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Christians living in Muslim country ‘143 times more likely’ to be killed

Conservative writer Srdja Trifkovic criticized mass media coverage of the shooting on Friday in New Zealand. He underscored the huge disparity with how Christians are treated in Muslim countries versus how Muslims are treated in Christian countries.

Published: March 16, 2019, 12:13 pm

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    In a column in Chronicles Magazine, Trifkovic  said that any “perspective” should include the fact that some 30 million Muslims reside in the Western world today by choice, which makes the probability of any one of them falling victim to a deplorable attack in any given year roughly one in ten million.

    “These odds may be higher than being eaten by a great white shark, but they compare rather favorably with the probability of a Frenchman being killed by a Muslim fanatic,” he explained.

    Trifkovic singled out the 261 murdered and many more injured, in attacks by Muslims on non-Muslims, in less than four years, in France. The number comes to 66 dead per year on average, which suggests that French people are exactly ten times more likely to be murdered by a Muslim than the other way around.

    “The score is incomparably worse if we look at the situation of Christians in the Muslim world. It is the most egregious example of human right violations in today’s world: according to Open Doors, at least 4 305 Christians known by name were murdered by Muslims because of their faith in 2018,” he added.

    A Religious Freedom Report warned that 300 million Christians, overwhelmingly in the majority-Muslim countries, were subjected to violence, making it “the most persecuted religion in the world”.

    The odds of a Christian in a majority-Muslim country being murdered by a Muslim, is approximately one in 70 000, suggesting that Christians are 143 times more likely to be killed by a Muslim.

    Trifkovic said even though the victims and their families in New Zealand deserve sympathy, the victims of jihadism should not be discounted either.

    Leftists reacted to the mass shooting in New Zealand on Friday by blaming anti-immigration supporters. But there are some strange anomalies in the official narrative on the mass shooting in which Brenton Tarrant went on an anti-Muslim rampage, targeting two Mosques in the city of Christ Church, New Zealand.

    The shooter claimed in his “manifesto” that he was radicalized between April 2017 until the end of May 2017 after learning of the murder of 11-year-old Ebba Akerland in Stockholm, Sweden at the hands of asylum seeker Rakhmat Akilov who killed four others including her in a truck attack.

    Tarrant said in his manifesto that he was “travelling as a tourist in Western Europe at the time, France, Spain Portugal and others”. But he neglected to mention a trip to Pakistan in October 2018 after he allegedly became aware of the Muslim “problem”. His last destination – a strictly Muslim country – has raised eyebrows.


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