Doha on a camel. Photo credit: Abuli Munavary

Qatar: Sandstorm in a teacup

The usual suspects suddenly find the World Cup in Qatar quite terrible. The reason for this: The Arab country resists Western "values". That's the new word for imperialism.

Published: November 28, 2022, 1:23 pm

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    A mega outcry rang from the “woke” bubble, because the Muslim country wants everything to revolve around the ball and has been loathe to allow drunkards staggering through Doha wrapped in rainbow flags.

    These “backward” people want strangers to be respectful of local customs! It’s a crime against humanity, isn’t it? Incidentally, the same indignant protesters were mum about the concerns over working conditions in Qatar when Western companies were making money from building the stadium.

    The “values” folks also had no problem begging for gas from the sheikhs a couple of months ago. The difference between good and bad is whether our rotten “elites” make a profit or not. But when it comes to a cultural group introducing itself to the world, then moral outrage becomes fashionable, because “diversity” means American monoculture.

    The turpitude of our leaders knows no bounds: When Arab immigrants behave like Arab immigrants in Europe, it’s just dandy. But when they do that at home, it’s a crime. Go figure!

    When some questionable values ​​from the Arab world are being imported into Europe to erode European culture, these wicked tyrants could not be happier. It’s a double whammy – the immigrants get to vote for handouts and all dissent is diluted to the extent that it does not matter any longer.

    At least one case has confirmed all suspicions about Green politicians and their professional competence: Laura, newly appointed in the summer of 2022 (and generously endowed with a salary of over 100 000 euros per year with no previous work experience) for the Bavarian state capital Munich Dornheim, instructed all municipal authorities to convert all digital texts, letters, announcements, forms and the like in the city of Munich to gender-appropriate for the addressees. The cost is a whopping 3,9 million euros.

    According to the pro-immigration, open-border Green politician, the entire update is expected to be completed by 2027. Although Munich has been a red-green cesspit for a long time, the city hall politician’s elaborate measures are not understood by everyone.

    The local broadcaster mü commented: “We are worried about the energy crisis, war, inflation and the ever-increasing cost of living. So this message seems odd at best: the city of Munich is spending 3,9 million euros so that its entire IT is gender-sensitive.” You don’t say!

    The red-green circus destroying the country apparently wants to broaden their electoral base in the long term also through mass naturalization. To paraphrase Bertolt Brecht: “The people have lost their trust in the government. Wouldn’t it be easier if the government dissolved the people and elect another?” They must have illegals with no grasp of German in mind, right? Right.

    Officials at Nancy Faeser’s (SPD) Home Office are working on a plan to make naturalization easier. “Interior Minister wants to sell German passports at a sale,” according to tabloid Bild. The project has the potential to do more damage to Germany than any other activity by a German government since 1949.

    Notably, new citizens are no longer required to “fit into the German way of life”. So nothing stands in the way of polygamy, honor killings and public loogies. A loogie incidentally, is a mass of saliva and phlegm, cleared from the throat and forcefully expectorated.

    And the rule according to which dual citizenship is only possible in justified exceptional cases no longer apply. In a few years, dual citizenship could become the norm for millions of new German citizens who are eligible to vote.

    Carl Friedrich

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