Paul Craig Roberts. Photo supplied

The joys of diversity and multiculturalism have come home to roost

Hi Dumbshit American. Have you had enough of diversity and multiculturalism? If not, vote a Democrat president, and the second wave of peaceful protests will loot and burn down your homes and neighborhoods.

Published: June 15, 2020, 4:09 pm

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    Be sure you understand that diversity means no more white statues and white history, because they are racist. Multiculturalism means no more white civilization, which is racist. You may have to give up your language as well, because English is racist.

    I have been telling you for years that you are living The Camp of the Saints. Having failed to become aware, you have no idea what is happening. When it finally dawns on you, it will be too late.

    The anti-white, white presstitute national media have not told you what is going on. The official line is that a few peaceful protests have been marred by white supremacists sneaking in among the peaceful protesters and causing violence in order to discredit blacks. Some of the more deranged white liberals say that the burning and looting in cities and states run by Democrats is Trump’s plot to discredit Democrats as the party that will not protect property, thereby assuring Trump’s reelection. The terrorist threat scare doesn’t work any more, so the white liberals claim that Trump has replaced it with the black scare. The Democrat mayor of Minneapolis is really a Trump Agent and allowed 500 Minneapolis businesses to be destroyed in order to ensure Trump’s election. If you don’t believe it, just ask a white liberal.

    Perhaps you don’t think Americans are stupid, but Democrats certainly think they are. The Democrats think voters are going to blame Trump, not the Democrats who are encouraging more looting and burning, and that voters will elect the Democrats, who have stood down in the face of massive looting and property destruction, to run the country. If voters elect Democrats, it will prove the Democrats are correct that Americans are stupid.

    Consider the female Democrat that the smart, white, high-tech people in Seattle elected as their mayor. She enabled peaceful protests to burn down businesses. Some of the peaceful protesters have set up a foreign country within Seattle’s city limits called the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), which is already receiving foreign aid from the citizens of Seattle courtesy of the mayor. Can World Bank and IMF loans and a seat at the UN be far behind?

    So far Seattle’s foreign aid has not been enough. One of the rulers in the Autonomous Zone has told the white citizens of the new country that they have to give their non-white counterparts money or face retribution. “White people, I see you. I see every one of you, and I remember your faces. You find an African American person and you give them $10. Do It!” If white people find giving up their money difficult, the Leader said, how “are you going to give up power and land and capital?”

    Change is so rapid that not even the Leader can keep up and mistakenly calls an African CHAZ citizen an African American.

    The black female police chief in Seattle, Carmen Best, said that “rapes, robberies, and all sorts of violent acts have been occurring in CHAZ (the new country inside Seattle) that we’re not able to get to.”  The Seattle Democrat mayor, Jenny Durkan, says it is all just “a summer of love,” and nothing is going on but “free speech and self-expression.” Be sure you get that, White America. Looting, burning, rape, and extorting money are just free speech and self-expression, so don’t dare protest when free speech and self-expression come to your neighborhoods.

    Before the embers went cold Atlanta is alight again. On Saturday June 13 peaceful protesters burned down a Wendy’s. A black man who resisted arrest, disarmed a police officer of his or her Taser and aimed it at police was shot in front of Wendy’s. Obviously, it was Wendy’s fault, and Wendy’s paid by being burned down.

    Atlanta’s white female police chief was so devastated, not, of course by the fate of Wendy’s, but by the non-sympathetic response of police to a man aiming a weapon at them, that she was despondent and resigned, leaving the black protesters without a white uncle Tom to cover for them. Racist of her, don’t you think?

    In Chicago the black female Democrat mayor confronted by one of the city’s Democrat aldermen concerned that the looting was approaching neighborhoods told him he was full of shit.

    Efforts are underway to get peaceful protests going in Ashville, Portland, and Chattanooga. Having wrecked large cities like Minneapolis, New York, Chicago, and Atlanta, smaller cities are being targeted.

    The Tennessee governor, Bill Lee, made it clear that there will be no toleration of violent protests or autonomous zones in Tennessee. As the US is in an advanced stage of collapse, exactly like France in The Camp of the Saints, don’t be surprised if Pentagon Chief Mark Epsy and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley take a page from The Camp of the Saints and send the US Air Force to bomb the Tennessee State Police and National Guard who demonstrate white racism by protecting Tennessee’s cities.

    To comprehend the collapse of white confidence consider the number of top US military leaders who have declared President Trump, not looters and rioters, to be the real menace. Espy and Milley have already undercut President Trump’s effort to protect life and property by falsely alleging that it would be unconstitutional to use the US military to stop America’s cities from burning. These two enemies of white Americans and their property are joined by former Pentagon chief James Mattis, former Special Operations Commander William McRaven, former Joint Chiefs Chairman and Secretary of State Colin Powell, former commander of US forces in Afghanistan John Allen, former commander of the US Southern Command Barry McCaffrey, former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen. These top military commanders have called for Trump’s removal from office.

    McRaven said that President Trump was working to destroy America.

    Powell said that Trump lies all the time—an example of the pot calling the kettle black—and is a menace who has drifted away from the US Constitution.

    Allen says the Constitution is under threat from the President of the United States.

    McCaffrey denounced Trump as a threat to national security.

    Mattis said that Trump made a mockery of the Constitution.

    Let’s see now. It was George W Bush who made a mockery of the Constitution when he asserted the power to detain Americans indefinitely without due process of law. It was Obama who asserted—and exercised—the right to execute American citizens on suspicion alone without due process of law. It was Congress which repeatedly renews the unconstitutional PATRIOT Act which pisses all over the US Constitution and destroys the constitutional protection of privacy.

    The big shot generals all lived through these horrors without opening their mouths. But OhMyGod the racist Trump is going to frustrate blacks by protecting private property! He has to go.

    This is precisely how France collapses in Jean Raspail’s famous novel The Camp of the Saints. In the United States we are living the novel, as is most likely all of Europe.

    Good will between races and genders has been destroyed by Identity Politics, and without good will there is only violence. The age of violence is upon us. Our leaders have no awareness and encourage the violence. A thug with a long criminal record resisting arrest died either from illegal substances he was consuming or from Israeli training of the Minnesota police, but it has been declared by the White Establishment to be death from racism, with the consequence that American businesses are looted and famous cities are burned in what the white liberals say is “just retribution”.

    The 21st century is the century that White Civilization will vanish along with its monuments and history books. You can read your certain future by reading The Camp of the Saints.

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    1. Then that will usher in the end of civilisation.

      Comment by Nexusfast123 on June 16, 2020 at 7:03 am

    2. Not only that but the world population will collapse, whites make up almost all taxes paid in America and the rest of the world is supported with money from whites. America alone makes up about 25 percent of China’s economy, what do you think happens when America collapses? Think China and the countries who depend on them will do well? There will be no place on this planet that you will not smell corpse.

      Comment by Christopher Harrison on June 26, 2020 at 8:55 pm

    3. We already have a slow genocide or whites for the past 25 years in South Africa where the 7% of white population is made out as racist and blamed for everything that goes wrong in the black majority ruled country. South Africa use to be famous for Aparthide and white minority rule. Aparthide only had 17 race based laws, The new free democratic South Africa , where the black majority rule, has made more than 118 new race based laws that discriminate against Whites. White SOuth Africans are exposed to one of the highest murder rates in the world.
      This after White minority freely elected in a referendum in 1992 to hand over power to the Black majority with the promise of a just system and a better life for all…….

      Comment by chris on July 12, 2020 at 8:40 pm

    By submitting a comment you grant Free West Media a perpetual license to reproduce your words and name/web site in attribution. Inappropriate and irrelevant comments will be removed at an admin’s discretion. Your email is used for verification purposes only, it will never be shared.


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