Trump supporter Ashli Babbit shot at point blank range by Capitol police. Photo: Twitter
Washington, DC

Leftist mayor calls National Guard to Washington – unarmed protester shot dead

An unarmed pro-Trump protester was shot dead by Capitol police on Wednesday. On the eve of the election of the US President in Congress on January 6, Washington DC saw a mega-demonstration by Trump supporters.

Published: January 7, 2021, 9:30 am

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    Violent BLM riots had raged unhindered in Washington for weeks in the summer of 2020, but the left-wing mayor Muriel Bowser called in the National Guard against Trump supporters and “white supremacists” after protesters massed at the Capitol building on Wednesday during the Save America Rally.

    The crowd entered the Capitol Rotunda after police stood down. All legislators were moved to the basement as they tried to lock down the area. The police later used tear gas and stun grenades against the protesters. Pictures show how heavily armed police officers in full standby gear and with gas masks make their way through the building. The pro-Trump rally drew an estimated half a million people to Washington, DC.

    The pro-Trump protester killed has been identified as 35-year-old Ashli Elizabeth Babbitt, a 14-year veteran who served four tours with the US Air Force and had worked as a high level security official. The New York Post reported that law enforcement sources told them Babbitt “was apparently shot by Capitol Police”.

    Babbit was a strong supporter of President Trump, but a graphic video of her death showed no evidence of her posing any sort of threat. She was shot in the neck. Notably, Facebook has not taken down the thousands of nasty comments on Ashli Babbitt’s personal page celebrating her death.

    A video posted by National File, clarified the unwarranted and random nature of the shooting.

    In addition to the death of Babbitt, who was shot by the police inside the Capitol, the police confirmed that three other people had died in “medical emergencies” during the protest. It seems strange that there are no facts being communicated as to the circumstances of their deaths.

    Some 52 people were arrested during the protest action, while most of them, 47, were arrested for violating the 6pm curfew.

    A dozen Republican senators and around 50 Republican MPs had announced their intention to contest the election results for Joe Biden on massive fraud charges. One poll revealed that the majority of all Americans (56-34) believed that “enough fraud took place at the presidential election to change the outcome”.

    Earlier, the conservative anti-antifa Proud Boys leader, Enrique Tarrio, was arrested at the airport in Washington for burning a flag of the neo-Marxist Black Lives Matter movement, in an attempt to suppress Wednesday’s peaceful “Stop The Steal” protest. Tarrio was reportedly arrested at gunpoint by DC police.

    At a hearing in December before the Georgia Senate Judiciary Committee, witnesses and experts presented striking evidence of electoral fraud in the state. A team of data experts even hacked into the Dominion voting machines in the ongoing Senate elections in real time. These voting machines should not have been connected to the Internet, but clearly were.

    Data expert David Cross also demonstrated the statistical impossibility of the large number of Biden votes. The mainstream media simply ignored the Senate hearing.

    Election observers Susan Knox and Sally Grubbs documented how bundles of ballot papers were secretly shredded from unsealed trash cans at the Atlanta polling center on the day the alleged recount which had taken place without an observer. When Knox and Grubbs called the police, they were informed that the police had received orders from the city council not to respond to allegations of election fraud.

    But in the runoff election in Georgia, according to reports from NBC and CBS, the two Democratic candidates for the Senate, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, prevailed against their Republican opponents.

    Townhall reported that Big Tech companies were taking down videos or “encouragement” of the events at the Capitol that “violates our policies”. A video of President Trump addressing a peaceful rally earlier in the day was thus deleted from Facebook and Instagram. Facebook claimed they prohibited incitement or calls for violence, but there were no such calls.

    Youtube admitted that they removed content because Trump alleged fraud in the election and they disagreed. Twitter also removed the speech by Trump.

    While Twitter blocked Trump’s user account for twelve hours, Facebook temporarily excluded Trump and put him in a 24-hour ban. Both companies justified their actions with violations of their guidelines.

    The Senate dismissed the appeal of Republican Senator Josh Hawley, who had protested against the results of the Pennsylvania presidential election. Some 92 Senators voted against Hawley’s motion, with only seven in favor. This means that the attempt by the Republicans to contest Trump’s defeat has failed.

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