Another major breakthrough for Syrian Army advancing on Deir Ezzor

Al-Masdar News reported that ISIS resistance in Al-Sukhnah has collapsed, with the local ISIS commander killed.

Published: August 6, 2017, 12:38 pm

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    The key town of Al-Sukhnah, has been entered by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) from at least three axes, according to a soldier from the 5th Corps.

    The Islamic State militants was forced to retreat towards the city-center and they were surrounded as well as greatly outnumbered by the Syrian Army.

    Al-Sukhnah is a strategic city that is located northeast of Palmyra and along the main highway to Deir Ezzor.

    The ISIS’s commander in the town was reportedly killed, which had led to a collapse in ISIS resistance in the town, and severe difficulties in holding off the Syrian army.

    Syrian military sources have now confirmed that the Syrian Army have succeeded in fully liberating Al Sukhneh, located in the eastern countryside of Palmyra.

    It was known as the main ISIS stronghold in the Syrian Desert, gaining its strategic importance after the expulsion of ISIS terrorists from Palmyra by the Syrian Army in March.

    According to AMN, SAA engineering units have already begun sweeping mines and dismantling improvised explosive devices in the area.

    This latest achievement means the Syrian forces are now only 55 kilometers away from the western provincial border of Deir Ezzor province and 110 kilometers away from the city of Deir Ezzur itself.

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