In Short

The Sun has been found to be the main driver behind Earth's cliamte - and it's getting colder. Photo: iStockPhoto

The Sun Drives Earth’s Climate, Not Carbon Dioxide

Top Researchers Push Back Against Climate Lies."The correlation is as clear as day," explained the Israeli astrophysicist Nir Shaviv, who was hailed by the establishment, before his interview with Forbes was hastily deleted. What he says contradicts the climate narrative, which points to humans as responsible for Earth's climate. Shaviv firmly asserts that it is the sun that controls the climate, something that can be scientifically proven in many ways. Contrary to the popular belief, the sun's influence on Earth has, in recent years, caused unusually cold and rainy weather, a trend that solar researchers warn will worsen significantly in the coming decades. The sun has exhibited an unusually low activity since 2016, during Solar Cycle 24, which was the weakest in a century.

Germany’s first ice cream parlor to sell insect ice cream

TübingenThe recent approval of insects as food in the EU primarily caused disgust among the citizens, But there are nevertheless entrepreneurs in Germany who are trying their luck with crickets and the like in their products.

UNESCO propagates ‘regulation of the Internet’

ParisCensorship of "disinformation" and "hate speech" would protect human rights, freedom of expression and democracy, says UNESCO director Audrey Azoulay.

Greta storms wind turbines in Norway

OsloGreta Thunberg is apparently no longer fighting for renewable energy. The planned wind farms in Norway is the latest quixotic battle in which the "Fridays for Future" initiator is engaged.

Sweden confirms terrorist activity against Turkey

StockholmSweden wants to join NATO, but Turkey opposes it. Ankara accuses the country of not taking decisive action against terrorist groups. The Swedish secret service Säpo, has now confirmed terrorist activities against Turkey.

Berlin peace demo draws 50 000 people

BerlinThe politician Sahra Wagenknecht and journalist Alice Schwarzer have received a lot of criticism for their peace initiative, but they are unapologetic. "The dying must finally end," said Wagenknecht. A total of 50 000 people demonstrated for their cause in Berlin.

Burning the US flag is fine, but the rainbow one not

WashingtonThe US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) has held that the government cannot prohibit citizens from desecrating the American flag. Congress has repeatedly attempted to outlaw flag burning through legislation and constitutional amendments, without success. The rainbow flag is another matter altogether.

Inconsequential ritual: UNSC condemns Israel’s settlement policy

New YorkA regular but inconsequential ritual: On Monday the UN Security Council again condemned the Israeli settlement policy in the occupied West Bank. Specifically, this time it was about the subsequent approval of new Jewish settlements by the new Israeli government.

Moscow announces suspension of New START treaty

MoscowDuring his State of the Union address on Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the New Start treaty, which limits Russia's and the United States' nuclear arsenals, would be suspended.

UK anti-terror outfit warns against Tolkien and Shakespeare

LondonAre the plays of Shakespeare and the novels of Tolkien indicators of far-right sentiment? That was the conclusion reached by a British anti-terrorist agency. It comes on the heels of the Church of England suggesting that God should be "gender-neutral".