still enjoys with currently stable popularity ratings as insurance against a possible loss in regular elections set for 2018.