Tech companies; Tim Cook, Apple CEO

Tech companies move to take down alt-right websites from Internet

The blacklisting on the Internet of alt-right and conservative sites by US tech companies, has begun in all earnest.

Published: August 19, 2017, 11:33 am

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    Squarespace joined in the anti-free-speech move. The hosting company of Ars said on Wednesday said that it would get rid of all its alt-right current customers. The company currently hosts,, and, among others.

    “In light of recent events, we have made the decision to remove a group of sites from our platform,” Terry Wei, a Squarespace spokesman, e-mailed Ars. “We have given the site owners 48 hours’ notice. We cannot provide further information at this time, but we’ll be in touch as soon as we have an update.”

    Apple and PayPal have joined in the growing witch hunt. On Wednesday, Apple said it would pull support for Apple Pay to a number of websites that sell “White Pride” apparel, and PayPal ceased its services to VDARE, a white nationalist group.

    But Apple’s Cook’s self-professed intolerance for bigotry rings hollow considering his business with countries such as Saudi Arabia, which routinely punishes homosexuality by execution. The tech titan also opened Apple stores in the United Arab Emirates, where gays are jailed, fined, and deported.

    According to the an IRS publication, Apple only contributes 8 percent to the US national income. According the Forbes magazine for 2017, Apple posted a record $45 billion in profit, trading at 147 per share, which means it owes income taxes which amount to 45 percent.

    In addition, US social security and medicare would increase its taxation to 71 percent. Currently the greatest percentage of contributors to the national income are W2 wage earners, that is, the poor which Apple pretends to care about.

    Apple has in fact announced a donation of $2 million to the extremist Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League in the wake of the Charlottesville violence. Now that these groups have been emboldened, they won’t stop at only white nationalist sites. To combat “hate”, CEO Tim Cook announced that Apple would support the SPLC which routinely brands Christians and conservatives as “hate groups”.

    The SPLC inspired a terrorist attack in Washington, DC in which Rep. Steve Scalise was shot multiple times. Before the shooting, they were “liked” by Scalise’s shooter, James Hodgkinson. The SPLC also tracks the rise of Christian organisations they brand “hate groups”including the Family Research Council (FRC). Even so, Apple is teaming up with the dubious SPLC, in the name of fighting “hate”.

    The Southern Poverty Law Center was not too busy taking down “racist” Confederate war memorials this week either. They found time to turn their attention to getting CloudFlare to ban 48 “hate sites”.

    CloudFlare joined the growing list of companies refusing to do business with sites which do not support their leftist, globalist agenda. One called the Daily Stormer was taken down, after founder and CEO Matthew Prince wrote in an internal email in which he reversed the company’s previous stance on not censoring content, adding that it was an “arbitrary decision”.

    Prince stated in his email that he “woke up this morning in a bad mood and decided to kick them off the Internet. It was a decision I could make because I’m the CEO of a major Internet infrastructure company”.

    “My rationale for making this decision was simple: the people behind the Daily Stormer are a**holes and I’d had enough,” Prince wrote. “Let me be clear: this was an arbitrary decision.”

    At the company’s blog, he further explained that “we’re going to have a long debate internally about whether we need to remove the [bullet point in our transparency policy] about not terminating a customer due to political pressure. It’s powerful to be able to say you’ve never done something. And, after today, make no mistake, it will be a little bit harder for us to argue against a government somewhere pressuring us into taking down a site they don’t like.”

    Prince was careful not to mention free speech or the US First Amendment prohibiting the free exercise or abridging the freedom of speech, or the right of the people to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

    Instead, Prince told Gizmodo quite disingenuously, his decision was “not” was based on his political beliefs: “We need to have a discussion around this, with clear rules and clear frameworks. My whims and those of Jeff [Bezos] and Larry [Page] and Satya [Nadella] and Mark [Zuckerberg], that shouldn’t be what determines what should be online. I think the people who run The Daily Stormer are abhorrent. But again I don’t think my political decisions should determine who should and shouldn’t be on the internet.” Nevertheless he went ahead and banned sites he does not like, solely based on his political beliefs and pressure from social justice warriors, or SJWs as they are known.

    The company stopped providing services to Daily Stormer, after the hosting platform DigitalOcean was publicly called out on Twitter for providing services to both The Daily Stormer and crowdfunding platform Hatreon.

    A few hours after a tweet by Ryan Block calling out Digital Ocean for providing services to Daily Stormer, the company responded on Twitter saying they “investigated and determined this site violates our TOS by inciting violence or hate crimes,” adding, “We’ve terminated their account.”

    Digital Ocean took down Hatreon, a crowdfunding platform that doesn’t have “hate” restrictions. The action was extended to the Hatreon site as well.

    CloudFlare is being pressured to drop Breitbart from its client list as well. A software engineer from Digital Ocean tweeted that “hate” websites which @Cloudflare hosts are:

    abbevilleinstitute . org
    amren . com
    breitbart . com
    conservative-headlines . com

    The crackdown on conservative sites comes in the wake of the departure of White House chief strategist Steve Bannon. DrudgeReport website reported on Friday that Bannon, a former Breitbart editor, was under vicious attack from Pentagon operatives.

    The appointment of John Kelly as White House chief of staff hastened his ouster, insider Roger Stone said. On Infowars, former Trump campaign manager Stone warned earlier in the week that Steve Bannon’s days at the White House were numbered.

    The New York Times reported that Bannon had submitted his resignation to the president before last week, but it was delayed in the wake of the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.

    “President Trump’s Chief of Staff John Kelly wrapped up a review of the West Wing staff and was expected to can the former Breitbart editor, the voice of the alt-right who has the president’s ear, Drudge reported,” according to the New York Post.

    Mainstream conservative sites like PJ Media may be next on the globalist hit lists, because contrary to conventional wisdom, tech corporations seem more than willing alienate a large percentage of their customer bases, as well as the majority of ordinary Americans and sacrifice profit in order to please the small but loud group of social justice warriors.


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