The Reichshund. Wikipedia

The transatlantic vassals should get themselves dogs

On the first anniversary of the Ukraine war, the chief ideologue of transatlantic vassals, FAZ editor Berthold Kohler, explained in a lengthy editorial why "Putin must fail".

Published: February 25, 2023, 6:43 am

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    Kohler would have liked to celebrate the promises he had given a year ago about Russia’s demise instead, but sadly, could not.

    Rather, the attempt by the Americans to “ruin” Putin and Russia economically and militarily and to isolate them politically has failed. In order not to have to admit this failure, NATO, with the support of the EU, is escalating the war in Ukraine to an ever more threatening extent, even risking a nuclear war.

    Propaganda fog has lifted

    At the beginning of the war on February 24, 2022, the phrase “Russian war of aggression” on a neighboring state could still dominate the news, but a year later some of the fog over what has been happening has lifted. The regime in Kiev only exists because of massive financial and military aid from the West.

    So Russia is no longer fighting against the US satellite Ukraine, but against the US and NATO. The European vassals have been the biggest losers of the war so far. The ringing of phrases about “values” and “fight for democracy” does not change that at all. Because the negative consequences of vassalage are felt financially by many millions of Europeans.

    Little has remained of the initial Ukraine euphoria that was fueled by propaganda. Over the past year it has become all too clear what global political power struggle is actually being fought in Ukraine. It is the bloody struggle over whether the United States remains unipolar as the most powerful power in the world or whether multipolar balances of power prevail that will mean the end of the American empire. Right-wing, patriotic and conservative forces in Germany, which do not understand this real character of the struggle between Russia (China) and the US, are only now coming to terms with their country’s vassal status.

    Reasonable EU policy must therefore advocate peace negotiations, not arms deliveries. This has nothing to do with naïve pacifism or even support for “Putler”, but with protecting EU interests.

    However, to expect such from Germany’s traffic light government and the pseudo-opposition CDU/CSU is a waste of time. They have been busy bunkering down and expanding their grip on office.

    Living large on tax money

    When Angela Merkel’s reign began, the budget of the Federal Chancellery was €2.65 billion, while €3.90 billion was approved for 2023. Not only the expansion of the office has been controversial, but also the other expenses, not least the armoured service limousines.

    The elites must be sensing that the end is approaching and they have succumbed to paranoia about their safety.

    In contrast, Chancellor von Bismarck had actually survived several attacks. His apparently religiously motivated assassin Kullmann aimed well, but the bullet still missed his victim’s head. Otto von Bismarck had just raised his hand in greeting to a crowd of curious people waiting in front of his lodgings in Kissingen on July 13, 1874. The Reich Chancellor wanted to be taken to the spa treatments in a carriage when he accidentally saved his own life with a friendly gesture.

    The assassin Eduard Kullmann – a Catholic who turned 21 the next day, was punished with the strong lash of Bismarck’s coachman. The opera singer José Lederer, who was standing nearby, saved the assassin who had almost been lynched by the surrounding spa guests, and handed him over to the police.

    Even then, the whole matter was fudged by Bavaria’s royal meddling. Suddenly Kullmann “was only 13 years old”. And, after all, he wasn’t immediately released because the poor lad had to so many community hours, they reasoned.

    As a result, the Chancellor did not allow himself an armored carriage, but was given the so-called Reichshund. Being murdered was part of the risk of being a popular politician. The bad ones were never elected, and therefore feared nothing. Evidently, everything was more efficient and cheaper back then.


    Carl Friedrich

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