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New App Helps Locate Sweden’s Historic Runestones

A new app called Swedish Runestones will help locate historical gems.

Harris Lies in Debate With Trump by Claiming No US Troops Are Deployed in Combat Zones

No fact check for her

The Fall of Pokrovsk: The Backbone of Ukrainian Logistics in Donetsk Is Under Threat

"The concern is not about the territorial losses, but the pace at which Russian forces are moving through fortified areas"

Nord Stream Bombing: “The ‘Drunken Ukrainians’ Story Is Frankly Embarrassing”

"Even if this team didn’t plant the bombs, they were still a part of the operation."

11 Stabbed at German “Diversity Festival” — 3 Dead

"the German government fears the populist anger of the masses far more than it does actual Islamist terrorism"

Swedish military wants to remilitarize the Åland Islands

The demilitarized autonomy has previously been known as 'the islands of peace.

Bill Gates wants to bury trees - for Climate's sake. Photo:

Bill Gates’ New Plan: Cut Down 70 Million Acres of Trees to “Combat Global Warming”

To be buried to prevent carbon emissions.It sounds like a bad joke, but the project has already been launched in US national parks. Millions of trees are to be felled "for the sake of the climate." The project is called the Carbon Lockdown Project and involves logging robots cutting down trees and dragging them to large pits where they are buried under oxygen-free conditions. "One ton of biomass in the soil is one ton of carbon dioxide not in the atmosphere," says Ning Zeng, the founder of the project. Bill Gates sponsors such a "climate company" called Kodama Systems, which has set itself the goal of burying one billion tons of biomass.

Valentina Zharkova, a solar researcher and professor of mathematics and physics, already warned in 2019 about the Grand Solar Minimum, which she believes will affect the Earth between the years 2020 and 2053. According to her, researchers have observed clear signs of this since at least 2015. Still image: Conversations That Matter

Solar researchers sound the alarm to deaf ears: “Severe cold and food shortages as early as the 2030s”

THE SUN IS CHANGING.Valentina Zharkova, a solar researcher and professor of mathematics and physics, already warned in 2019 about the Grand Solar Minimum, which she believes will affect the Earth between the years 2020 and 2053. According to her, researchers have observed clear signs of this since at least 2015.

DESTRUCTIVE HAILSTORMS will become more frequent and violent with increasingly larger hail, predicted solar researcher Valentina Zharkova back in 2019 when she stated that it's one of many signs of an impending Grand Solar Minimum. This is exactly what we have witnessed this year in both Europe and the world. Here is the German town of Benediktbeuern in Bavaria after a hailstorm on August 26th. Almost all rooftops and cars were damaged. The centuries-old church and monastery were damaged for the first time ever. Interestingly, the monastery was rebuilt in 1699 during the Maunder Minimum. Combined with heavy rainfall, extreme weather will devastate a significant portion of our food production. For instance, heavy rainfall destroyed a quarter of all crops in Greece in just two days in September. However, mainstream media remains silent. Photo: X @safe0007/Sandor Feher

NOAA Predicts Zero Sunspots for Almost the Whole 2030s

CLIMATEThe United States' government scientific organization, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), predicts zero sunspots from 2031 to 2040. This is an extreme situation that has not occurred in as long as humanity has been counting sunspots, and it leads us into uncharted territory in terms of our solar system. However, this prediction aligns with the warnings of the world-renowned solar researcher Valentina Zharkova for many years, who indicated in 2019 various signs of this catastrophic phenomenon, including the extreme hailstorms we have seen in Europe and the world this summer. The forecast and various observations this year give cause for very significant concern. In this unique analysis, Free West Media explains why.

NATIONALIST COLLABORATION TAKES SHAPE. Six parties met in Budapest on August 26th to sign a joint declaration confirming the friendship and political unity among the parties. The goal is to either form a new group in the European Parliament after the EU elections in June next year or to reconstitute the existing Identity and Democracy (ID) group with the new parties. Pictured from left to right: Mikael Jansson (Alternative for Sweden), Thierry Baudet (Forum for Democracy, Netherlands), László Toroczkai (Mi Hazánk, Hungary), Kostadin Kostadinov (Vazrazhdane, Bulgaria), and Josef Nerušil (Svoboda a přímá demokracie, Czech Republic). Also included is Mass-Voll from the non-EU country Switzerland (inset image). Photo: Free West Media

European Nationalist Parties Forge Cooperation Ahead of EU Elections

EUROPEAN ELECTIONSOn Saturday, August 26, representatives of six European nationalist parties gathered in Budapest. The meeting was initiated by the Hungarian party Mi Hazánk and took place in the national parliament. Representatives of the parties signed a joint declaration that not only reaffirms the parties' friendship but also their unity on a range of complex political issues. A surprisingly clear and radical manifesto was established. The hope is that this cooperation will lead to success in the EU elections and eventually result in the formation of a group in the European Parliament. For Swedish nationalism, this meeting marks a success as Sweden, for the first time, has a party represented in a leading nationalist cooperation in Europe. Free West Media was present at this historic event.

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