The untested Covid-19 vaccine could be deadly. Photo credit: Hakan Nural

Doctor and nurse dead after taking Pfizer’s vaccine

Doctor Gregory Michael, 56, died 15 days after taking Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine, in Florida in the US. In Portugal, Sonia Azevedo, 41 and the mother of two children, died after getting the jab. She worked as a surgical assistant and was among the first health workers to receive the vaccine.  

Published: January 13, 2021, 9:50 am

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    The health service in Miami is now investigating Michael’s death and believes that it was because of an unusual autoimmune reaction. His wife, Heidi Neckelmann, told local media that her husband “sought emergency care three days after receiving the vaccine because he had spots on his skin that indicated internal bleeding”. She wants his case to be a warning to others who want to take the vaccine.

    Gregory Michael is said to have been in “good health” and took the vaccine on December 18 at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, where he had worked for twelve years. He died on January 3 of a brain haemorrhage due to a lack of platelets. This deficiency is called thrombocytopenia and in this case is due to an autoimmune reaction, Immunological thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), in which the body attacks its own platelets. In children, this condition sometimes occurs after a viral infection, but usually heals spontaneously.

    “He was in good health. He did not smoke, drank alcohol only occasionally and then only socially. He worked outside, we had kayaks, he liked to fish,” his wife told local media. The health service had tested him for everything after he fell ill, including cancer, but could not find anything wrong with him, she added.

    Pfizer said in a statement to USA Today that it was investigating the death, but claimed: “We do not believe at this time that there is any direct link to the vaccine.” However, Heidi Neckelmann is of a different opinion and believes that her husband’s death is “100 percent linked” to the vaccine.

    According to the chairman of Children’s Health Defense , Lyn Redwood, ITP is a well-known side effect of vaccines. For example, for measles-mumps-rubella vaccine, it affects between one in 25 000 to 40 000.

    Heidi Neckelmann said that although Gregory Michael was an advocate of vaccines, his death should be a warning to others. “Do not let his death be in vain. Save more lives by spreading this information.”

    Another person has died after being vaccinated with Pfizer’s vaccine against Covid-19. Sonia Azevedo was injected with Pfizer’s vaccine on Wednesday, December 30, and celebrated the day after New Year with her family. The next morning she was found dead in her bed.

    Her father described her as “healthy and happy” and that she “never drank alcohol”. Azevedo had been proud to be among the first to receive the vaccine and also changed her status on Facebook to “Covid-19 vaccinated”.

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