Worse than the Cuban crisis, but the West’s population is kept in the dark
An informative Swedish weekly has revealed the high drama - worse than the Cuban crisis - that enveloped the world in March while the West's population was being kept ignorant.
Published: April 5, 2018, 11:05 am
Nya Tider has unravelled events unknown to the public which has recently generated visible effects, such as a reshuffling at the top in Washington, while creating invisible and serious risks.
Around 13 March, according to several analysts, the world was close to a world war, which was eventually prevented by a telephone call from a Russian general. We look specifically at unknown circumstances around the firing of Rex Tillerson as US Secretary of State and the developments in Syria, factors that have been and will be crucial for ongoing and upcoming events in the Middle East and the world.
During March, dramatic events have taken place behind the diplomatic and political scenes. The month began fatefully as Russian President Vladimir Putin introduced various new Russian nuclear weapons that he proclaimed Western robotic defense systems have been unable to detect.
Putin subsequently urged the West to start listening to Russia. During the course of the month, a series of summits took place, and important political and military decisions were considered and taken.
According to persistent rumors, a conspiracy at the highest level, with Britain as a hub, was behind several of these. Some resulted in known statements and events, such as the mass expulsion of around 148 Russian diplomats from 27 western countries, which London initiated by expelling 23 Russian diplomats on March 13 – a date to be noted.
The intense development was reflected not least in Syria, which saw both open and hidden crucial military events. The two most known were Turkey and their allied FSA rebels’ crushing victory over the Kurdish YPG militia in Afrin in northwestern Syria, and the unexpectedly quick victory of Syrian government forces over several hardcore Sunni Islamist terrorist groups in eastern Ghouta, just outside of the capital Damascus.
Among the lesser known is Moscow’s quick deployment of helicopters for electronic warfare, a sign that the tension between the United States and Russia had reached its containment limit.
Reshuffle shakes Washington
One of the most visible and important events was the dramatic changes in the Trump administration, when Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was fired on March 13 and replaced by former CIA director Mike Pompeo.
The fact that a Secretary of State is fired after just over a year at the position is highly unusual, and that it should happen without as much as verbal contact with the head of state, suggests that something exceptional lies behind his firing.
On March 23, the important role as a national security advisor also saw H.R. McMaster replaced by the known neoconservative John Bolton. Formally, the former UN ambassador Bolton takes office on April 9.
Our sources with connections in Washington’s political game tell us that more top level changes are to be expected. A name mentioned among those likely to be replaced is current Secretary of Defense James Mattis.
Both Mattis and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joseph Dunford, are reported in the Israeli media, as for some time now no longer being part of the “inner circle” of the White House. It could be interpreted both as having fallen out of Trump’s favour or that the so-called “the deep state” wants it to be seen as such.
The deep state can be described as deeply rooted hidden power structures in US finance and business, as well as in politics and media, which, independently of the political party or president of power, remain in control of all essential institutions – not least intelligence services. It is sometimes referred to as the “military industrial complex”, but in spite of its major economic and thus political influence, according to our sources, it is only a part of the deep state.
Persistent rumors
From French leftist political circles, among others, the rumors shared with Nya Tider in detail is that Tillerson was in collusion with several leading European politicians, not least British ones, in order to conduct a coup against Moscow where the triggering factor was planned to be the poisoning of the Russian former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the British city of Salisbury on March 4.

SERGEJ SKRIPAL is a former Russian double agent who, together with his daughter (left), was poisoned by the Novichok nerve agent, that originating in the Soviet Union. Moscow has strongly denied that they are behind the attack. The fact that Russia destroyed its stocks in front of international observers, and that countries such as the United Kingdom and even Sweden have access to it is something that Western media is unwilling to report. Skripal is said to have been the source of the infamous Trump dossier that former MI6 agent Christopher Steele provided Trump’s opponents with. The dossier, which would prove Trump’s connections with Moscow, proved to be without substance, which prompted many to speculate that the United States “deep state” wanted to silence the source of Skripal. Who is the mysterious gentleman taking the picture and has he also been poisoned? Photo: mk.ru
The plot was aimed at quickly – before investigations could prove otherwise – identify Russia as guilty and show a connection with chemical attacks in Syria.
A picture of a murderous Putin who ruthlessly attacks opposition and the world with nerve gas and chemical weapons would then be painted, something that also happened in Western media. Accompanied by a massive media hunt, with the associated media and political pressure at all levels in the West, a resolution was to be submitted to the UN General Assembly with a request that Russia should be excluded immediately from the UN Security Council, where Russia – and formerly the Soviet Union – had been a permanent member since the end of World War II.
The coup would lay the groundwork for the immediate and massive NATO bombings of Syria, where President Assad and his family were among the priority targets in addition to government buildings, military installations and key units within the Syrian army.
The purpose would be to save the terrorists in eastern Ghouta supported by the West and some Gulf states, and to ensure that Assad once and for all was deprived of power. That has been the goal, often officially stated, since the start of the war against Syria in 2011.
This information has been provided, among others, by the French investigative journalist Thierry Meyssan, who won the International Journalism Award in the field of geopolitical analysis last year.
Threats and shameless lies
It was on Monday, March 12, that the situation became really serious according to several experts, including a US-based and internationally renowned former NATO analyst who has been in contact with Nya Tider.
United States UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, recently acclaimed by the pro-Israeli lobby group AIPAC, threatened that the US would attack Syria unless Damascus and Moscow accepted a 30-day ceasefire in eastern Ghouta. The resolution was intended to stop the government offensive and the imminent collapse of the rebel- and terrorist groups’ defense.

A massive NATO attack on Syria is believed to have been avoided in March thanks to the intervention of US President Donald Trump. If so, this is not the first time. Few of the public know that at three o’clock on August 31, 2013, NATO’s fighter aircrafts, including major parts of the French air force, were ready to launch from European air bases. A large number of warships had taken attack positions in the Mediterranean Sea, and hundreds of cruise missiles had had Syrian target coordinates programmed. Some of the French fighter aircraft even took off before former US President Barack Obama contacted his colleague François Hollande at the last moment in order to prevent the start of a major incident in Syria. Just like in Libya in 2011, France was pushing and wanted a leading role. Military analysts that Nya Tider have been in contact with claim that the risk of a world war in March this year was the biggest since the Cuban crisis in October 1962. They argue that NATO’s planned attacks on Syria in the summer of 2013 did not at all constitute the same risk, since Russian forces at the time did not risk becoming a target. The pictures represent an American UGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missile exploding above an exercise target. Photo: U.S. Navy
The United Kingdom stood out when they joined the American ultimatum. London UN Ambassador John Allen, among others, rhetorically asked if any civilians were allowed to leave the battlefield. “Not a single one. Again, it is the regime who will not permit their civilians to reach urgently needed medical care,” Allen replied to his own question.
However, he consciously forgot to mention that Syria and Russia, which unilaterally introduced ceasefire for five hours each day, persistently have tried to create humanitarian corridors just so that civilians could leave the battlefield. Neither did he mention that it was the Western and Gulf-supported rebels that not only mass murdered civilians in Damascus with artillery directed against exclusively civilian targets, but also fired on, and thus prevented, all civilians who tried to escape from east Ghouta. Western media repeated uncritically the same message as Allen.
The truth emerges
When the success of the Syrian government forces shortly thereafter allowed the civilians to escape, thus making their voices heard for the first time in more than five years, the Western propaganda proved to be pure lies.
They told of the terrorists reign of terror and confirmed previous Syrian information about how they were held as human shields and prevented from escaping. Thousands of family members of government employees had also been detained under difficult conditions, and many had died.
The rebels and the terrorists were offered free passage with their personal weapons by the Syrian army. Partly in order to avoid major losses among government soldiers and civilians, partly because the terrorists could then be convinced to allow the tens of thousands of civilians who were held as human shields to leave the area.
Interrogated rebels also claimed that their foreign sponsors demanded that no civilians leave the area and that they not surrender at any cost, something Russia and Syria succeeded with by a combination of heavy military pressure and the same negotiating skills that were successfully applied 2016 in Aleppo.
The government representatives together with Russian advisors negotiated with the groups separately, creating uncertainty and divergencies. Terrorist groups could no longer rely on their flanks and rears to remain defended if another group suddenly would choose to give up.
This is exactly what happened, which resulted in internal fire fights, and a collapsing defense for those groups that had not already surrendered.
Suicide attacks against the evacuation buses were also prevented after Russian soldiers arrested over 30 Al Qaeda terrorists who tried to smuggle onboard around 50 explosive vests. Al-Qaeda’s Field Commander has previously revealed that they had direct support from the Western powers.
Turkey is the Joker in the game again
The key to the success, according to our Syrian sources, was Turkey, which persuaded the groups controlled by Ankara to agree to the Russian-Syrian demands, while groups controlled by the West and the Gulf states initially refused. However, there was a domino effect when the first groups fell. Only the Saudi-supported terrorist group Jaysh al-Islam in the city of Douma refuses to surrender.
Civilians there have protested since March 28 against the terrorist regime. Negotiations were taking place during our printing while the Syrian army was preparing an assault.
The Syrian Army, after the mass evacuation, also revealed their findings that proved that there was substance behind the fears of a planned false flag attack with chemical weapons in eastern Ghouta.
“The Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs points out that more than 40 tonnes of toxic substances were found in areas liberated from terrorists,” said Igor Kirillov, the commander of Russia’s Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Forces on 21 March.
Several laboratories for the manufacturing of chemical weapons were also found. However, Western media refused to report on this and attempted to the end maintain the lies repeated over many years that it was Damascus that had used poisonous gas instead, something the media could partly do by continuing to refer only to rebel sources.
On March 30, the Russian Department of Defense stated that 13 800 “militants” had surrendered and left east Ghouta. Around 130 000 civilians have also left the area, and some 20 000 are reported to be family members of the terrorists. Some 40 000 civilians have chosen to stay in the war-torn area.

MI-8MTPR-1 is a special version of the Russian Transport Helicopter Mi-8 and acts as a platform for electronic warfare. It is equipped with the very powerful active jammer Rychag-Av, which can interfere and “blind” hostile targets such as fighters and cruise missiles up to 400 kilometers distance. When the US-Russia threat of open war was very close around March 13, Moscow deployed several Mi-8MTPR-1s to Syria where they were stationed in strategic locations, such as the two Russian bases and the many Syrian aerospace stations Russia have a presence on. Rychag-Av is believed to be one of the Russian jammers that caused a majority of US cruise robots to miss their targets (Nov. 15, 2017) when, after accusing Damascus of a nuclear weapons attack, the United States attacked the Syrian air base Shairat in April 2017 . Photo: KRET The inset shows the first leaked image of a Mi-8MTPR-1 in Syria on March 14th. On the side you can see the active jammer that the manufacturer KRET indicates to 100 kilowatts (kW). Photo: Twitter @Syr_Mil_Wik
World War threatened
The French rumors claim that this was the backdrop of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia, and first Deputy Defense Minister, Valerij Gerasimov’s unprecedented sharp warning on March 13 that Russia will respond with military action if the United States launches air strikes following a fake attack with chemical weapons, which he said Moscow knew had been planned, something Nya Tider wrote comprehensively about (NyT v.12, 2018).
The fact that the United States had shortly before initiated around-the-clock flights with AWACS surveillance aircraft to monitor every square meter of Syria heightened the Russian concern. The Russian general made it clear that Russia would neutralize all “platforms” used in such an attack, which not only involves US fighter planes, but also warships such as aircraft carriers.
The world was thus on the verge of a world war, and several military analysts were issuing desperate warnings that the situation was becoming far more dangerous than the one during the Cuban crisis in 1962.
We have received confirmation that these statements were really made and that Gerasimov – outside of diplomatic protocol – had called the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford the same day.
According to the French rumors, some of which arise from their military intelligence service DGSE, where some elements were very concerned about the development, Dunford allegedly assured his Russian colleague that the United States had no such plans.
He then notified the Secretary of Defense and President Trump. The president summoned the current CIA director Mike Pompeo, who was tasked with revealing the conspirators. Pompeo later returned troubled and revealed that there appeared to be elements within the CIA that, in a collusion with foreign actors, actually had planned this course of action, and that Secretary of State Tillerson was also involved.
The same day, Tillerson had stated, contrary to the Trump and White House statements, that the Skripal poisoning was “a really egregious act” and that “Russia is likely responsible.”

REX TILLERSON is received by US ambassador Robert Wood Johnson IV when he lands in London on September 14, 2017. Tillerson was already ranked by Forbes in 2015 as one of the 25 most powerful people in the world. He is believed to be a member of the influential Pilgrims Society, an assumption based on his chairmanship of the oil company Exxon in 2006-2017, since all former chairmen of the board have subsequently proven to be secret members. The Pilgrims Society is a closed and partially secret British-American Alliance federation at the top level. Famous members include Henry Kissinger and at its helm today are, among others, the head of the British air force, Lord Stirrup. Traditionally, newly appointed US ambassadors in Britain always hold their first speech to the “Pilgrims”, as they call themselves. Ambassador Johnson said in his speech that “It’s also not a coincidence that Theresa May was the first chief of government to meet the president in the White House.”
Trump fired Tillerson immediately, without even talking to him first. This is almost unprecedented in the history of the United States. Two phone calls later between Gerasimov and an apologetic Dunford the threat of World War was eliminated.
Tillerson had initially been brought in by Trump to strengthen his administration through Tillerson’s good and unique contacts with top-level Europeans who watched Trump with contempt. Among the many indications, it is apparent, among other things, that it was Tillerson who presented a plan for increased US military presence in Syria in January with the stated goal of “ensuring a transition to post-Assad leadership”.
Western media, however, continued to attack Putin and Russia as if nothing had happened, but the plot to launch a coup against Russia from within the Security Council and attack Syria had been warded off timeously.
During these dramatic days, the public in the West slept well, happily unaware of how close to a nuclear war the world had been.
One step forward, two steps back
However, on March 26, Trump, who until now had refused to point out Russia as guilty of poisoning Skripal, eventually followed London’s example and expelled 60 Russian diplomats. Moscow responded by expelling as many as the United States and other western countries did. Israel chose not to expel any diplomats, and the country’s media which is not considered as propaganda-biased as in the Western, gave two reasons for this: Tel Aviv does not believe Russia is guilty, and moreover the developments in Syria make them want to be on good terms with Moscow.
On March 27, Syria UN Ambassador Bashar Jaafari stated in the UN Security Council that Damascus was determined to free all of its territory from “terrorists and hostile foreign powers.” He also accused the countries of Israel, Qatar, Turkey, USA, Great Britain, and France of conducting a “global war of terror” against Syria. This daring statement would had not been made by Damascus without the support of Moscow.
On March 29, Trump once again made one of his 180-degree turns and announced that “We’ll be coming out of Syria, like, very soon. Let the other people take care of it now. Very soon, very soon, we will leave.” At the same time, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed concern about intelligence reports that the United States transported large amounts of heavy weapons to its base al-Tanf in southeastern Syria. They viewed Trump’s statement with skepticism, and labeled it a “PR statement” with a little connection to reality.
The Israeli sources of Nya Tider claim that Trump’s contradictory actions emanate from a combination of being forced to maneuver politically at home, where he is under high pressure, and a desire to win European support for tearing up the nuclear agreement with Iran – something the pro-Israeli lobby is pushing very hard, and the Europeans have previously been reluctant to do.
This is substantiated by the fact that Pompeo and Bolton, before their respective nominations, worked behind the scenes with the Europeans on this matter. Several EU top-name trips to Israel in March, such as the German and French Foreign Ministers, should also be seen in this light.
On March 30, the news agency Reuters reported that anonymous senior US officials reported that Trump “loudly” questioned the US presence in Syria before his advisors, saying that he wanted to see it terminated as soon as possible.
The advisors then warned Trump that an early withdrawal from Syria would strengthen Iran’s influence, something Israel strongly opposes. Israel also sees the de facto loss in the war-by-proxy against Syria and its consequences as totally unacceptable. The near future will reveal if Trump will continue to meet their demands, or put American interests first as he promised during the election.
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Well done! Thanks for translating this excellent report, the best I’ve seen at Free West Media. Instability in the Middle East benefits Greater Israel (Yinon Plan) at the expense of the West (flooding Europe with third-worlders) Time to cut Israel loose, we shouldn’t risk WWIII, for a foreign power, against our own interests.
The entire US government is owned by tel Aviv.
Stop cucking for jews and Israel, America. Israel is up to no good and we shouldn’t back those backstabbers up.
Kudos for calling out the Pilgrim Society. The B’rith-ish never actually freed the American colonies.
Here is an archived document of a speech given by Congressman Jacob Thorkelson in 1940 regarding the Pilgrim Society. It’s quite enlightening.
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