The sun setting on the Israeli vaccine campaign. Photo credit: Cole Keister

Israel: From global jab champion to global new infection champion

The vaccination campaign in Israel continues at full speed. More than half a million Israelis have already had their second booster shot. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Health reported 68 513 new Corona infections within a single day on Thursday.

Published: January 23, 2022, 10:05 am

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    Tel Aviv

    By comparison, health officials in Germany – with nine times as many inhabitants as Israel – reported 140 840 (not around 600 000) new infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on the same day.

    These figures confirm a recently published study, the results of which were summed up by Gili Regev-Yochay of the Shiba Hospital near Tel Aviv as follows: the second booster had only shown a “modest effect” against Omicron, and the increase in antibodies after the fourth vaccination was “not very impressive”. Shortly after the fourth vaccination, the antibody level was the same as after the third, said Regev-Yochay.

    The total failure of the second booster shot also resulted in by far the highest rate with 3 290 infections per 100 000 inhabitants. The USA recorded 1 573, the UK 965 and Hungary 761 infections per 100 000 inhabitants. In Germany, the last seven-day incidence was 706.

    Official data from around the world now suggests that the double and triple vaccinated are developing Corona vaccine induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or VAIDS.

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