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Former President: The Republic is run by IMF and the West

Published: July 7, 2016, 3:40 pm

The opposition leader Dragan Čavić, former President of Republika Srpska, tells Nya Tider about the work of the opposition and the recent demonstrations. He also explains his view on the Dayton Agreement, which he has been involved in negotiating, and which was a peace treaty between Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia and Croatia, and resulted in the forming of a NATO peace force and a new constitution for Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 1998 Čavić was deemed obstructing the Agreement and was therefore stripped of his parliamentary seat by the EU and forbidden to work politically for five years. Already in the elections of 2002 he however became Vice President and in 2006 he was elected President of the Republika Srpska.

Volunteers Against the Islamic State

Published: June 26, 2016, 11:00 pm

IRAQVolunteers from all over the world are joining the fight against the terrorist army who call themselves the Islamic State. Free West Media visited the frontlines at Daquq, northern Iraq, where Tony from Sweden is one of those assisting Kurdish troops in liberating the area from the Islamists' reign of terror.

As “good Europeans”, Sweden Democrats should embrace Wilders and Le Pen

Published: May 31, 2016, 11:28 am

OPINIONOn May 8th, London got a muslim mayor in the Pakistani Sadiq Khan. In Germany, Frauke Petri, the leader of Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), announced that her party would henceforth join both conservative groups in the European Parliament. The groups concerned are: Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD) led by Nigel Farage and David Borrelli, and Europe of Nations and Freedom (ENF), headed by Marine Le Pen and Marcel de Graaff. The South African writer Dr Dan Roodt writes that Frauke shows the way for European unity.

EU-supporters won in Serbia, but Russia-friendlies are gaining

Published: May 28, 2016, 7:56 pm

SERBIAThe Serbian parlamentary elections on April 24th were won as expected by the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). The elections were held early, which is wildly interpreted as an attempt by Serbian Prime Minister Alexandar Vucić to capitalize on the support he still enjoys with currently stable popularity ratings as insurance against a possible loss in regular elections set for 2018.

Soldiers block flower-laying in Odessa

Published: May 9, 2016, 9:36 pm

UKRAINEClose to 2,000 people gathered in the city of Odessa in southern Ukraine to lay down flowers in memory of the massacre in the Trade Unions House two years ago, when 48 opponents of the new regime in Kiev were burnt to death after riots in the city. Police and military blocked off the entire area and Euromaidan activists threatened with violence to “stop the separatists”.

Serbia’s Asymmetric Neutrality: Teetering Between NATO and Russia

Published: May 2, 2016, 11:37 am

SERBIAFrom the NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999 until today the West is holding Serbia under its thumb. However, Russia also has its say in the affair. Nya Tider has the story on the grey-area nature of this conflict, possibly a case of “imperialism in our time”.

Bloody trail of murder in South Africa

Published: March 31, 2016, 7:21 pm

Entire families are butchered by attackers who aren't out to rob, but to kill and terrorize. Despite this gruesome reality, the governing ANC party refuses to admit there is a problem with anti-White racism in South Africa. Most exposed of all are the White farmers, who run a greater risk of being murdered than any other profession in the world. Swedish weekly Nya Tider (New Times) visits the South Africa of today.

A brutal reality in South Africa

Published: March 23, 2016, 2:48 pm

SOUTH AFRICAReporters from the Swedish weekly newspaper Nya Tider (New Times) have traveled to South Africa to investigate whether the "Rainbow Nation" is the success story that Swedish establishment media sometimes say – as far as they are at all interested in the land that has been in the media focal point until 1994. We met with politicians, farmers and victims. Thousands of farmers have been murdered in the Rainbow Nation, and the fear is always present.

Free West Media Followed Yazidi Warriors in Iraq

Published: March 3, 2016, 10:40 pm

After heavy fighting and thousands of casualties, Yazidi warriors together with the Kurdish military Peshmerga managed to retake the mountain town of Sinjar from the Islamic State, close to the Syrian border in northern Iraq. Mass graves and ruins bear witness to the ravages of the Islamic State, and the war has forced more than 30,000 Yazidi families to live in refugee camps in the mountains. New Times got a unique opportunity to visit the camps that Europe has deprioritized and follow the soldiers defending their hometown against the Islamic State, which is only a hundred metres away. Together with the help organization Hatune Foundation we visited the camps.

Disclosure: The Four ”Swedes” in Custody For Gang Rape Are Somali Citizens

Published: February 9, 2015, 5:02 am

Ostentatious headlines in Aftonbladet, Expressen and other media declared that ”six Swedes”, later ”eight Swedes” had been arrested for a rough gang rape on a Finland ferry. Nya Tider is now the first newspaper to reveal that not even the white lie that the arrested Somalis are ”Swedish citizens” is right – all the detainees are Somali citizens, and of all the suspects only one has a Swedish citizenship.