Austrian Health Minister Mückstein is being cornered by the ConCourt in Austria over Covid measures. Screen shot from YouTube

Austrian Constitutional Court demands real Covid data from government

On Wednesday, the Austrian Constitutional Court sent the Ministry of Health a list of questions about the pandemic that the official media and their henchmen have considered taboo. 

Published: February 1, 2022, 8:36 am

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    The Constitutional Court sent Austrian Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein some questions about the alleged “burden on the health system”. The background is an ordinance review procedure regarding the Corona measures taken by the government in Vienna. The catalog of questions can only be described as explosive due to the political narrative that has been cultivated in the Alpine republic.

    The court wanted to know if the figures for deaths and hospitalizations during the pandemic cover all infected people. The question points to the typical manipulation of the data confounding the dead and hospitalized “with Covid” or “from Covid” that has also been used in Austria. “If so, why was this counting method chosen?” the judges demanded.

    In addition, the court wanted a breakdown of Covid deaths and hospitalizations, specified by age. Was Covid the cause of the hospitalizations? Had they unnecessarily hospitalized healthy people, due to a positive test exclusively?

    Another set of questions was devoted to the effectiveness of wearing the so-called protective masks. Against the background of the spreading Omicron variant, Austria tightened restrictions at the beginning of January. These now also provide for wearing an FFP2 mask outdoors if the minimum distance, which has long been mandatory, cannot be maintained.

    The constitutional judges wanted to know from the Minister of Health: “By what factor does wearing an FFP2 mask indoors or outdoors reduce the risk of infection or transmission?”

    The Constitutional Court has calculated the risk of mortality “due to Covid” at 0,15 percent and demanded to know how the reduction in risk – absolute and relative – of vaccines should be understood. The Court wanted to know what the absolute risk reduction was after one, two or three injections. These questions underscore the doubt of the judges regarding the official propaganda that the vaccines have been 95 percent effective.

    “What does a specified vaccination effectiveness of, for example, 95 percent refer to? What does absolute and relative risk reduction mean in this context?”

    The Ministry of Health must also answer to what extent vaccination reduced the risk of contagion of the virus, since vaccinated people also transmit it, no matter how much official propaganda insists on claiming the opposite. “What is the risk of transmission in a person infected with SARS-CoV-2 with a second vaccination three, six or eight months ago compared to an unvaccinated person whose PCR test was negative 24 hours ago?”

    In another section of questions, the Court wanted to know the risk of hospitalization after becoming ill and after vaccination, broken down by age groups and number of doses in order to highlight the side effects of vaccinations, which have so far also been ignored in Austria.

    Another question that the Court posed was about the excess mortality in 2020 and 2021: Have there been fewer deaths in 2021 than the previous year and if, despite vaccination, was there still excess mortality?

    In short, the Austrian Constitutional Court asked the questions that any person capable of thinking for himself, would like answered,

    The Corona crisis has already lasted almost two years and Austria has distinguished itself by calling for the most extreme measures.  The measures were justified by claiming that they would be the only way to avoid an excessive burden on the healthcare system and especially on hospitals filled with “Corona patients”.

    Dissenting voices and questions about real data have so far been dismissed as inappropriate and reprehensible objections by “Covidiots” and “Corona deniers” to suffering and dying. Politicians had to stick to the advice of “science”. An open-ended discussion of critical questions or opposing positions in the struggle for the most appropriate policy was simply banned.

    Many observers were therefore stunned in reading the Austrian Constitutional Court’s relevant questions almost two years after the start of the massive health crisis.

    The 47-year-old Mückstein now has until February 18 to adequately answer the 10 questions that are as fundamental as they are detailed.

    Just a few weeks ago, politicians and the media and government officials insisted on the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” and imposed a “lockdown for the unvaccinated” on November 15 last year.

    From that day on, all residents over the age of twelve were only allowed to leave their own four walls for work or education, shopping for daily needs, visiting the doctor or for physical recreation without proof of their vaccination or recovery. According to a media report on January 15, Mückenstein was certain that “an early relaxation for the unvaccinated […] could quickly lead to an uncontrolled spread of the virus and to an overload of medical care facilities”.

    For the judges, however, some questions remained unanswered in this context. By how many percentage points did the prescribed lockdown for the unvaccinated reduce “the risk of infection of an unvaccinated person”.

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    1. It’s the pandemic of billionaires. Last summer, ten billionaires in Germany increased their assets from 125 billion to 223 billion euros thanks to a policy of measures that drove hundreds of thousands into bankruptcy. It has made the richest in this society another 78 percent richer. Within a single year. It’s clear where the money came from and where it went: in large part to the top ten who now own as much as the bottom 40 percent of German society combined. And a little more to the rest of the top percent; The last year is said to have brought 69,000 new millionaires.

      Comment by Rentia Diedericks on February 1, 2022 at 8:52 am

    2. Surely they couldn’t have done all this on purpose.

      Comment by guard4her on February 2, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    3. They sure did! The book ‘Pseudopandemic’ traces the history of the LEAD UP to the “pandemic” AND the history of the ELITE who are DRIVING THE HOAX.

      Comment by Steve Smith on February 18, 2022 at 8:45 am


      I strongly advise you click the link and pick up your Free Download of the e-book ‘PSEUDOPANDEMIC’ …. trust me, you will not be disappointed!

      Comment by Steve Smith on February 18, 2022 at 8:48 am

    5. Comment by Steve Smith on February 18, 2022 at 8:50 am

    6. From the Book Pseudopandemic …
      Oxfam’s findings were even more disturbing:
      “While the real economy faces the deepest recession in a century….Worldwide, billionaires wealth’ increased by a staggering $3.9tn (trillion) between 18 March and 31 December 2020. Their total wealth now stands at $11.95tn, which is equivalent to what G20 governments have spent in response to the pandemic. The world’s 10 richest billionaires have collectively seen their wealth increase by $540bn over this period. The greatest economic shock since the Great Depression began to bite and the pandemic saw hundreds of millions of people lose their jobs and face destitution and hunger….It is estimated that the total number of people living in poverty could have increased by between 200 million and 500 million in 2020….The coronavirus crisis has shown us that for most of humanity there has never been a permanent exit from poverty and insecurity. Instead, at best, there has been a temporary and deeply vulnerable reprieve….It simply makes no common, moral or economic sense to allow billionaires to profit from the crisis in the face of such suffering.”

      Comment by Steve Smith on February 18, 2022 at 8:56 am

    7. Dr. Robert Malone on posted irrefutable proof of the Ivermectin success story in India. Ivermectin needs to be allowed for medical use and for doctors to prescribe it immediately in United States. It is an act of criminal malfeasance to keep up the sham in the face of overwhelming proof and overwhelming harm to the people of this nation. If you want you can get it from

      Comment by ProudGirl on February 1, 2022 at 11:50 pm

    8. If the questions are taboo it means there are lies being covered up.

      Comment by Martina Vaslovik on February 1, 2022 at 11:56 pm

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      groculchi sarafilwolfda exranda regigekeweb creedenra volvota lodreraly uson haascapland venri quitenzootarba tioterpesemi inout briginmotiche vedcomal nanostaibar afer neconmy sporlepanliper terge darsbaldijunti critdandtrogitta porwadotiti lasshaslu pronel panogalip tigihydxitha contteahoodixy rodenbivisge foottieli cycgocon walon cylcscath viserrisati metdi vehigh deiluc maban munchconsspininop veipo jesti izin silkrasgacapet tensi radimi culptidi bosregodengci grifit bifathofuddla uluatin kaotamiwhetspet.

      Comment by 💋Amanda💋 on February 12, 2022 at 2:24 pm

    10. PSEUDOPANDEMIC by Iain Davis.

      A gripping exposition of political deceit. A wealth of evidence informs one of the most important books you will ever read.
      Pseudopandemic offers an unflinching and compelling dissection of the global response to the COVID 19 pandemic.
      The COVID 19 pandemic was a global humanitarian tragedy. Every life lost was an unbearable pain inflicted upon suffering families the world over.
      When the World Health Organisation declared the pandemic they signalled to governments around the world that they must take action to protect their populations from the ravages of a pandemic disease. Did they also alert a global network of public – private partnerships that their opportunity had arrived?
      Many warned that the measures taken to protect the public would add further unnecessary suffering. They stated that the policy response to the COVID 19 pandemic was contrary to the scientific evidence and prevailing epidemiological wisdom. Raising concerns about devastation caused by lockdowns and other mitigation measures, they maintained that the cure was worse than the disease.
      Convinced by the politicians and the media that the scale of the threat necessitated unprecedented restrictions, the vast majority considered these sceptics to be fools.
      But what if the sceptics were right?
      What are the costs of the pandemic response and did some see COVID 19 as the justification they sought to pursue their ambitions?
      Built upon a rigorous examination of the evidence, Pseudopandemic explores the unthinkable and delivers a damning indictment of global corruption.
      It charges the reader to confront a stomach churning reality. Once eyes are opened they cannot look away.

      I strongly advise you click the link and pick up your Free Download of the e-book ‘PSEUDOPANDEMIC’ …. trust me you will not be disappointed!

      Comment by Steve Smith on February 18, 2022 at 8:52 am

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