NATIONALIST COLLABORATION TAKES SHAPE. Six parties met in Budapest on August 26th to sign a joint declaration confirming the friendship and political unity among the parties. The goal is to either form a new group in the European Parliament after the EU elections in June next year or to reconstitute the existing Identity and Democracy (ID) group with the new parties. Pictured from left to right: Mikael Jansson (Alternative for Sweden), Thierry Baudet (Forum for Democracy, Netherlands), László Toroczkai (Mi Hazánk, Hungary), Kostadin Kostadinov (Vazrazhdane, Bulgaria), and Josef Nerušil (Svoboda a přímá demokracie, Czech Republic). Also included is Mass-Voll from the non-EU country Switzerland (inset image). Photo: Free West Media NATIONALIST COLLABORATION TAKES SHAPE. Six parties met in Budapest on August 26th to sign a joint declaration confirming the friendship and political unity among the parties. The goal is to either form a new group in the European Parliament after the EU elections in June next year or to reconstitute the existing Identity and Democracy (ID) group with the new parties. Pictured from left to right: Mikael Jansson (Alternative for Sweden), Thierry Baudet (Forum for Democracy, Netherlands), László Toroczkai (Mi Hazánk, Hungary), Kostadin Kostadinov (Vazrazhdane, Bulgaria), and Josef Nerušil (Svoboda a přímá demokracie, Czech Republic). Also included is Mass-Voll from the non-EU country Switzerland (inset image). Photo: Free West Media

European Nationalist Parties Forge Cooperation Ahead of EU Elections

On Saturday, August 26, representatives of six European nationalist parties gathered in Budapest. The meeting was initiated by the Hungarian party Mi Hazánk and took place in the national parliament. Representatives of the parties signed a joint declaration that not only reaffirms the parties' friendship but also their unity on a range of complex political issues. A surprisingly clear and radical manifesto was established. The hope is that this cooperation will lead to success in the EU elections and eventually result in the formation of a group in the European Parliament. For Swedish nationalism, this meeting marks a success as Sweden, for the first time, has a party represented in a leading nationalist cooperation in Europe. Free West Media was present at this historic event.

Published: September 17, 2023, 11:47 am

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    The European Parliament election is less than a year away, in June 2024, and the parties that met in Budapest expressed an ambition for the meeting to serve as the starting point for cooperation that could lead to the formation of a new group in the European Parliament.

    The parties present at the meeting were Our Homeland from Hungary, Alternative for Sweden, Revival from Bulgaria, Freedom and Direct Democracy from the Czech Republic, Forum for Democracy from the Netherlands, and a party whose presence shows that the cooperation is ultimately about Europe and not just the EU elections. This party is Mass-Voll (The Cup is Full) from non-EU country Switzerland, founded in 2021 in protest against the country’s COVID policies.

    These parties not only share nationalism and anti-globalism but are also relatively newly formed, originating from larger parties that they believe have been corrupted or have abandoned their nationalist profile. Mikael Jansson, deputy leader of Alternativ för Sverige, stated that many of them come from parties that have grown larger and perhaps become somewhat corrupt, similar to Sweden Democrats (SD) as an example.

    Kostadin Kostadinov leads the Bulgarian nationalist party Vazrazjdane (Rebirth), which is the largest party in the constellation, with over 13 percent of the votes in the national election. Photo: Free West Media

    Kostadin Kostadinov leads the Bulgarian nationalist party Vazrazjdane (Rebirth), which is the largest party in the constellation, with over 13 percent of the votes in the national election. Photo: Free West Media


    When Sweden Democrats first took their seats in the European Parliament in 2014, they unexpectedly chose to reject the nationalist group and instead joined the center-right EFDD group, which was later dissolved with Britain’s EU exit. Now they are members of the ECR with a similar political profile. The group includes, among others, the Finns Party, the Polish ruling party Law and Justice, and the Spanish party Vox.

    “Now comes a second wave with more ideologically pure parties. The first wave got stuck as they became established; they became mainstream parties with a certain nationalist orientation. Just like the left had many parties before, now it’s the right that is getting more parties,” said Jansson to Free West Media.

    Strong Political Unity

    Already on Friday, the event unofficially began when Thierry Baudet, leader of the Dutch Forum voor Democratie, launched his bestseller “The Covid Conspiracy,” which was translated into Hungarian. The foreword was written by Donald Trump’s former adviser Steve Bannon. The hall was packed, and there was great interest among the audience as Baudet talked about how government policies during COVID were based on something entirely different from public health.

    “They have caused small and medium-sized businesses to go under, divided families, let the elderly die alone, and scared millions of citizens – including children – into obedience. It is a globalist elite that sees COVID as an opportunity for The Great Reset – a digitally controlled society without democracy – where citizens are deprived of their freedoms,” said the charismatic 40-year-old, whose party has become a competitor to Geert Wilders’ PVV, which primarily focuses on the issue of Islam.

    This focus on issues related to freedom, democracy, and anti-globalism is a cornerstone of the cooperation, and even though the COVID issue has now lost some of its relevance, the parties argue that the problem is systemic and spans all societal issues. Instead, they demand a radical departure from current policies, not just in the immigration issue. This is evident in the declaration that the six parties jointly signed. Rather than expressing vague goals for a multifaceted Europe, as previous collaborations tend to do, these parties are not afraid to take a clear stance on controversial issues.

    Meeting in the Hungarian Parliament. Representatives of the various parties addressed several topics in their speeches where they were in agreement. According to László Toroczkai from Mi Hazánk, the goal is to form a nationalist opposition that is the most outspoken and courageous seen so far. He highlighted that the parties share a common history, having been formed as breakaway parties in protest against the corruption or betrayal of their political ideals by their former parties. Photo: Free West Media

    Meeting in the Hungarian Parliament. Representatives of the various parties addressed several topics in their speeches where they were in agreement. According to László Toroczkai from Mi Hazánk, the goal is to form a nationalist opposition that is the most outspoken and courageous seen so far. He highlighted that the parties share a common history, having been formed as breakaway parties in protest against the corruption or betrayal of their political ideals by their former parties. Photo: Free West Media


    The declaration expresses support for a Europe of free nations and each country’s right to pursue an independent foreign policy. Resistance to “industrially and criminally organized mass immigration” – both legal and illegal – is another point. The parties voice their support for the family and traditional values while rejecting “wokeism” and the “LGBTQI+ agenda.”

    Global organizations such as the EU, WHO, and the UN are accused of wanting to establish a world government, using the “global sustainability goals” as a cover. Defense of private property, opposition to high taxes, and the confiscation of agricultural land are also addressed. Organizations funded by global corporations are accused of using COVID as a pretext to limit people’s freedoms while multinational companies are enriched by governments with vast sums of money. The current economic system is called a “financially based virtual economy” and criticized for creating inflation, which the parties write is ”the rich robbing the poor.”

    “In our speeches and discussions, it felt like all parties are relatively ideologically aligned. It feels good that we have almost the same opinions on most things,” said Jansson to Free West Media.

    He believes that the other parties view Alternativ för Sverige as the natural Swedish partner for cooperation, even though the party is still small and is without representation in the national parliament.

    The conference was opened by Dóra Dúró, vice leader of Mi Hazánk, who received standing ovations when she argued that European countries must cease submission to the United States and instead pursue independent policies that serve their own interests. Dúró claimed that the war in Ukraine was the worst thing that could happen to Europe and that it could have been prevented with different policies. She emphasized the need to restore the relationship between Europe and Russia, as neither party benefits from isolation, and she received applause.

    “We can save Europe from destruction!”

    She then handed over to party leader László Toroczkai.

    “With this conference in Budapest, we wanted not only to repay the wonderful invitations to Sofia, Amsterdam and Stockholm, but also to declare that the parties present here today must lead the creation of a new European alliance,” he said.

    THIERRY BAUDET from the Dutch Forum for Democracy released his book The Covid Conspiracy last year, which has now been translated into Hungarian under the title A Covid Roulette. On the right is Dóra Dúró, the Vice Speaker of the Hungarian Parliament and Vice Leader of Mi Hazánk. Photo: Free West Media

    THIERRY BAUDET from the Dutch Forum for Democracy released his book “The Covid Conspiracy” last year, which has now been translated into Hungarian under the title “A Covid Roulette”. On the right is Dóra Dúró, the Vice Speaker of the Hungarian Parliament and Vice Leader of Mi Hazánk. Photo: Free West Media


    “The fact is that not only do our parties have similar programmes, but our parties have almost identical histories. We have all been confronted with politicians who, out of cowardice and opportunism, have not had the courage to speak the truth and have betrayed their people, and have in fact served our global oppressors. The saddest thing is that these politicians were in our own political communities.”

    “We are bound together by the fact that it is we who did not become traitors. We are the ones who refused to lie to our people. We are the ones who refused to be politically correct. And we are the ones who were mocked and made fun of because they believed they had defeated us. But we proved them wrong. Not only have we survived, we are also growing stronger. And this strength can be given a huge boost if we continue the fight not alone but together.”

    “Now is the time to be very vigilant. We want real and radical change. We do not want to make slight changes to the current system, but still keep serving it. So it is time for us to act. We must be very selective with our European allies, because in these historic times we have a huge historic responsibility.
    Here is an opportunity to finally stop the destruction of a Europe of nations, but if we choose the wrong allies, our nations could fall. We can only choose allies who grasp the essence, the roots of this global dark force. Allies who are brave and honest, who are true comrades, who are not afraid and who cannot be bribed either.
    We have now invited such parties and such politicians from different parts of Europe. The ones who are showing the way. We are capable of saving Europe from destruction. Posterity will be grateful to us if we create this historic alliance now! Let’s go and do it!”

    Toroczkai argued that the current unipolar world order will be replaced by a multipolar world order ”that is better than the current one.”

    “Now is the time to be vigilant. We want real and radical change. We don’t just want minor changes in the current system and continue to serve it. It’s time for us to act. We must be very selective with our European allies – because in these historic times, we have a great historical responsibility. There is an opportunity here to finally stop the destruction of Europe’s nations – but if we choose the wrong alliance, our nations can fall. We can only choose allies who understand the meaning of these dark forces, allies who are brave and honest, who are true comrades, who are not afraid and cannot be corrupted. We have now invited such parties and politicians from different parts of Europe. They are the ones showing the way. We can save Europe from destruction. Future generations will thank us if we form this alliance. So, let’s do it!” Toroczkai concluded to a standing ovation.

    Common Meetings in Respective Countries

    Mikael Jansson told Free West Media:

    “All parties were very friendly towards us. We are the smallest party there, and the others want to help us. ‘We must help you so that you can get into parliament,’ they expressed. It was just sympathetic, there was nothing condescending towards us. In practical terms, it may involve holding common meetings in our respective countries. Laszlo Toroczkai, leader of Mi Hazánk, emphasized several times that he wants to come to Sweden and campaign in the spring.”

    The meeting was held in the Hungarian Parliament. Photo: Free West Media

    The meeting was held in the Hungarian Parliament. Photo: Free West Media


    Toroczkai, who has led his Hungarian party to around 15 percent in the polls, visited the Swedes during last year’s election campaign. Although the electoral success did not materialize, the trip resulted in Toroczkai getting to know the party’s representatives and policies more deeply, leading to an intensification of cooperation, and Alternativ för Sverige was invited to Budapest to participate in the group formation.

    However, it is still not determined exactly under what designation the parties will cooperate in the European Parliament. The group has no common name yet.

    János Argyelan, the international coordinator for Mi Hazánk, told Free West Media that there are two realistic alternatives: either a completely new group is formed in the European Parliament with a new name, or the nationalist group Identity and Democracy (ID) is reconstituted. Much depends on what the nationalist giant in this context, Alternative for Germany, chooses to do. If they prefer to gather parties in Identity and Democracy, where they currently sit, that is likely to be the outcome.

    More parties are expected to join

    The Germans were not present in Budapest, nor were the other EU heavyweights: France and Italy. Free West Media’s sources suggest that it is most likely that Alternative for Germany will join the newly formed European cooperation ahead of the EU elections. This is because Maximilian Krah, who belongs to the party’s national wing, was elected as the top candidate for the European Parliament elections. In general, nationalists in the German party have strengthened their positions over several years and have strengthened their cooperation with several of the parties that met in Budapest during the same period.

    More parties are expected to join to forge a stronge force in the European elections next year. Photo: Free West Media

    More parties are expected to join to forge a stronge force in the European elections next year. Photo: Free West Media


    The Budapest Declaration for a free Europe of Nations

    We, the delegates of the Budapest summit for a Europe of nations, are fiercely committed to the fundamental European and human values of democracy, freedom, national and individual sovereignty.

    We declare:

    1. We are in favour of free cooperation between sovereign, independent nations in Europe, for the greater good, and opposed to supranational, bureaucratic and unaccountable global governance. We are in favour of independent national foreign policies and opposed to the policy of blocs.

    2. We are in favour of open economies based on fair exchange and deeply opposed to the industrially and criminally organised mass immigration which our societies cannot sustain and which are the inevitable result of the policy of a borderless Europe. Both legal and illegal immigration must be stopped.

    3. We are in favour of traditional family structures, and of the protection of children, and opposed to wokeism and LGBTQIA+ so-called values which are corrosive to national cohesion and common sense.

    4. We are in favour of rejecting the ideology formulated by the world organisations financed by global corporations and financiers, which would deprive people of their freedom and which, as some kind of dress rehearsal, has restricted the people’s freedoms by using Covid as a pretext, while enriching the global corporations and financiers with incredible amounts of money.

    5. We are in favour of national democracy and opposed to the burgeoning institutions of global governance like the EU, the WHO and the UN with its so-called “sustainable development goals” which are in reality nothing but a programme for world government.

    6. We are in favour of private property (the bedrock of all liberties, currently held in contempt by high tax and arbitrary expropriation, including from farmland) and opposed to today’s finance-based post-industrial virtual economy controlled by unaccountable central banks. We are in favour of sound money and opposed to inflation (which robs the poor to pay the rich) and all forms of central control, especially Central Bank Digital Currencies.

    7. We are in favour of free speech and against the ever-growing pressure of censorship and taboos which stifle debate, infantilise our intellects and prevent us from getting to the truth.

    We want to strengthen our transnational cooperation, in whatever form, to promote these values.

    These are the Participating Parties

    Hungary – Mi Hazánk (Our Homeland) Founded in 2018. Received 6 percent in the last parliamentary election. Has no seats in the European Parliament. Represented at the conference by party leader László Toroczkai, who initiated the collaboration.

    Sweden – Alternativ för Sverige (Alternative for Sweden) Founded in 2018. Has no seats nationally or in the European Parliament. Represented at the conference by deputy party leader Mikael Jansson.

    Czech Republic – Svoboda a přímá demokracie (Freedom and Direct Democracy) Founded in 2015. Received 9.5 percent in the last parliamentary election. Holds one seat in the European Parliament, belonging to the ID group. Represented at the conference by Josef Nerušil, the party’s group leader in Prague.

    Netherlands – Forum voor Democratie (Forum for Democracy) Founded in 2016. Received 5 percent in the last parliamentary election. Holds one seat in the European Parliament. Previously collaborated with the Sweden Democrats (SD) in the ECR parliamentary group but left the cooperation and is currently non-affiliated. Represented at the conference by party leader Thierry Baudet.

    Switzerland – Mass-Voll (The Cup Is Full) Founded in 2021 in opposition to Switzerland’s COVID policies. Running in a national election for the first time this autumn. Switzerland is not an EU member and therefore does not participate in European Parliament elections.

    Bulgaria – Vazrazjdane (Revival) Founded in 2014. Received 13.5 percent in the last parliamentary election. Has no seats in the European Parliament. Represented at the conference by party leader Kostadin Kostadinov.


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