
Charlie Hebdo cover: ‘God Drowned All The Neo-Nazis In Texas’

The most recent cover of French magazine Charlie Hebdo mocks victims of Hurricane Harvey that has sweeped accross Texas with a cover of Nazis drowning and text that translates to, "God Exists! He Drowned All the Neo-Nazis of Texas".

Published: September 1, 2017, 10:52 am

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    The French “satire” magazine was the victim of a terror attack in 2015 when a gunman opened fire on the staff for mocking Prophet Mohammed. The terrorists killed 12 of the magazine’s staffers in cold blood.

    The latest cover is a reference to the tragic events in Charlottesville earlier this month when violence erupted at a patriotic rally, killing three people.

    It features an image of swastika flags and arms in the Nazi salute being drowned in rainwater. The hurricane and massive flooding in the Houston area has killed at least 31 people and left thousands more stranded.

    Leftists quickly rushed to Twitter defend the magazine, saying it has the right to print whatever it wants, but conservatives expressed their shock at the naked anti-Christian message. “Free speech is wonderful isn’t it, Charlie Hebdo? You have every right to publish this, and I have every right to call you a piece of s–t,” one user wrote.

    Another person tweeted, “You know why I love this picture of Charlie Hebdo? Because nobody will murder them over it. That is why western culture is superior to Islam”

    A website mocking one of the victims of Charlottesville, The Daily Stormer, was taken down from Google last month because of “hate”.

    But perhaps the most ironic of all is that Houston’s Harris County – the region most devastated by Hurricane Harvey – voted for Hillary in last year’s election and over 50 percent of the population is non-white. Charlie Hebdo however presented all the victims as whites.

    “One of the great undercovered stories during the whole Charlottesville episode was that the day after Charlottesville, in another city – I think it was Seattle – a bunch of Trump supporters held a rally, and Antifa also went over there and beat the hell out of those people, and shut them down,” Senior Writer at Breitbart News, John Nolte recalled. “Those weren’t neo-Nazis. Those weren’t neo-Confederates. Those were just Trump supporters, and violence was used to shut them up and to stop it, and the media just doesn’t care.”

    “This is the same media that freaked out because middle-aged people gathered together for the Tea Party, and I think the most violence we ever saw there was them picking up their own litter,” he said.

    “The media is part of the Antifa conspiracy because you can see it. You can see it across all media platforms: the ever-expanding definition of the ‘alt-right,’ the ever-expanding definition of ‘hate speech,’ the Southern Poverty Law Center labeling opposition to same-sex marriage ‘hate speech’ – which, by extension, labels the Christian church a hate group. As the media says ‘maybe it’s OK to commit violence against Nazis and the alt-right and haters,’ they’re also expanding the definition of the alt-right and hate to include traditional conservative views,” he warned.

    “Listen to the language that they use: the white supremacist who allegedly used his vehicle as a weapon, and the alleged white supremacist, they just label that ‘a white supremacist used his car to murder someone.’ But when it came to the Barcelona terror attack, they used the word ‘apparently,’” Nolte pointed out. “That’s another area where you’re seeing the left drift away from due process, from the rights of the accused.”

    SiriusXM host Alex Marlow revealed an audio clip of CNN hosts implying that Islamic terrorists were somehow inspired to use cars as murder weapons by the man who drove into a crowd in Charlottesville when of course the “car jihad” strategy was actually pioneered by Muslim terrorists.

    The Forward, meanwhile praised the violence by Antifa. “The original ‘Antifa’, was a group of Jews in Newark, New Jersey,” the publication noted.

    In the late 1930’s, there was a legal anti-war movement called the German-American Bund. The Bund organised large rallies in North Jersey and elsewhere, with the goal of keeping the US from entering World War II on the side of the allies, as most Americans of the time were deeply isolationist. The last thing Americans wanted was to fight another European war.

    But the local Jewish population was alarmed by the Bund’s pro-German message and set up a violent gang, disguised as a “civil rights group”, which they called “the Minutemen” according to The Forward. Jake “Cocky Jake” Rothseid, “was connected with the Jewish mob that ran Newark in the 1930’s,” according to magazine.

    “Much like today’s Antifa, the Minutemen’s preferred tools of persuasion were not logic and reason, but baseball bats, brass knuckles, rubber coated pipes.”

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