Ivermectin safely prescribed in Zambia against parasites. Facebook/Kowa logo

Japanese pharmaceutical researchers confirm that Ivermectin works

The Japanese pharmaceutical company Kowa has confirmed the antiviral effect of Ivermectin on Omicron, in a clinical phase III. The same applies to the virus strains Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta. Kowa wants to make the active ingredient available as a new drug as quickly as possible. In Japan, Ivermectin is used "off label" to treat Covid-19.

Published: February 2, 2022, 9:12 am

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    Western pharmaceutical shills have tried to get Ivermectin banned because it works and is much cheaper than their toxic mRNA graphene-laced brews. When popular American media figure Joe Rogan successfully treated himself with it, he was accused of spreading dangerous “disinformation” on the treatment of Covid. And a malicious campaign to remove Rogan from Spotify has been gaining ground.

    In a press release of January 31, 2022, Kowa announced that in its joint research with Kitasato University (Tokyo Medical University) it verified the “safety and efficacy” of Ivermectin.

    As Kowa reported in July 2021, “Nobel laureate in medicine Satoshi Omura (he developed Ivermectin and was recognized for it in 2015) asked the company to “test Ivermectin in clinical trials as a new therapeutic for infection with the new Coronavirus”. The pharmaceutical company Kowa said it believed its mission was to contribute to and protect people’s health.

    The statement continued: “Ivermectin has been prescribed by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the treatment of parasitic infections for 30 years – especially in African countries. It has proven to be safe to distribute the drug directly to affected people. Kowa referred to reports that Ivermectin suppressed the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into cells and inhibited replication (multiplication). It is therefore expected that Ivermectin will become a new therapeutic agent (tablet) for the treatment of Coronavirus infection.”

    In Kowa’s clinical trials, the dosage and administration differed from those that are approved and customary for parasite infestations, but the effectiveness and safety have been proven beyond doubt. Kowa reminded consumers that in conducting clinical trials in humans, it has also set a correct dosage standard.

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