South Africa's Julius Malema in Newcastle

Malema holds off on mass murder of Europeans – for now

South Africa's firebrand Afro-Marxist leader, Julius Malema, has again threatened to persecute the country's white population by confiscating their farms and other property. He has been charged with incitement under the country's Riotous Assemblies Act because he is exhorting his followers to occupy white-owned land.

Published: November 11, 2016, 3:00 pm

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    In South Africa Julius Malema’s Economic Freedom Fighters Party (EFF), has been called an “outsourced ANC”, because its political agenda often mirrors the governing party’s racial policies on steroids.

    In his speech outside a court in the north-eastern province of KwaZulu Natal on Monday, Malema launched yet another sustained attack on South Africa’s white minority, as well as their continued right to own land and property in the country. So-called land restitution remains an evergreen topic with black revolutionaries who dream of an imaginary agrarian lost innocence while they flock to cities instead, away from land they already occupy, in search of the elusive El Dorado.

    Addressing throngs of enthralled black supporters after a brief appearance in the Newcastle Magistrate’s Court on two charges of violating the Riotous Assemblies Act of 1956, Malema said whites were not entitled to own any land in South Africa and that, for now, magnanimously, he was not calling for the mass slaughter of Europeans.

    “We, the rightful owners, our peace was disturbed by white man’s arrival here…They killed our people during land dispossession…They found peaceful Africans here. They killed them! They slaughtered them, like animals! We are not calling for the slaughter of white people, at least for now”.

    Malema had earlier called on his supporters to illegally occupy vacant land. But in terms of the relevant section of the Act any person who “incites, instigates, commands, or procures any other person to commit, any offence, whether at common law or against a statute or statutory regulation, shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to the punishment to which a person convicted of actually committing that offence would be liable”.

    In February this year, the Independent Electoral Commission and the SA Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) were asked to investigate claims by the Freedom Front Plus, a tiny mostly white political party, that the Economic Freedom Fighters had made inflammatory comments and incited violence against whites.

    EFF spokesman Mbuyiseni Ndlozi then dismissed the FF Plus’s complaint as a reaction against a political rival. “They are unable to swallow the pill that we are a legitimate political party and we are here to stay. They also seem to be out of touch and irrelevant to people’s everyday thinking and want us to mind them, to be in conversation with them because they realise that is the only way they can stay relevant.”

    The FF Plus had sounded the alarm on banners displayed by the EFF stating inter alia: “A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate” and “Honeymoon is over for white people in South Africa”.

    The Freedom Front warned that inflammatory EFF banners and comments on the EFF’s Facebook page were being spread virally on social media and that these were creating a climate for racial violence.

    Simply retaking land is theft, an illegal proposition. It would also mean theft based on race, a hate crime, and be deemed unconstitutional. But such legal questions in South Africa are the grit of armchair pundits, not African politicians who rule by exploiting greed with thunderous decrees, as did Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe.

    South Africa already has a system in place to deal with the largely ideological question of land in a more practical way, namely the Land Restitution Act, in which persons of colour can appeal to regain land they lost because of legislation from 1910 onwards. In this way black citizens have been awarded formerly white-owned farms for which the owners are compensated with tax money, not necessarily at market-related prices.

    This system, unpopular with white farmers because of its many shortcomings, is nevertheless a better answer than the one which Malema proposes, i.e. killing off scores of Europeans in the near future. The Act, unfortunately, hasn’t achieved what it has set out to do in many instances, due to the current government’s corruption and ineptness. Whites are now being scapegoated for ANC failings, a theme Malema has often revisited.

    AfriForum, an Afrikaner civil liberties organisation, declared on Tuesday that it “had instructed its legal team to investigate the different options to react to the statements made by Julius Malema outside the Magistrate’s Court in Newcastle”.

    According to the organisation‚ “Malema said inter alia that he wanted to disturb white people’s peace‚ that all land in South Africa belonged to black people and that this land should be taken from white people without compensation.”

    TMG Digital reported on Monday night that the main opposition party, the Democratic Alliance, as well as the Freedom Front Plus were also considering fresh legal action over Malema’s comment that “we are not calling for the slaughter of white people‚ at least for now…”

    But not all DA party officials were pondering reprisals against the EFF. Lesiba Murphy, the DA’s Youth League Chairperson from 2013 suggested that a leaf from the Zimbabwe landgrab book be taken instead:

    “We South Africans are too weak. Look at Zimbabweans, they are recovering and eventually everything in their country will be owned by them. We have failed our fellow Africans even those who are being killed in the streets of USA and Europe.”

    Black politicians are often excused for straying from the party line, but the reference to Zimbabwe will do little to calm the fears of white landowners, as the Zimbabwe government took decisive steps towards eliminating their once-thriving white ­commercial farming sector, causing widespread famine and an influx of hungry migrants to South Africa.

    Land seizures north of the Limpopo border continue unabated despite an admission by Robert Mugabe’s ruling Zanu-PF party that it had failed to compensate more than 96% of white farmers already dispossessed since 2000, regardless of a constitutional obligation to do so.

    Zimbabwe’s Lands and Rural Resettlement Minister Douglas Mombeshora told the state media last year that “this is an ongoing programme which started in 2000 under the land reform programme. There’s nothing new here. In fact, [white] farms are being acquired every day and redistributed because all agricultural land belongs to the state.” In Zimbabwe, hunger is not a polling issue yet.

    “Don’t be too kind to white farmers,” Mugabe exclaimed at a recent Zanu-PF rally. “They must leave the land to blacks.” Fears of a systematic racial programme of dispossession were confirmed by government sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

    “Government will target white farmers, who are easy, vulnerable targets, but refrain from seizing foreign-owned properties, because doing so would scupper chances of receiving much-needed financial assistance from Western countries and multilateral institutions like the IMF [International Monetary Fund] and World Bank,” one source told the Mail & Guardian,  Johannesburg weekly.

    The shameless landgrab was ostensibly intended to benefit all black Zimbabweans “disadvantaged by 90 years of colonial rule”, but a perusal of official state documents shows that only ruling party heavyweights, including Mugabe, have profited from the Orwellian scheme.

    The Economic Freedom Fighters’ leader, an ally of the Zimbabwean despot, reminded whites in South Africa on Monday “that black people own the fish in the sea‚ as well as the mountains‚ the big five‚ trees‚ diamonds and platinum” too.

    According to media reports and transcripts Julius Malema told his supporters outside the Newcastle Magistrate’s Court on Monday 7 November that:

    “We will not chase white people into the sea. We will give them portion…That is where you stay. And you can’t own bigger than us. You are a visitor. Visitors must behave. They must know the land belongs to the people of South Africa, the indigenous people of South Africa… No white person is a rightful owner of the land here in South Africa and in the whole of the African continent. This is our continent; it belongs to us.

    “The people who belong to the court is (sic) FW de Klerk and all those whites who stole our land. But white minorities be warned, we will take our land. It doesn’t matter how…The land will be taken by whatever means necessary.”

    De Klerk, the former president and Nobel Peace laureate whom most whites regard as a globalist sell-out for handing the country over to a gang of murderous terrorists, was quick to repond to Malema’s challenge. He fretted that the EFF leader’s rants were not the “racist comments generated by private citizens in the social media. He is the leader of the third largest party in Parliament and his racist comments reflect the considered policy of his party. They hold the threat of racial conflict that would destroy our constitutional democracy and leave South Africa in ruins.”

    Malema’s assertion that whites stole the land of the black majority is an historical fallacy anyway. There were no black landowners when Europeans arrived as a result of the forced dispersal or forced migration, called the Mfecane, a period of widespread chaos and warfare among indigenous ethnic communities in southern Africa during the period around 1815 to 1840.

    The FW de Klerk Foundation voiced its “deep concern about the proliferation of slogans advocating race violence and the lack of action by the responsible authorities to condemn or counteract such hate speech. We are also extremely concerned about the incitement to unlawful occupation of land, which would violate not only a number of laws, but also section 25 of the Constitution.”

    Malema, funded by British Marxists, previously accused Afrikaner billionaire Johann Rupert of being part of the so-called Stellenbosch Afrikaner Mafia – a group that the EFF strongman has accused of controlling South Africa.

    Rupert recently joked about Malema’s claims and said that “two can play the game”. Rupert told his audience that he had contacted Malema. “I did send him [Malema] a text message through a friend that if he doesn’t stop lying about me, I’m going to tell the world that I actually do give him money,” said Rupert. “All I have to say is I met you; I like you and I’m actually backing you. So, stop lying about me and I won’t lie about our relationship,” Rupert added.

    In September 2015, the EFF leader, also known as “Juju” promised: “We are going to lead a mining revolution in this country. We are going to each mine. We will [make] these mines ungovernable until the Boers [Afrikaners] come to the table.” The EFF has not made the mines ungovernable yet, because soon after his threats he jetted to London to visit the grave of Karl Marx where he posed next to the communist leader’s tomb, publishing the photographs on his Twitter feed. Paradoxically, he was also courted by various British investors and received at Chatham House, described as “Britain’s top think tank”. According to journalist John Battersby on the site, Malema drew a huge crowd:

    “Yes, I’ve attended a number of events because it is a kind of ‘first visit’ in his capacity as a leader of a political party and a Member of Parliament. It’s been an interesting experience to see his interaction with the investors over here. He was at Chatham House, which as you know, is the kind of top British think-tank both in terms of foreign and domestic policy and he drew a huge crowd. I’ve never seen a larger crowd at Chatham House. I’ve been to many events. He drew the kind of crowd that Heads of State would draw…”

    Malema’s lawyer, Tumi Mokoena, has said that he will be challenging the constitutionality of the legislation that brought his client to court, as it stems from the apartheid era. At the hearing on Monday, Magistrate Ian Colditz agreed to postpone the matter pending proof of the application, after which the matter would be heard on May 5 2017.

    Meanwhile, media reports as of December 2011 indicate that approximately 3 000 white farmers have been murdered by Africans in farm attacks, making South African farming the most dangerous profession in the world.

    The political disbandment of the Commando System, a rural gendarmerie run by whites, has been linked to the escalating level of farm attacks.

    But Human Rights Watch has criticized the usage of the term “farm attacks” and stated that the killings are given a “disproportionately high media and political focus”.

    Dr Gregory Stanton from Genocide Watch, however, maintains that whites face the gravest danger in South Africa, despite the unfortunate terminology. As Cato Institute senior fellow Tom G. Palmer noted on the proposed EFF agricultural programmes: “It would plunge South Africa into a morass of poverty within 10 years.”

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