Irish Army peacekeepers UNIFIL on 19 September 2013. Photo credit: Wikipedia CC BY 2.0

Israel Takes Aim at the UN in Brazen Attack in Lebanon

On October 10, an Israeli Merkava tank attacked the UNIFIL headquarters in southern Lebanon.

Published: October 15, 2024, 10:43 am

    It injured two Indonesian peacekeepers who are recovering in hospital, although Israel is also bombing hospitals and killing paramedics in Lebanon.

    Indonesia, a steadfast supporter of Palestine, and critic of Israel, has about 1 232 personnel currently deployed with UNIFIL in Lebanon.

    The International community was united in strong condemnation of the Israeli breach of international law. Israel was aware of the location of the UNIFIL watchtower in Naqoura, and that the UN personnel are to remain safe from attacks. The Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, explained that there was no mistake, and they preferred that the UN get out of the way.

    UNIFIL stated any attack on peacekeepers is a “grave violation of international humanitarian law”.The peacekeeping organization, established in 1978, consists of about 10,000 peacekeepers from 50 countries. The group said Israeli forces had deliberately fired at its positions along the border previously since the outset of current Israeli military escalation in Lebanon beginning September 23.

    Those voicing condemnation of the attack on UNIFIL are the following:Jean-Pierre Lacroix, the UN undersecretary general for peace operations, said the “safety and security” of UN peacekeepers in Lebanon is “increasingly in jeopardy”.

    Indonesia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi, said “Attacking UN personnel and property is a major violation of International Humanitarian Law.”The US stated, “While they undertake these operations, it is critical that they not threaten UN peacekeepers’ safety and security.”The European Union’s Foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, said the attack is an “inadmissible act, for which there is no justification”.

    Italy’s Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto said, “It could constitute a war crime and represented a very serious violation of international military law.”

    France’s Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs condemned any attack on the security of UNIFIL. Spain’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the attack a “grave violation of international law”.

    Ireland’s leader, Simon Harris, condemned the attack and said that “any firing in the vicinity of UNIFIL troops or facilities is reckless and must stop”.

    Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “Israel’s attack on UN forces, following its massacres against civilians in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon is a manifestation of its perception that its crimes go unpunished.”

    The Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister) Simon Harris was in Washington, DC. when the Israeli strike on UNIFIL took place. Standing in the country which shields Israel, and enables Israel to carry out war crimes, genocide, apartheid and crimes against international law, he commented on Israel’s request that the UNIFIL peacekeepers withdraw from Southern Lebanon, but Harris rejected that, and said “We cannot have a situation where aggression can force a peacekeeping mission to leave.”

    Ireland is one of several European countries that has recognized the state of Palestine, but the US is against that recognition.

    Israel has always been above the law, and has refused to comply with any UN resolution, while brazenly invading Lebanon in order to enforce a UN resolution upon Beirut. In an ultimate display of hypocrisy, Israel wants to force the UN 1701 resolution.

    UN Security Council resolution 1701 gives UNIFIL a mandate to assist the Lebanese army as they seek to keep the southern border free of weapons or armed fighters other than those of the Lebanese state.But, when did Israel ever comply with any UN resolution, or International Court of Justice order? Israel has never complied with any UN resolution and has never been held to account for their crimes.The US, UK and France have shielded Israel from all criticism.

    In fact, if any group protests the breach of international law, or human rights carried out by Israel, the US and its allies defend genocide and war crimes by calling the criticism ‘anti-Semitism’, thus enabling Israel to get away with murder.

    America and its western European allies are enablers. They can be compared to the protective parents who buys drugs for their addicted child, for fear the child might be arrested or come to harm by drug dealers.

    Instead of confronting the addiction, and seeking treatment for the addiction, the enabler will allow the addict to continue, but in an allusion of safety.

    Israel’s inhumanity to Palestinians, and its breaking of thousands of international laws is only possible because Israel is never held accountable for its crimes.

    While protests raged across the US and the globe, Washington, London and France were silent on any sanctions against Israel, such as the halt of military supplies to be used in a genocide against a civilian population, evidenced by the fact that the majority of the 42,000 dead in Gaza are mainly women and children.

    When the Merkava tank operator took aim and fired at a known UNIFIL watchtower, Israel was not making a mistake. This was a message from Tel Aviv to get out of the way, or face death.

    The Merkava tank operator was demonstrating the Israeli disdain at everything called the United Nations. Israel has a UN Ambassador, but does not demonstrate that they are part of an international body having the mission of keeping the peace through the use of diplomacy, so as to not resort to armed conflicts.

    Since the formation of Israeli in 1948, Israel has failed to abide by any UN resolution on Palestine and the occupied territories, regardless of those passed by the General Assembly, or the Security Council.

    The resolutions passed by the Security Council are legally binding, with penalties ranging from sanctions to armed interventions.

    The dozens of resolutions calling for the Palestinian right to self-determination and restoration of human rights have gone completely ignored, and with no penalties on Israel.

    The UN has failed deliver the implementation of numerous resolutions against Israel because of being shackled by the veto power held by the US, UK and France. Those western centers of freedom and democracy stand with Israel and provide it the impunity to violate international laws without any possibility of penalties or accountability.

    The core American value of freedom and independence was fought for by Americans in 1776. Patrick Henry said, “Give me liberty, or give me death” as the Patriots fought the British colonizers for freedom. Why do Americans enjoy freedom, and pay their tax-dollars to prevent the freedom of the Palestinian people?

    The French have a motto, “Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood.” Why are those words cherished in Paris, and denied in Gaza and Bethlehem?

    A great awakening is underway as countries are aware of the crimes committed by Israel, and are demanding accountability and justice.

    Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist

    This article was originally published at Profile News

    Steven Sahiounie

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