The pharmaceutical giant released a 37-page “fact sheet” of its product on 19 May on security and application republished by Report24. It refers to the current status of vaccination studies in the context of the emergency approval EUA (Emergency Use Authorization).
The US health authority CDC has confirmed that children and adolescents develop Covid-19 in an extremely mild manner, if at all. Also, children and adolescents from the age of 12 cannot make the decision about an injection alone. Despite this, children are being targeted. The study showed that up to 80 percent of children develop side effects that can lead to severe trauma.
The new “factsheet” showed that the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccination was tested on 1097 children and adolescents from 12 to 15 years of age. At least 866 out of 1097 children developed some form of unpleasant side effect. In 466 the side effects were described as “mild”, in 393 they were “moderate” and in 7 they were described as “severe”.
The study was set up as a double-blind study, one in which neither the participants nor the experimenters know who is receiving a particular treatment. In addition to the 1127 children and adolescents injected with the first dose and 1097 with the second dose, 1127 and 1078 were injected with a saline solution as a placebo. The differences were remarkable: of the children vaccinated with the real vaccine, over five times as many complained of side effects within the first seven days.
In detail these were:
First vaccination
Fever over 38 degrees C (114)
Fatigue (677)
Headache (623)
Shivering (311)
Vomiting (31)
Diarrhea (90)
Muscle pain (272)
Joint pain (109)
Second vaccination
Fever over 38 degrees C (215)
Fatigue (726)
Headache (708)
Shivering (455)
Vomiting (29)
Diarrhea (65)
Muscle pain (355)
Joint pain (173)
Potentially fatal appendicitis is one of the potentially serious side effects that were seen more frequently in those injected with the product than in the comparison group.
The number of short-term serious side effects is given by Pfizer/BioNTech as 0,4 to 0,8 percent of those injected. Over the long term, these may increase. There are currently around 82 million people between the ages of 0 and 19 in the US. If all of these children and adolescents were to be vaccinated, between 330 000 to 660 000 recipients could be expected to have immediate severe side effects.
Nevertheless, the system media and health authorities are making children and their parents believe that they urgently need to be vaccinated with the experimental mRNA products.
A pop up vaccine clinic in Canada that is offering kids free ice cream in exchange for a vaccine, no parental permission apparently required?
— Mr James (@ElefentJames) May 24, 2021
Sickos. Let the Nuremberg trials part 2 begin. It will be too late by the time people realize what they’ve done. What crackpot would allow injection of an experimental substance.
An Amerikan commiecrat. What sickos are happy and proud to get their spawn vaxxed? Commiecrats.
Good, be nice when they all start dropping.
maybe not. once the useful idiots are culled, we patriots will be easy to spot.
Doesn’t matter at that point, we will be the vast majority. Especially with all the new converts who lost family.
Eww! great point!
An enormous and spontaneous explosion of “reinforcements”.
ESPECIALLY into kids who are not significantly affected by the disease. That has to be stopped!
Arrangements have been completed with the National Council of Churches whereby the American Jewish Congress and the Anti Defamation League will jointly…aid in the preparation of lesson materials, study guides and visual aides… sponsored by Protestant organizations. American Jewish Yearbook, 1952
By 1909-10, about one-fourth of the teachers at German universities were of Jewish descent. Gordon, p. 13
In Berlin, for example, when the Nazi came to power, 50.2 percent of the lawyers were Jews. In medicine, 48 per cent of the doctors were Jews, and it was said that they systematically seized the principal hospital posts. The Jews owned the largest and most important Berlin newspapers, and they had made great inroads on the educational system. Stephen H. Roberts, The House That Hitler Built, 1937. (Stephen H. Roberts is a Australian historian. Though hostile on almost every point to National Socialism, his ‘The House that Hitler Built’ does admit that Jews were a menace in Germany.)
The kind taking their orders from the CBC, (Central Bank Clan)…
I am still saying no to the experimental gene therapy they incorrectly call a vaccine.
👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 What this guy said. 👍🏻✊🏻
Me, too!!!!
As well as a crime against humanity.. They used this to execute “evil” national Socialists –
Then PISS on their OWN creation when it suits their CBC, (Central Bank Clan) masters;
Until the FDA at Least gives its FULL ENDORSEMENT…….It’s NOT a “Vaccine “.
Sorry, WHEN the corrupt FDA gives its corrupt approval, still not taking it.
And those who have taken the Fauci Ouchie are guinea pigs.
FDA approval doesn’t make it a vaccine. Most people know what a vaccine is. Classic definition: You slap around some microbes to kill or weaken them, then inject them so a person’s immune system reacts. Then when the real disease comes along, your body’s ready.
THIS concoction is basically a “program”. What do you call it when someone puts a program on your computer that you don’t want there? Wow! A virus!
They ARE injecting people with a type of virus. This techno-poison they’re calling a “vaccine” does EXACTLY what a virus does: It hijacks your cells to make more of itself.
Now they’ve discovered that non-injected people, especially women, are affected by being around others that were persuaded by the “vaccine” propaganda to get the shot. The injected people are SHEDDING… something. (Not known how or what yet other than that it’s probably not through the air.)
We already know about the strokes, heart attacks, vein and brain thrombosis and other blood-clotting problems for people who took the shot.
We don’t hear so much about disturbance of women’s cycles, both for women who took the shot and for those in their vicinity. BAD problems! It’s suspected that real damage is being done to female reproductive systems!
Why would anyone want to do that? Damage human reproductive systems? On purpose? Crazy talk! Except scientists have been working on population control schemes for 50 years at least…
All you need is a corrupt, ethically-challenged, morally-deranged, godless federal government to give the word.
“The most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘We’re from the government, and we’re here to help you!'” – President Ronald Reagan
Who’s paying for all these free shots again??
You are 100% correct. This is the billionaire globalists NWO population reduction / control on steroids !!
Someone has been doing their homework!
Bottom line for this old man? If these kosher “vaccines” are so safe, why did “they” instruct their tools in D.C. to grant them TOTAL CIVIL IMMUNITY? It’s the kosher food tax against Christians/Muslims all over again!
FDA is corrupt.
Of course they are….all the agencies ARE corrupt!!!! That’s why everyone is dying to work there as they can easily pocket lots of $$$$$…. The FDA, as with ALL “authorities having jurisdiction” were rotted years ago. FDA doesn’t even conduct their own research. They simply ask the kosher pharmaceuticals if THEY researched it, same pharma says “Yep” and they get the green light to poison.
Ever wonder why those responsible for mass shootings are NEVER exposed as having been on or trying to come off of psychotropic drugs?
tom arnold is selling meth on tv..this should be fine
Guy always was a class act…
It’s child abuse.
Well, for better or worse I took the vaccine. I was very reluctant but because I have 2 high risk (immunity issues) people in my house we decided to go ahead and do the vaccine. My 2 high risk people had mild side effects after the 2nd shot. (some fatigue and a mild temp plus nausea). One other had nothing but a sore arm as would be expected from any injection. Other than those listed issues there have been no other signs of any problem. I on the other hand had only mild discomfort in my arm after the injection with no other immediate side effects. However in the month and 1/2 since I received the vaccine I am struggling with fatigue, muscle weakness, especially in my upper thighs, to the point that I am barely able to get up from a chair after sitting for any length of time. I play drums and perform with a band and have issues with holding onto my sticks and after a session of playing I can barely get up and walk. Not saying that it was the shot but funny that it all started after I got the “vaccine”. Think long and hard before you commit to it. Looking back and knowing what I know now I would NEVER have gotten the shot.
I can’t believe anyone would submit themselves to be intentionally injected with a concoction that is NOT FDA-approved and for which you cannot sue the manufacturer if you develop any serious side effects, which may include cancer, permanent nerve damage, paralysis, blood clots/strokes, etc. The long term effects of these experimental injections are not known and have never been tested. More is known about the long-term affects of injecting heroine than what is known about the long-term affects of COVID-19 injections. I will pray for you and your family.
Most people are unaware because they’re lying and calling it a “vaccine”.
Everyone knows vaccines are good, right? Vaccines HELP people. Besides, “we all want to get back to normal”!
Get the “vaccine”! “Safe and effective!” “Safe and effective!” “Safe and effective!” “Safe and effective!” “Safe and effective!”
“Oh, you must be anti-vax!” Really? I’ve had all my shots, and when I cut myself, I’m glad I’m protected against tetanus!
Know this: You can’t be “anti-vax” against something that, by definition, IS NOT A VAX!
vaccines help no one .
only harm and kill
Except the kosher-pharma bottom line and by that,
the reelection of “their” favorite tools…
since,2 year old,i know vaccines are deadly
I certainly hope you do not suffer any consequences from the vaccination, but one doctor I saw said that it will be a year or two before we really know the effects from the Fauci Ouchie. This virus can be defeated with zinc and quercetin, both of which you can buy at any health food store. I know 2 people who have beaten the virus with these supplements. Both are over 65 years old.
I have been on vit D3 and am now taking Zinc and have bought Quercetin.
A Dr tried to talk me into taking the vaccine. today. 🙂
dont take D3 ,is a rat poison, CHOLECALCIFEROL go outside and get the Sun,even 5 minutes help,the rest is good,inc,ZINK
there is NO virus,please
Well, I have bad news for you. It WAS the shot!
Didn’t you hear what happened to Eric Clapton? He was afraid he’d never play again!
eventually he will became a zombie
“Not saying that it was the shot but funny that it all started after I got the “vaccine”.” Cognitive dissonance is strong here.
Thanks Dr. Freud.
I understand why you got it. I’ll be 65 in aug, I have severe copd from yrs of smoking, yes I quit 4 yrs ago and controlled high bp. Gonna have to dart me like a wild animal to vax me, wifes the same. I’m scared out of my mind to no vax in the face of an illness that has a 99%+ survival rate but, I pray I’ll make it. Did you note some sarcasm there, good!
you my have another 3 years to live,as a zombie, that is ( dr. Pierre Gilbert in 1995,google it)
Parents today are some of the dumbest, gullible people on earth. I’m not for government interference in parenting, but these parents who allow this should have their children taken from them. Herd mentality at its worst.
So kids have been vaccinated for this in the past 2 months and it”s now called a study. Study’s, REAL ONES take years.
Biggest “Reactions” Fatigue and a headake. BFD.
You tell em, Covid Cowboy.
Its VERY important to understand EPSTEIN GUILTY Trump’s ROLE in this so you dont make the SAME MISTAKES or support him as he MAKES MORE! CASES NOT DEATHS! EVENT 201 proves this was all a PLANNED FARCE! Understand that Epstein GUILTY Trumpy is a deep state FAKE like all others before him and gave Gates GAVI group a BILLION to FORCE a DNA ALTERING NOT-a-vaccine on YOU using the MILITARY in a ‘powerful way’ Gates controlled and funded Fauci AND Birx and they ALL should be EXECUTED. Trump PARTIED WITH Clintons, Gates and EPSTEIN and AS A DEMOCRAT!
He is a mass murderer, period, He gave Gavi 1.16 Billion, which is a Bill Gates Company, he signet EO,for innovation of Vaccines, He established Operation Warp Speed,Hiring the biggest croock,from Glaxo-Cline Vaxx Company(3 billion fine,for bribing 44 thousands doctors),also hired General Gustave Perna and said we will inject a lot of people, very very rapidly, vto this day and his ivanka, are aggressively promoting it, very recently said it s a blessing from God, the vaccine and we voted for him
In addition, Fox News reported Trump and Melania took the jab in Jan 2021 (both doses) at the White House. So he not only pushes the vaxx, he takes it.
All ALL TRUE! I did this video in Feb. Biggest thing I’ve seen ever EVER no joke. You might find it relevant and interesting.
Well, if we can’t hold the vaccine makers criminally liable for injuries and deaths caused by their products, how about the parents dumb enough to do this to their poor kids?
And yet had they not taken the dangerous and experimental jab, they’d have virtually zero chance of dying from covid. So what’s the point, except some other nefarious agenda behind this madness.
Start the arrests already!
This is the billionaire globalists NWO population reduction / control on steroids !!
Still support police 100%?
newer did,they will ruin their own families life,they are sooo brainwashed
Sure they do…they lick the boot.
Ice cream for kids to take a vaccine is totally out of order.
If no parental permission is required people should be locked up for that.
Pretty soon it will be: Get the shot or get shot! ammo up
Puh-leeze with all the bullshit drama.
This is pure evil. NO parent should allow their kids to get this kill shot. Take them out of school for God’s sakes. Don’t let them attend a public school. The government is trying to kill everyone. They want to de-populate this earth. They have gone completely insane. They are psychopaths. Almighty God does not want anyone to take this toxic shot. It is called “sorcery” in the bible. God created us with an excellent immune system. To take these shots will destroy your immune system.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”
Victoria Harris Smith, you’re absolutely right, and I agree 100%. Of course, this is pure evil; it’s Satanic. No parent should allow their kids to get this kill shot. Instead, take them out of school for God’s sake. Don’t ever let them attend public schools – which are Communist propaganda centers. Yes, the government’s trying to kill everyone, but it’ll fail. They want to depopulate this planet, as they’ve gone totally insane. They’re surely psychopaths. Almighty God doesn’t want anybody to take this toxic shot; it’s “sorcery” in the Bible. I agree; God created us all with an excellent immune system; but to take these shots will surely destroy it.
Unfortunately most Christians, will go back to God soon, to Lucifer ,that is ,there is also Luciferase Enzymes in those Programs
who is getting their kids the death shot? they need prosecuted for child endangerment.
Revoke big pharma’s liability exemption and this will be over tomorrow.
Good for them! Press those firs!
People are so unaware of how deep the subliminal control of television is. It’s amazing that everyone that is a TV watcher didn’t get the shot.
Get back on your meds.
Amazing how so many Christians espouse their faith and their trust in their Savior, yet when push came to shove, these very same folks disregarded their own God given immunities and chose the poison that the Government is pushing. Chose an experimental jab in lieu of their self proclaimed Faith. Fear in the majority of the cases was the impetus that drove them to make such a decision. Perfect love cast out all fear!
well they return to God,soon-Lucifer,that is,the vaxxes contain a Enzyme called Luciferase as well
Many Christians are followers…they worship God and authority (like Paul says to in Romans).
Romans 13 does not mean to submit to all authority. If the government is telling you to kill yourself and your family, God does not expect you to obey. Most Christians are deceived because they believe their pastors, who are GREATLY deceived about ”Israel” and the rapture.
They don’t know the Bible, which is very clear about the mark of the beast.
Theres a commercial on TV saying the vax is safe, it’s been tested. Both LIES!!! Commercial goes on about it’s safe, get it soon. People that trust the great almighty govt God hear that and believe.
And the irony is that every single drug ad on TV has a LITANY of side effects they have to note.
This? Completely safe. Not a single issue!
Excellent point!
They’re trying to kill the kids now, too!!! They are not satisfied with just killing off the adults and now want the kids DEAD, TOO!!!
or sterilized, if they survive,it call Massive Genoside
population reduction for sure
Okay, lemmings. try to wrap your minds around this;
Whom is it making all the money from this evil?
population reduction
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