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Are Hong Kong protesters funded by foreign interests?

The violent behaviour of the so-called "black blocs" during the Yellow Vest demonstrations France is entirely consistent with what is happening in Hong Kong. And many have not understood that someone must have been paying for such an intervention, one source told FWM.

Published: August 16, 2019, 7:04 am

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    Hong Kong

    Hooligans do not just come out for nothing on a regular basis to do a hard day’s work of smashing banks, offices and totally uninvolved shops. “If it’s the same model, it’s probably the same financier,” one source told FWM.

    The protests in Hong Kong was originally started in June, and were against a law that would have allowed criminal extraditions to Taiwan, Macao and mainland China. The law was retracted and the large protests have since died down. What is left are a few thousand students who intentionally seek to provoke the police with “marginal violence”.

    Such actions are a way to prompt the police to respond with unnecessary force, as happened on June 12, when the public expressed disapproval and disgust for the authorities. The protesters thoughtfully escalated nonviolence to confrontation and resorted to mild force in order to push the government to the edge. That has been the goal of many people who surrounded and barricaded police headquarters for hours on June 21, says blogger Moon of Alabama.

    The protesters now use the same violent methods that were used in the Maidan protests in the Ukraine. The US seems to hope that China will intervene and create a second Tianamen scene. Even if the colour revolution attempt fails, it will be an excellent instrument to demonize China with. A repeat of Tianamen in Hong Kong would allow to an increase in Anglo-American hostility against China.

    But while China is prepared to intervene, it is unlikely to do the US the favor of mass repression, as its government expressed its confidence that the local authorities will be able to handle the issue.

    There are rumors that some Hong Kong oligarchs were originally behind the protests to prevent their extradition for shady deals they made in China since China’s president Xi Jingpin is waging a fierce campaign against corruption and Hong Kong has become a target.

    The former British colony is ruled by a handful of oligarchs who have monopolies in the housing, electricity, trade and transport markets and it has been rumoured that they are afraid of losing their wealth if Chinese authorities look deeper into the former colony’s corruption.

    The rioters meanwhile use equipment that comes from “strangers” who create depots of gas masks, helmets, laser pointers etc, that trusted demonstrators then distribute to others. In the same way, hundreds of free subway tickets are handed out to the junior university students who, during their current holidays, make up the mass of the violent black block that attacks the police.

    Some “journalists” have expressed their pleasure in seeing Chinese journalists assaulted. Melissa Chan said even though the attack on a reporter from for The Global Times was a grave issue, the reporter “is not a journalist and should not be called that” because he is funded by the Chinese state.

    Melissa Chan worked for Al Jazeera, funded by the emir of Qatar. She now works for Deutsche Welle, funded by the German government. According to her own criteria she is neither a journalist nor should she be called one.

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