Attack against AfD offices. Photo supplied

Large percentage of migrants condone violence against AfD

A large percentage of migrants have expressed consent for violence used against the German anti-immigration party, the AfD.

Published: February 12, 2019, 1:36 pm

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    According to a survey conducted by opinion research institute Insa on behalf of Tichy , 18,5 percent of surveyed migrants meanwhile believe that violence against the AfD was understandable.

    Students felt mastly the same, with 15,8 percent of young academics expressing sympathy for acts of aggression.

    Six percent of Germans also felt that when members of this party were physically attacked, they would not mind. But violence against left-wing politicians, on the other hand, was tolerated by only 4,7 percent.

    The approval of violent acts against the AfD among supporters of the SPD with 9,9 percent is also alarmingly high, but not as high as the number of foreigners who feel that AfD party members may be physically harmed.

    This is followed by Green voters with seven percent, ahead of those of the Union and the Left Party, each with 6,5 percent.

    FDP supporters were the least likely to support politically motivated violence against AfD members, more or less in line with AfD supporters themselves, with three percent condoning violence against members of the Left Party.

    The survey was conducted between the 11 and 14 January, shortly after the AFD Bundestag member Frank Magnitz was attacked and seriously injured. The police believe it was a politically motivated act.

    The German Federal Government has spent almost 60 million euros to manage the migrant crisis through additional external consultants.

    The response to a request by the AfD, revealed that the costs since 2015 amounted to at least €59 027 612.

    The consulting firm McKinsey alone received more than 48 million euros to support the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bamf). The company Ernest & Young received just under three million euros between 2016 and 2017.

    In addition, contracts were signed with companies to the amount of 6,8 million euros, but the Merkel administration refused to disclose their names.

    The former head of the Federal Employment Agency, Frank-Jürgen Weise, had also received a consulting contract. He headed the Bamf from September 2015 until the end of 2016.

    Thereafter, he continued to advise the agency for twelve months as a representative of the Federal Ministry for Integrated Refugee Management. For this he received more than 83 000 euros in 2017.

    The AfD meanwhile has proposed that vacant space in refugee shelters be used to provide more sleeping space for the homeless, and has put forward a request in the Bundestag.

    The AFD’s proposal states that “if there is a constant shortage and need”, one fifth of the capacity in shared accommodation should be made available free of charge to the homeless.

    Even apartments and hotel rooms, which had been rented for the accommodation of asylum seekers in the long term, should be given to “needy homeless” people at the latest after two months of vacancy.

    Leftists, on the other hand, wants normal apartments for the homeless. In an application, which was also debated last week on Thursday in the Bundestag, Northern Europe was proposed as a model: In Finland and Denmark apartments were created or bought specifically for homeless people. There is also a corresponding project in Berlin.

    Unlike other programs, homeless people do not have to forego alcohol and other substances for these apartments, but can avail themselves of help services. The approach is based on the need for stable accommodation.

    Among other things, forced evictions are to be excluded by law if the residents become homeless.

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