Held at gunpoint. Photo credit: Maxim Hopman

German police: Expect left-wing extremist murders soon

Officially, "right-wing extremists" represent the greatest threat.

Published: September 20, 2024, 11:03 am

    At least this is what German authorities continue to claim. But the authorities themselves apparently know that this is not true. The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) has now warned in an internal and confidential letter that left-wing extremists could also deliberately commit homicides in the future.

    In its letter, which is classified as “classified – for official use only”, the BKA put it plainly: it is only a matter of time before left-wing extremist acts of violence lead to fatalities, it warned. The authority based its assessment on information distributed via the website knack.news from the left-wing extremist scene in Leipzig-Connewitz. This portal propagates the legitimization of all means against supposed “fascists” and contains detailed instructions on how to carry out attacks.

    For example, knack.news described in detail how physical attacks should be planned. Individual chapters provided practical tips on preparing for violent acts. The recommended preparations included physical training, handling impact tools and avoiding self-harm.

    The BKA believes this guide should give rise to concern. Because even if no specific crimes have been reported in connection with the instructions so far, they could serve as a basis for future violent acts. In general, the authority stated that the willingness to use violence against political opponents has increased significantly in the left-wing extremist scene. It warned that instructions such as those on knack.news could lead to further escalation.

    The BKA’s letter is addressed to a large number of security and law enforcement authorities, including all state criminal investigation offices, the Federal Police Headquarters and the Federal Intelligence Service (BND).

    Hungary’s not sitting on its hands

    Unlike German authorities, the Hungarian police are taking consistent action against left-wing extremist criminals – even abroad. Due to thorough investigations by the Hungarian police, raids took place last year in the Antifa stronghold of Leipzig-Connewitz as well as in Jena.

    They targeted four women aged between 20 and 22 and three men aged between 21 and 29. The operations were carried out by the Saxony State Criminal Police Office (LKA) under the direction of the Dresden Public Prosecutor’s Office.

    The wanted men were accused of being connected to the attacks in Budapest in February 2023. Around ten to 15 left-wing extremists from Germany attacked participants at the “Day of Honor” event and even assaulted suspected sympathizers. At least eight people were injured, some seriously.

    Four other Antifa thugs, including an important contact for the so-called Hammer Gang, are already in custody in Hungary.

    The Hungarian judiciary also decided that the arrested persons would not be extradited to Germany. Transfer to another EU country could only take place – at the discretion of the Hungarian authorities – if an arrest warrant was also issued there. This is not the case in Germany as things stand. However, since the Hungarian courts are in charge of the proceedings anyway, Hungary can refuse extradition by referring to the criminal proceedings initiated in Budapest.

    The Italian left-wing terrorist Ilaria Salis, who was in custody in Budapest, was another example. She had been in custody to answer for the charge of grievous bodily harm.

    In February 2023, she and German Antifa thugs hunted down alleged right-wingers. Several people were injured, some of them critically. If convicted, Salis would have faced up to 24 years in prison.

    But in April, the Alliance of Italian Greens and Left (AVS) nominated Salis as its top candidate in the North-West Italy constituency for the European elections. She was elected and as a MEP, she gained legal immunity and was released, finally returning to Italy. Thus, she only narrowly escaped justice.

    Carl Friedrich


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