Paul Craig Roberts

Articles by Paul Craig Roberts

Where is Trump when Working Americans Need Him?

Divisions are already appearing in MAGA ranks.

Justice Has Departed America. Will Justice Return?

In America Right and Wrong Are No Longer an Objective Issue.

Does Russia Have an Intelligence Service?

I think not.  There is a bureaucracy, an office, and someone with a title, but there is no intelligence. 

The Ever Widening War

The West is planning to prevent a Russian victory with boots on the ground.

How Lies Become Facts and the World Ends

Endless repetition by whore media and careless media turn lies into trut

Realistically, What Are Trump’s Chances to Make America Great Again?

No, MAGA Americans, I am not a party pooper. I am a realist.

A Good Morning in America

I awoke this morning to Donald Trump’s victory

Is Western Civilizational Decline Too Advanced to Be Reversed?

Trump says he intends to make America great again, and his supporters believe him.  

The Ever Widening War

Who is going to back down?  Russia or Washington?

Does Israel Wag America or Does America Wag Israel?

Americans who pay attention are critical of Israel for its control not only of US foreign policy but also US domestic policies.