Patient receives Covid-19 vaccine shot. Photo credit: Stephen Cornfield

Israel: 13 cases of facial paralysis linked to Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine

At least 13 Israelis have experienced facial paralysis after taking the Covid-19 vaccine. The Health Ministry estimated that the number of cases could be higher.

Published: January 17, 2021, 9:40 am

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    Although health officials have raised questions as to whether the second dose of the jab should be given to these individuals, the Health Ministry has recommended that the second dose be given, According to the Jerusalem Post.

    “For at least 28 hours I walked around with it [facial paralysis],” one person who had the side effect told Ynet. “I can’t say it was completely gone afterwards.” The person said he was not sure about getting the second injection.

    One medical staffer said she did not want to give such patients a second dose of the vaccine. “I recently came across, for example, someone vaccinated who was dealing with paralysis, and decided not to give her a second dose,” Prof. Galia Rahav, director of the Infectious Diseases Unit at Sheba Medical Center told Ynet. “It is true that it can be given according to the Health Ministry, but I did not feel comfortable with it.”

    She added that, “No one knows if this is connected to the vaccine or not. That’s why I would refrain from giving a second dose to someone who suffered from paralysis after the first dose.”

    The Health Ministry said that the second dose should only provided if and when the paralysis has passed, Ynet reported.

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