In current Ukrainian politics there is neither 'European' nor 'civilization'. Photo: Private

A dangerous deal

The European Union officially granted Ukraine visa-free travel at the end of last month. Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko expressed his joy by writing “YES, we did it!” on Facebook. He also added that Ukraine is gradually “becoming part of a common European civilization”.

Published: June 9, 2017, 7:48 pm

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    The reaction of Poroshenko should be interpreted as political slapstick humor. His failed state and himself did very little to deserve it, except conduct a nonstop brutal war against – according to Kiev´s perspective! – the East of its entity, against the two breakaway Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk.

    Kiev has not been fighting corruption. Instead the Ukrainian Maidan-leadership has brought it to new heights. In current Ukrainian politics there is neither “European” nor “civilization”. The so-called “EuroMaidan” has finally turned Kiev into an iniquitous den of robbers.

    For Poroshenko and his gang, the visa agreement with Brussels must rather feel like an encouragement for their failed policies, as the Ukrainian president celebrates this agreement as a political success. It is, no doubt, a political “gift” from the EU to Ukraine and no “deal” at all. Because Poroshenko does not have to give anything in exchange.

    The visa “gift” does not just highlight the situation in the failed entity still called “Ukraine”, it says a lot about the mental state of the Brussels administration and European leadership in general.

    For Brussels it is a pure geopolitical decision, in support of the Kiev regime. While the EU authorities are flattering and pampering Kiev, it is wreaking daily havoc to the European economy through its anti-Russian sanctions regime, and conducting simple business with Russian partners is becoming more and more of a headache for European companies.

    Even if no one in Brussels, Paris or Berlin dares to speak about it: The visa agreement with Kiev most of all serves to humiliate and to “punish” Moscow. There is a certain mischievous glee – in German it’s called “Schadenfreude” – in the announcement of such an agreement between the Schengen countries and Ukraine.

    Sadly, as many other geopolitical projects conducted by EU have shown, this too will eventually turn out in the end as a boomerang, hitting ordinary Europeans the hardest on its return.

    More illegal economic migration and yet more conflicts will result from their shortsightedness. And who would blame the Ukrainians for taking advantage of this so-called deal? Kiev´s regime of corruption and violence might actually make the decision to leave the country much easier.

    Ukraine is a failed state. The Poroshenko government only survives in vampire style: By sucking the European tax payer´s money for conducting its war against Donbass civilians, and by oppressing its national and ethnic minorities, which include Hungarians, Rusyns, Romanians and Bulgarians. While Poroshenko is celebrating the visa agreement, his government has been happily violating the most basic rights of these minorities. This kind of abject treatment naturally rubbishes EU standards – but in Brussels nobody cares.

    The farce which is Ukraine, represents the “higher meaning” of this visa agreement perfectly: The EU is already today a failed entity as well. Brussels is neither willing nor capable of protecting its borders. On the contrary: It has transformed itself into the biggest organiser for illegal migration to Europe.

    The visa agreement will not solve the Ukrainian problem. But it will enrich the colourful diversity of problems that to migration into Europe have produced.

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