Earlier bombardment of Homs (Wikipedia)

Syria under attack

Syrian air bases are being bombed in retaliation over unsubstantiated allegations of a suspected chemical weapons atrocity. The White House however, has denied reports it was conducting the strikes.

Published: April 9, 2018, 6:08 am

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    Following an alleged chemical weapon attack in the East Ghouta town of Duma that was quickly blamed on the Syrian government, missiles have been launched at a Syrian airbase. Massive explosions were heard in the eastern countryside of the Homs governate.

    Syrian state television reported that the military airport in Homs was under attack from US missiles following “an American aggression”.

    The missile attack is thought to have come from US warships present in the Mediterranean Sea targeting Syrian Army military positions, but this was denied by both the White House and the Pentagon.

    Lebanon’s Al Mayadeen broadcaster reported that the missiles were coming in from the Mediterranean Sea through Lebanon.

    It appears that the attack may have been conducted by Israel who frequently engage in such air raids, but Tel Aviv has yet to make a statement.

    Although Syrian Air Defenses knocked out several incoming missiles, reports are emerging that the attack hit the T4 military base in the desert regions of Homs province in Syria.

    “Several missiles hit the Tayfur airport,” state news agency SANA said, AFP reported. According to Syrian state media eight missiles were shot down. At least 12 Syrian troops were killed in the attack and at least 30 injured.

    The missiles crossed Lebanese air space to reach its intended target in Homs province. There are unconfirmed reports that the Al Sin and Al Shoaayrat air bases were targeted.

    Pentagon spokesman Christopher Sherwood said in a statement, “At this time, the Department of Defense is not conducting air strikes in Syria.”

    No chemical weapons were used in or around the city of Douma in Syria’s Eastern Ghouta, and all accusations against the Syrian army are fake, the Russian reconciliation center for Syria said on Sunday.

    On Saturday, several Anglo media outlets, citing the White Helmets as a source, had accused Damascus of using chemical weapons in Douma. US President Donald Trump’s Homeland Security Advisor Tom Bossert warned that military actions against the Syrian government could not be excluded, while Trump himself tweeted war threats.

    The attack also comes in the wake of French President Emmanuel Macron accusing Damascus of “chemical attacks” against civilians.

    The statement from the Elysee Palace said Macron “strongly condemned the chemical attacks on April 7 against the population of Douma” but offered zero evidence of Syrian complicity.

    Macron’s statement suggests that France and/or Israel may have taken the initiative to bomb Syria with Trump’s blessing.

    An earlier IDF tweet from February suggests Israel had been targeting T4 for a while: “For a long time Iran and the Quds Force have been operating, with the backing of Syrian forces and the approval of the Syrian regime, from the Syrian T-4 Airbase near Tadmor.”

    Last year, the US launched several dozen Tomahawk cruise missiles at a Syrian air base after fake reports blamed president Assad for a chemical attack in the northern Syrian town of Khan Sheikhoun that killed dozens of people.

    The White House has called for a meeting on the principals level and it was expected to be attended by the new national security adviser and war hawk John Bolton. This will be neocon Bolton’s first meeting in his new job.

    The US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, along with the representatives of the UK and France, called for an emergency meeting at the Security Council on Monday to discuss the matter.

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