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Maximilian Krah is one of the AfD politicians who is singled out as an ethnonationalist, as he has stated that there is a distinction between ethnic Germans and immigrants who have obtained German citizenship. Krah is a Member of the European Parliament and AfD's top candidate for the upcoming European Union election next year. Still image: AfD on Facebook

The Establishment Wants to Ban Germany’s Second Largest Party – for the Sake of Democracy

Published: August 27, 2023, 2:32 pm

The rising popularity of AfD has raised strong concerns within the establishment. Despite lies and demonization in the media and isolation from the overall political establishment, the party continues to grow. Certain representatives of the party are accused of becoming increasingly "extreme," and in an unusual move, the influential weekly newspaper Der Spiegel demanded that AfD be "banned."

Keller and Heckman Continues Expansion of its Brussels Office with Addition of Former EFTA Surveillance Authority Food and Veterinary Unit Senior Legal Officer Craig Simpson

Published: July 12, 2023, 8:15 pm

One map for the public, another man for the scientists. Both these global temperature maps covers the same period, April 2023. Both were created by the US state science organization NOAA and published in May, but for different audiences. The deceipt is clear. Images: NOAA

Climate Maps Manipulated to Mislead the Public

Published: July 7, 2023, 9:03 pm

The US state science organization NOAA released in May very revealing climate maps that show the average temperature across the world in April compared to the climate normal. Not only do they markedly deviate from countless countries' official temperature data for April, showing the spring month was cooler than normal, but they also contradict each other even though they originate from exactly the same measurement data. The New Times here reveal how the figures are distorted and that there are two parallel maps, one for scientists and one grossly deceptive one shown to the public.

FvD was quick to support the protests against covid restrictions. Today, the party also stands behind the farmers protests against the governments’ plans to close a big portion of the farms in the country for the sake of “climate”. The picture is from a protest against covid restrictions in Amsterdam in January of last year. Photo: Wion

Dutch FvD break through the media blockade

Published: June 17, 2023, 10:00 am

What is happening in the Netherlands? It is often difficult to follow events in other countries, especially when distorted by system media. We give Forum for Democracy (FvD) the opportunity to speak out on the political situation in the Netherlands and the staunch resistance they face in trying to save the country.

Albert Bourla (l.) has close ties to Ursula von der Leyen (center). YouTube screenshot

The Ursula von der Leyen Affair

Published: June 2, 2023, 10:23 am

After a criminal complaint in Belgium against the President of the European Commission, the so-called SMS-case, now takes a new turn. The judge responsible for the investigation will likely gain access to the secret messages exchanged between Ursula von der Leyen and Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, at least if they haven't been deleted.

Daniel Friberg, founder of the publishing house Arktos, tells Nya Tider that they intend to counter censorship by starting new ventures, including an online cultural magazine and an online university. Photo: Arktos

Publisher of Unique Literature Worldwide Blocked by International Distributor

Published: May 30, 2023, 2:31 pm

Arktos has distinguished itself by publishing groundbreaking philosophers and social critics. Now, the publisher's international distributor has abruptly terminated the cooperation, and more than 400 already printed titles cannot reach their audience. There is strong evidence that the distributor has been under pressure, something that has also happened in Sweden. We have spoken with Arktos founder Daniel Friberg about the ongoing struggle for freedom of speech in a shrinking cultural corridor.

Cardinal Anders Arborelius, Bishop of Stockholm, is one of the Catholic bishops who signed the letter, which was read out in churches throughout Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland over the Easter weekend. Photo: The Catholic Church

Care prompts bishops to criticize transgender ideology

Published: May 17, 2023, 10:32 pm

The Catholic bishops of the Scandinavian countries presented an open five-page letter criticizing transgender ideology on March 21, just before Easter. The document primarily expresses care and advice and was read aloud in Catholic churches in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland. Cardinal Anders Arborelius, Bishop of Stockholm, is one of the signatories of the document.

FREEZING IN THEIR HOMES is the new grim reality for many Brits and Northern Europeans. Margaret is 92 years old and has just come in from the winter cold, but no warmth awaits her at home. She fears her own home more than the icy streets. Next to her are four thick blankets, and on the shelf above the fireplace, which she can no longer afford to buy wood for, is a meter showing the daily cost of electricity (inset). It shows £1.03, about 13 SEK. When it reaches £3, about 38 SEK, she is forced to turn off the little heat she has to afford it. Still image: ITW News

Brits Forced to Live in Darkness and Cold

Published: April 29, 2023, 7:41 pm

Food prices are rising at a furious pace, fastest in Scotland in almost half a century. At the same time, energy prices are at record highs. People are forced to choose between freezing or going hungry, and a majority of Scots are forced to live in cold and darkness to cope with bills. Old generations' tricks for saving and keeping warm are returning. Nevertheless, it is feared that 10,000 Brits will die of cold homes this winter. We present the Swedish Public Health Agency's guidelines on indoor temperature. Governments in Europe are introducing rationing and monitoring of food purchases. Net-zero emissions are a lie that, in practice, de-industrializes the West and dramatically lowers our standard of living.

THE RAPIER air defence system is manufactured by the British Aircraft Corporation and was commissioned in 1971. The missiles have a range of 8 kilometers and are guided by an unusual optical guidance system which provides high accuracy. The system’s short response time and the high maneuverability of the missile has med Rapier popular. Foto: Richard Watt/ Defence Imagery

Switzerland destroys its weapons instead of giving them to Ukraine

Published: April 25, 2023, 3:01 pm

Despite growing international pressure, Switzerland is instead destroying older air defense systems that it has decommissioned. The country claims that sending weapons to a warring party would violate its historical neutrality policy.

A massive coronal mass ejection (CME)

Very unusual solar eruption: Extremely strong CME ejected from the far side of the sun

Published: April 4, 2023, 5:52 pm

A massive coronal mass ejection (CME) on the far side of the sun on March 13th had a speed of over 3,000 kilometers per second and was so powerful that it was classified as extremely rare (ER), something that only happens once or twice over several decades. It was ejected from the far side of the sun and therefore does not hit Earth, but was so extreme that radio traffic was nevertheless knocked out on Earth for several days. The sun is in an active phase during a low-activity solar cycle, a very dangerous combination for Earth, which has a severely weakened shield. We were reminded of this on March 15th after a weak CME once again created an unexpected geomagnetic storm with spectacular auroras.