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Father of Five Receives Asylum – As a Homosexual

In Austria, a married father of five children with Russian and Tajik citizenship has now been recognized as an asylum seeker because he is allegedly homosexual.

Published: October 6, 2024, 11:16 am

    The case goes back to 2023, when the man first applied for asylum in Austria. At his first hearing in January 2024 at the Austrian Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum, the man claimed that he could not stay in Russia because he would be drafted there. Only later did he mention that he had had an affair with a neighbor in Tajikistan. He was then beaten and had to promise never to do anything like that again.

    The Austrian authorities were not convinced – the man received a negative decision and was told to leave Austria within 14 days. He lodged an appeal and at the Federal Administrative Court he found EU-minded judges who were sympathetic to him.

    They came to the conclusion that the man, “even though he is married to a woman and has five children, is homosexual and regularly seeks sexual contact with men and has lived out his homosexuality in the past in secret in Tajikistan, the Russian Federation and Turkey, and now more openly in Austria, and has had and continues to have sexual contact with men”.

    The appeal was upheld and the father of five received the asylum status he had hoped for.

    Maximilian Krauss, leader of the Freedom Party in the Vienna state parliament, described the verdict as a “judicial scandal of the highest order” and demanded: “This rip-off of our state must finally stop.”

    This sort of legerdemain has been the hallmark of the European Commission even if is often portrayed in public as the guardian of upstanding European values ​​and transparency.

    Woke ideology, personal interests, close ties to large corporations and external influence, especially from the US, shape this powerful institution.

    A particularly explosive case is that of the Greek multimillionaire and large landowner Apostolos Tzitzikostas, who will head the tourism sector in the new commission. What at first glance looks like an unspectacular decision turns out to be highly problematic on closer inspection.

    Tzitzikostas owns extensive real estate in Greece that could directly benefit from the decisions he will now make as commissioner. Conflicts of interest? They are largely left unmentioned in his statements.

    The case of France’s Stéphane Séjourné, the new Commissioner for Prosperity and Competitiveness, is no less questionable. Séjourné, who likes to portray himself publicly as a strict opponent of corruption, is loudly demanding a thorough examination of his colleagues’ asset declarations. But his own declaration lacks any information about his assets.

    How is it possible that someone who preaches transparency and integrity keeps his own financial situation in the dark? Séjourné, who worked as a lobbyist in the past, is apparently himself involved in some kind of network.

    Another interesting case is Romanian Roxana Mînzatu, the new Executive Vice-President for Human Resources. In 2021, Mînzatu founded a consulting firm to help her clients access EU funds. At the same time, in her role in the Commission at the time, she was responsible for allocating these funds. This shows a clear conflict of interest. How can someone be an advisor and administrator of the same funds at the same time without it becoming a problem?

    But it is not just such examples that cast the new EU Commission in a questionable light. The American influence is particularly striking. Teresa Ribera, who serves as Vice President for the Green Transition, and Andrius Kubilius, the new Commissioner for Defense and Space, both have close ties to US-funded NGOs and think tanks.

    Kubilius was also a member of the advisory board of the International Republican Institute (IRI) from 2016 to 2019, an organization funded by the US budget that aims primarily to promote American geopolitical interests around the world. Washington’s influence on key areas of EU policy is obvious in this case.

    Ultimately, it remains to be seen how long Europe will continue to play along with this farce. The citizens of Europe have a right to know who is really behind the decisions that affect them. And one thing is certain: the new EU Commission has failed to live up to these expectations.

    Carl Friedrich

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