Fares Shehabi is Chairman of the Syrian Federation of the Chambers of Industry and MP in the Syrian parliament. He is from Aleppo.

Syrian MP on SyriaGate: NATO weaponry and personnel in East Aleppo

Huge stockpiles of weaponry and ammunition, many with NATO markings, were discovered in East Aleppo when the Al-Nusra militants, a local branch of Al Qaida, were pushed out of the city by Syrian forces. The previous reports that NATO personnel were captured are now retracted, as they were allowed to leave with the militants on the buses provided according to the agreement, to spare NATO the embarrassment. FWM interviews the Syrian MP Fares Shehabi, an Aleppo resident himself. He calls the discoveries “SyriaGate”.

Published: December 28, 2016, 9:47 pm

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    Mr. Shehabi, European mainstream media and leading politicians are upset about the liberation of Aleppo by the Syrian Arab Army. They write reports about massacres committed by the army and horrified civilians in Aleppo…

    – It is the total opposite. The news in Europe is a real problem because they report exactly the opposite of the real facts in Syria. We were able to liberate around 100.000 civilians who were held hostage by terrorists in Aleppo. A lot of them were taken hostage for more than four years. These liberated civilians are happy now. The 1.5 million civilians who left Aleppo since 2012 are now able to come home again. This is a very positive and happy moment for Aleppo and Syria in general. We were able to celebrate Christmas in Aleppo for the first time since 4.5 years – we celebrate Christmas every day now in our city!

    So the terrorists left the city completely?

     – Yes, but before they left they executed more than hundred Syrian soldiers and hundreds of civilians. We found their bodies. This is all documented. Any international independent investigation can see and check the evidence of these terrorist crimes. But we are happy that our city is now liberated. Some rural areas around Aleppo are still under terrorist occupation. The next step will be to liberate the countryside so the city is well maintained and well protected.


    American made weapons found when Al Nusra left. Photo: Syrian Arab Army

    American made weapons found when Al Nusra left. Photo: Syrian Arab Army


    Damascus reported about a huge amount of Western military material such as arms and ammunition in Aleppo…

    – What we found there whole weaponry warehouses which were put in former school buildings by the terrorist forces. Our schools were turned into Al Qaida military bases. We found at those Al-Nusra bases – Al-Nusra is a branch of Al Qaida – full with NATO weaponry. We found tons of these weapons. I call that “SyriaGate” – the US and NATO arm and support terrorist gangs which are even on the official UN terror list in order to topple the legitimate government of a sovereign country. This is totally ridiculous of the West…

    Why ridiculous?

    – Because nobody can guarantee that these weapons will not be used one day against the West itself by these terrorists. American and European tax payer’s money is abused to arm terrorist gangs which are ready to direct their guns any time against America and European civilians. This is a huge scandal.


    Fares Shehabi, Syrian MP. Photo: Supplied


    What do you know about the presence of Western military and intel experts and advisors in the terrorist controlled areas of Aleppo? Earlier reports spoke about captured NATO personnel.

    – To my knowlegde, we didn’t capture any European or American military advisor in Aleppo. However we have reliable information that many of them were there and left the city with the buses we provided for the evacuation of the terrorist forces after their capitulation. Also some of these so-called activists as Bilal Abdul Kareem who is an Afro-American from New York and a loud supporter of the Al Qaida gangs in Syria. Kareem’s presence in Aleppo was supported by the Obama administration and he was often in Western news introduced as “independent journalist”. And there were many other Western agents and terrorist supporters as well in Aleppo who left the city with the buses. This is by the way the reason why the West pushed so hard for this evacuation. Otherwise all these agents, advisors and supporters would have been captured by us and would have been exposed. That would have been a big embarrassment for the West.


    Shehabi calls the discovery "SyriaGate" because it proves the US armed a group that is on its own terror list. Photo: Syrian Arab Army

    Shehabi calls the discovery “SyriaGate” because it proves the US armed a group that is on its own terror list. Photo: Syrian Arab Army


    The fate of Aleppo didn’t play such a big role in Western media for the last 4.5 years. Since the start of the liberation operations of the Syrian Arab Army the situation changed completely: All of the sudden Western media, politicians and NGOs were campaigning – against the Syrian Army. They accused the Syrian Army of committing “genocide” in Aleppo, of bombarding hospitals, of massacring children and babies…

    – We Syrians paid in blood and destruction. Our own blood is the currency for these Western lies and this “misunderstanding”. Someone in the West can always say “Oh sorry, I got it somehow wrong!”, but we paid with our blood and our lives for this horrible ignorance. Aleppo was conquered by Al Qaida gangs in summer 2012. There were no Aleppo residence involved, our city was very peaceful, no one took the arms against the government. We were conquered by the terrorists with heavy weapons and they took 70 percent of our city. In 2012 around two million civilians lived in East Aleppo, 1.5 million left the occupied territory to safe zones. Nobody in the West spoke about the displacement of these 1.5 million people who were fleeing into government controlled areas. America and Europe were silent. Nobody in the West was interested in the 11.000 civilians killed by the terrorist gangs in four years of random shellings and bombardments. 30 per cent of these killed civilians are children. 4.5 years we were losing innocent civilians by terrorist grenades, explosives and snipers.


    In total several tons of NATO weapons were found in East Aleppo. Photo: Syrian Arab Army


    European politicians, media and NGOs seem to care more about the fate of the terrorists than about the civilians of Aleppo?

    – There is no other explanation for that behaviour. Again: 4.5 years the terrorists brought the hell to the civilians of Aleppo, but the West didn’t care. When we liberate the terrorist controlled areas the West reacts with a huge campaign against us. At the same time the whole Western media campaigns for liberating the Iraqi city of Mosul from the terrorist gangs of the so-called “Islamic State”. Why is it allowed to liberate Mosul, but forbidden to liberate Aleppo? This is a big hypocrisy. I recommend to the Western audience to put themselves in our shoes. Imagine that tens of thousands Al Qaida terrorists occupy half of Berlin, Paris or London? What would the people do? They would hope for liberation by their army. We Aleppo people waited 4.5 years for our liberation! But we had to bring that sacrifice in order to minimize the civilian causalities. We had to wait for a superpower – the Russian Federation – to help us. If our Army would have immediately started the counter attack in 2012 we might have had thousands of civilian losses and much more destruction. But we waited and we liberated our city. Thank god.



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    1. Why did Mr. Shehabi go down to that shoddy level of misinformation of some MSM media. Does HE TOO take the reader for dumb? NATO is no country but a defence pact. NATO has advisers and no arms or ammunition of its own to send. NATO advisers were not in Aleppo. Unless caught. Member states of NATO may have send personnel and military hardware. There possibly were contractors that hired former soldiers from NATO countries and send them to Aleppo – who paid & can he prove it? Military hardware was send after “Friends of Syria” from the Gulf bought it and shipped it via Turkey. But the later was known all the time.

      Comment by Stern Daler on December 29, 2016 at 2:30 pm

    2. The brainwashing is strong on this one. Do you even know the purpose of NATO? Why it was created? It’s useless to put it simply! If it’s as you call it a “defence pact” then why it wages war on Syria? Syria is not attacking any country of NATO so NATO is protecting what?Learn to think! NATO has all kinds of military weapons! One of many found on Aleppo! MORON!


      Comment by The Fing News on December 30, 2016 at 3:27 pm

    3. NATO does not wage war in Syria. NATO members: US, GB, France and Turkey support their Gulf allies in their regime change plot/new type war.
      You are mixing the facts and the actions of some member states with the pact. NATO as pact does not have a thing. NATO as pact is not involved. Turkey tried to involve NATO defence mechanism after they were dumb enough to down a Russian plane. But that was declined. Currently NATO helps to get intelligence on IS. The NATO member states have soldiers and hardware. NOT NATO. Hardware stamped with NATO does not mean NATO is or was owner. Your sort of comment comes from feeding on propaganda that is as low or below MSM level. Sorry to say. & Congratulations Mr. Shehabi You achieved You aim. The guy that commented and two that voted him up brain washed!

      Comment by Stern Daler on December 30, 2016 at 7:02 pm

    4. You clearly have issues with abstract or conceptual thinking.
      When discussing situations in Syria and mentioning NATO, then we mean the memberstates in NATO that are involved there under the NATO’s direct or transferred power. NATO is currently a “attac pact” of 27 EU states + USatan with bastard states (Israel, Saudi,…). They have NO legitimate ally i Syria.
      Your problems can be spelled ARBD or ARND and I strongly recommend you go searching for a treatment.

      Comment by Eric Bligan on January 4, 2017 at 4:53 pm

    5. Maybe learn some English, politeness, get some training in history or political sciences and train Your memory. No defence case invoked – no NATO! But some NATO countries as You yourself admit. Turkey tried to construct a defence case over the shot down plane but was rebuked. Remember?
      NATO ammunition found. NATO has set standards for ammunition. And that and its country of origin is stamped on the cases. & Congratulations Mr. Shehabi You achieved You aim. The guy that commented and some that voted him up brain washed!

      Comment by Stern Daler on January 4, 2017 at 8:16 pm

    6. undelete


      Från: Disqus [mailto:notifications@disqus.net]
      Skickat: den 30 december 2016 15:28
      Till: vavra.suk@alternamedia.se
      Ämne: Re: Comment on Syrian MP on SyriaGate: NATO weaponry and personnel in East Aleppo

      “The brainwashing is strong on this one. Do you even know the purpose of NATO? Why it was created? It’s useless to put it simply! If it’s as you call it a “defence pact” then why it wages war on Syria? Syria is not attacking any country of NATO so NATO is protecting what?Learn to think! NATO has all kinds of military weapons! One of many found on Aleppo! MORON! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/42a525c6f0843d5ac2201e3da154408e7c7ebc8 9fef9ee2ac281db5e35bd97db.png”

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      The Fing News

      The brainwashing is strong on this one. Do you even know the purpose of NATO? Why it was created? It’s useless to put it simply! If it’s as you call it a “defence pact” then why it wages war on Syria? Syria is not attacking any country of NATO so NATO is protecting what?Learn to think! NATO has all kinds of military weapons! One of many found on Aleppo! MORON!

      https://uploads.disquscd n.com/…

      9:27 a.m., Friday Dec. 30 | Other comments by The Fing News

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      The Fing News’s comment is in reply to Stern Daler:

      Why did Mr. Shehabi go down to that shoddy level of misinformation of some MSM media. Does HE TOO take the reader for dumb? NATO …

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      Comment by Vávra Suk on December 31, 2016 at 2:12 pm

    7. Russian missile killed various ‘agents’ in one swoop. UK Turkey Israeli American +2 later confirmed Nato intelligence.

      Comment by Linda Wren on January 9, 2017 at 4:23 pm

    8. Good article. Fits well into the reslistic info I have read from the war thorn Syria. Keep up the good work. 👍

      Comment by Haral Ængen on December 31, 2016 at 9:46 am

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