Babylon Bee Nails It… “Democrats Accuse Trump of Inciting Further Violence by Not Dying”

Democratic propaganda machine now blaming Trump for the attacks on his life

Published: September 22, 2024, 3:38 pm

    Democrats Accuse Trump Of Inciting Further Violence By Not Dying.” This quote is from a satirical, fictional headline by the Babylon Bee, published September 16, 2024.

    While some find this quote funny, nonetheless, this perverse fictional quote is not far off from the growing collection of other quotes from prominent Democrats in the news since 2015.

    Here’s a small sample of all the thousands of similar but not-so-satirical quotes from various sources said by Democrats about Donald Trump since 2015.

    “The Donor class cannot sit back on the sidelines and, oh well, don’t worry. This will all work itself out. They’re going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump, and that’s a fact.” – Rick Wilson, November 28, 2015.

    “How dare he (Trump) say the things he does. Of course, I want to punch him in the face.” – Robert De Niro, on ABC’s The View on February 3, 2017. De Niro has repeatedly made these statements since February 3, 2017.

    Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an existentialism that threatens the very foundation of our Republic.” – President Joe Biden, September 1, 2022.

    “Watch what happens. He’s (Trump) a genuine danger to American security.” President Joe Biden, Sunday Morning on CBS, August 11, 2023.

    “That man cannot see public office again. He is not only unfit, he is destructive to our Democracy, and he has to be, he has to be eliminated.” – Dan Goldman, NY Representative, MSNBC, November 19, 2023

    “Donald Trump presents an existential threat to Democracy. He has advertised that he is going to transition the country from a Democracy to a Dictatorship.” – Chris Murphy, Senator from Connecticut, on the CNN show, The State of the Union, May 7, 2024.

    He (Donald Trump) is paving the way to become a Vladimir Putin or to become an Adolf Hitler or Kim Jong Un (North Korea). That’s what he wants to be.” – Dan Goldman, Breaking News on CNN May 23, 2024.

    “Donald Trump is an existential threat to our Democracy and our most fundamental freedoms.” – Kamala Harris, May 24, 2024.

    “He is a person (Donald Trump) who is a threat to our Democracy of the kind we have not seen before.” – Nancy Pelosi, MSNBC August 22, 2024.

    “Let’s not pretend that Donald Trump is like Mussolini or exactly like Hitler. He is that guy.” Haitian spokesperson, MSNBC, Saturday, September 16, 2024.

    Let’s face it. It is easy to dismiss much of this political nonsense. You often hear people say both parties do it, but do they? After a while, you begin to habituate to the scorn leveled at candidates, especially as we’re leading up to the final voting day, November 5, 2024.

    However, with the two very recent assassination attempts on Donald Trump’s life, perhaps we shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss this contemptuous swordplay. I believe we do so at our peril.

    With past political campaigns of major national significance, our political campaigns have become increasingly overwrought with lies and scathing personal smears. Those of us who follow elections aren’t surprised at this escalation. So why is it happening? In short, Democrats are no longer the traditional Democrats of the past. Instead, they’re unquestionably moving toward American Socialism or Marxism, which is a very different and destructive political ideology than America as a Constitutional Republic.

    Republicans, on the other hand, have become both the Democratic Party of the past and the new Republican Party. Republicans are the blue-, pink-, and blue-collar Party of the working American. Why do you think Trump’s policy prescriptions on “no tax on tips, and no tax on over-time work” are so popular among working folks? These policies target everyday workers, a category previously dominated by the Democratic Party.

    Recently, with some 1.3 million members, the Teamsters Union decided not to endorse either Party in this election. Unquestionably, this is a significant blow to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democrats, and they’re hopping mad at losing this critical endorsement. A prior poll of Teamsters revealed that 59 percent of Teamster members favored Donald Trump while only 31 percent favored Kamala Harris. The Union Bosses didn’t want to take a chance of evoking disdain from either Party, so they will remain neutral during this election. However, there’s no question about who their members will vote for.

    Moreover, despite the United Auto Workers (UAW) Union’s endorsement of Kamala Harris, internal polls of their 990,000 members show that most UAW workers support Donald Trump.

    These significant shifts in the Union landscape are a primary reason the battle of political Parties has reached new lows in decorum. But back to the ugly and persistent political rhetoric that’s likely the origin of the recent attempted assassinations of Donald Trump.

    The more we listen to mocking, often pillorying language by the radical Left, the less we hear it. As they say, it goes in one ear and out the other without much notice. Yet, this trash-talking, derisive propaganda can and does radicalize the marginally unstable individual over time. It can lead them to consider taking what they perceive as a call to heroic action on their part, including a planned assassination. After all, they’re responding to what they believe is an existential national threat.

    Most of these Democratic smears of Trump are told full-throttle for maximum shock value and to distract from Trump’s campaign messaging. False accusations confuse Republican messaging and force a perverse yet credible belief that Donald Trump is an evil man who we must stop at all costs.

    The Democratic National Committee (DNC) ceaselessly sends out daily morning memos to supporting Broadcast news organizations such as CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, and their thousands of affiliate sites, along with other influential media groups like Time Magazine, New York Times, the Washington Post to echo each day’s propagandized tag lines.

    The line they hammer 24/7 is, “Donald Trump is an existential threat to our Democracy!” Unfortunately, you might come to believe it as you hear this phrase repeated ad nauseam. Remember, Joseph Goebbels said, “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.”

    Thus, is it any surprise that Donald Trump is a target of assassination from a steady diet of venomous hate? It’s gotten so disgustingly repulsive that the Democratic propaganda machine is now blaming Trump for the attacks on his life.

    The problem for all parties involved is that these malicious, insane lies have lasting consequences. Before you know it, your children are calling out teachers and fellow students as “Hitler.”

    Why Hitler? Benito Mussolini is too difficult for most children to pronounce and remember. Moreover, if repeatedly calling those you don’t like, even hate, Hitler and other sordid names and some nut murders them, do you want your children to make these associations? I can hear parents saying my child doesn’t have access to those shows. But, come on, children pick up all sorts of information in ways we never know about.

    But have any of us considered the possibility that the next shooter will succeed? Face it, if the second assassin hadn’t been wearing a pink t-shirt while in the bushes and didn’t panic when the Secret Service agent drove up in a golf cart ahead of the former President, Trump would have eventually been 40 feet and not 400 yards away from certain death.

    So, assume, for the sake of argument, that the next attempt will succeed and that Donald Trump will die.

    Can you imagine the paralyzing shock wave screaming across the nation and the intense conflagration of anger following minutes behind it? Given the outlandish demagoguing of Donald J. Trump by Democrats over the last nine years, who do you think they’re going to blame?

    Moreover, think of the international catastrophe that would befall America and the world if, weeks before the election, a partisan crazed shooter assassinates Donald Trump. First, you have to ask, would China take this opportunity to launch an all-out attack on Taiwan? Would Iran take its chances and ask its Palestinian proxies to join it in a full-scale attack on Israel? And what would Russia do in Ukraine if they recognized the paralysis of the United States? Remember, Joe Biden is still President.

    There are few, very few circumstances that the pre-election murder of Trump wouldn’t lead to catastrophic world destabilization. The stock market would collapse. The Federal Reserve would order Banks to freeze accounts to prevent a massive panic.

    After considering these possibilities, we’re still left with the question of who will become President. Is the election delayed for six months to give Republicans time to form a new ticket? Or can you imagine if the Democrats declare Kamala Harris the last candidate standing and try to crown her President?

    I’d love to continue with you and fill out the myriad possibilities due to such an unbelievable but possible calamity. Naturally, one can construe many of the same issues if Kamala were to be the victim of an assassination. But in her case, there isn’t the same predicate of manufactured hate from Republicans toward Democrats. For instance, calling Kamala “stupid” doesn’t evoke the same murderous intentions as labeling Trump the new Hitler.

    In closing, I’ve heard Trump say, “Only Presidents of consequence get assassinated.” Is it any coincidence that the last demented assassin shot Ronald Reagan, also a Republican President of great consequence?

    Source: America Out Loud

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