Leftists carrying tactical rifles; The 'underequipped' state police in Charlottesville

Democratic governor invents conservative ‘weapons caches’ story

It seems the Democratic governor of the US state of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, invented a story about "caches of weapons" being stashed around Charlottesville by conservatives in advance of the recently held Unite the Right rally.

Published: August 21, 2017, 9:48 am

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    The Virginia State Police however contradicted McAuliffe who was evidently trying to add fuel to the racial fire. According to the police they found no such cache.

    McAuliffe was interviewed by Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson, on the Monday following the violence in Charlottesville which president Trump has attributed to both sides.

    On Mckesson’s Pod Save the People podcast, McAuliffe claimed that “white nationalists” who attended the legal rally in Charlottesville that weekend, had “hid weapons throughout the town”.

    “They had battering rams and we had picked up different weapons that they had stashed around the city,” McAuliffe told Mckesson.

    McAuliffe’s mendacious comments were soon picked up by other media outlets and spread through social media. But Corinne Geller, a spokesperson for the Virginia State Police, contradicted the governor and said that no such stashes were found.

    “The governor was referring to the briefing provided him in advance of Saturday’s rally and the extra security measures being taken by local and state police,” Geller told Reason. “As a safety precaution in advance of August 12, such searches were conducted in and around Emancipation and McIntire Parks. No weapons were located as a result of those searches.”

    McAuliffe had also claimed that Virginia State Police had been “underequipped” to deal with the “heavily armed” conservatives at Saturday’s rally.

    “The governor was referencing the weapons and tactical gear the members of various groups attending the rally had on their persons,” Geller says. “I can assure you that the Virginia State Police personnel were equipped with more-than-adequate specialised tactical and protective gear for the purpose of fulfilling their duties to serve and protect those in attendance of the August 12 event in Charlottesville.”

    The police had outnumbered the conservative rally by two to one.

    Injured conservative tweeted that he was mistaken for a ‘Nazi’

    Television coverage showed images of leftists, some clad in the antifascist uniform of black, wearing helmets and masks and attacking conservatives with fire sprays, clubs and sticks.

    Eyewitnesses saw at least 20 heavily armed leftist Redneck Revolt members assisting Antifa in Lee Park, most of them open-carrying tactical rifles

    McAuliffe did not end his disinformation campaign with fictional accounts of “weapons caches” and “underequipped” law enforcement, but also told The New York Times that the police found conservatives who “had better equipment than our State Police had”.

    In comments that were later edited out of the NYT interview, McAuliffe said that “up to 80 percent” of the conservative rally attendees were carrying semi-automatic weapons. “You saw the militia walking down the street, you would have thought they were an army,” he said.

    Virginia police failed to quell violence at the rally, which left one counterprotester dead and more than 30 injured, in what many suspect came as a result of stand-down orders by the governor himself.

    Antifa’s reaction to free speech

    The anti-white academic activist Cornel West told the newscast Democracy Now!: “You had police holding back and just allowing fellow citizens to go at each other.”

    Antifa also launced urine-filled projectiles at conservatives in Charlottesville. Journalists were among those hit with urine.

    “Two of my producers just got sprayed with urine,” Katie Couric from CBS News tweeted.

    Reporters with The Daily Caller News Foundation witnessed far-left demonstrators launching urine-filled balloons at conservatives.

    This weekend Antifa members demonstrating against a free speech rally in Boston on Saturday flung urine-filled bottles at police officers trying to maintain order in an already heated political climate.

    The Boston Police Department sent out a message on Twitter urging demonstrators not to assault officers with urine, but with little effect. Boston’s Police Commissioner told press conference that Antifa protesters successfully hit officers with urine-filled projectiles.

    “I’m sorry to report that we did have some bottles thrown at our officers that did have urine in it. A couple of our officers were hit with that,” William Evans said. “They were hit with a lot of stuff today.”


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