Missile lights up the sky over Damascus (Syrian Army)

Despite evidence of false flags, US and allies persist with lies

According to the Swiss Institute for the Protection of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons, the poison collected in Salisbury by OPCW investigators in the Skripal case is "BZ".

Published: April 15, 2018, 9:06 am

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    The term “Novichok” that has been used frequently to implicate Russia, refers to a Soviet research program and not a substance derived from this program.

    BZ is a psychotomimetic chemical warfare agent described as an anticholinergic hallucinogen, used by NATO, acting within 30 to 60 minutes and for a duration of 2 to 4 days. The USSR, then Russia, have never worked on this type of substance.

    The Swiss Institute for the Protection of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons [Schweizerisches Institut für ABC-Schutz] is a world leader in this field. It conducted this analysis at the request of the OPCW.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov cited the results of the examination conducted by the Swiss chemical lab revealing that Sergei Skripal, a former Russian double agent, and his daughter Yulia were poisoned with an incapacitating toxin known as 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate. BZ, is a powerful hallucinogen that the American military tested out on its own soldiers during the Cold War.

    London has completely ignored the damning evidence. “We get the impression that the British government is deliberately pursuing the policy of destroying all possible evidence, classifying all remaining materials and making a transparent investigation impossible,” the Russian ambassador to the UK, Alexander Yakovenko, noted.

    Moreover, the Russians say they now also know for certain, that from April 3 to 6, representatives of the so-called White Helmets were instructed by London to speed up implementation of the false flag provocation prepared in advance in Syria, RT reported.

    The White Helmets are financed by the British government and are led by a former British military intelligence officer.

    In 2013 Syrian joined the Chemical Warfare Convention and gave up all its chemical weapons. The OPCW has checked all accessible former chemical weapon sites in Syria and observed the destruction of the production equipment.

    It has visited and inspected the Barzeh facility twice and after the equipment was removed the Barzah site was abandoned.

    The US and its allies said on Saturday they attacked “chemical weapons factories” and warehouses with missiles but were strangely unconcerned about releasing the poisonous agents into the surrounding area and killing thousands of people.

    Amusingly, the Pentagon also said during a press briefing that it documented a “2000 percent increase in disinformation by Russian troll farms” over the past 24 hours, in response to a reporter’s question on why the Pentagon has failed to provide any of the evidence it has that Syrian president Assad was behind the chemical attacks.

    And despite the evidence mounting that neither Russia nor Syria was involved in chemical warfare, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his “total support” for US-led missile strikes against Syria.

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Saturday all NATO member states expressed their support for the attack on Syria and President Donald Trump took to Twitter once more to tweet “Mission Accomplished”.

    George W Bush boasting about US invasion of Iraq

    Trump’s Mission Accomplished speech echoed that of George W Bush’s televised address on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln on May 1, 2003.

    Bush stated at the time that it was the end to major combat operations in Iraq. A banner stating “Mission Accomplished” was used as a backdrop to his ill-fated speech. Bush’s assertion was rubbished as the vast majority of casualties, both military and civilian, occurred after his “victory” speech.

    Under US and international law, former President Bush is responsible war crimes.

    The best estimates available suggest that more than 250 000 people have died as a result of the US and UK decision to invade Iraq in 2003 on a false premise of WMDs. An investigative report from the UK government revealed that intelligence officials knew ahead of time that the war would cause massive instability and societal collapse and make the problem of terrorism worse, yet Bush and UK premier Tony Blair went ahead with the invasion based on lies anyway.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a strong statement against the latest aggression in Syria: “An act of aggression against a sovereign state that is on the frontline in the fight against terrorism was committed without a mandate from the UN Security Council and in violation of the UN Charter and norms and principles of international law.”

    In ordering the attack on Syria, Trump broke a US law too: the War Powers Resolution.

    Russia will now reconsider sales of the S-300 AD system not only to Syria but other countries as well. Due to earlier requests by NATO countries, Russia had previously opted out of supplying these systems to Syria.

    The S-300 systems will be able to detect and attack any Israeli plane flying over Lebanon, and as Israel has often used Lebanese airspace to attack targets in Syria, it will soon become impossible.

    This false flag incident in Syria has been an invitation to jihadis and those who fund them, to repeat their claims, as they can now rely on US support.

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