Gibraltar, Iceland, Taiwan, Israel paint a bleak picture for the vaccinated
One of the most vaccinated places on earth, Gibraltar has cancelled Christmas celebrations amid a Covid spike, while virtually fully vaccinated Iceland has tightened infection prevention restrictions to contain the rapid rise of Covid. And in Israel, two researchers declared "that the vaccinations have caused more deaths than the Coronavirus would have during the same period".
Published: November 18, 2021, 12:45 pm
Gibraltar has witnessed an average of 47 cases per day over the last seven days, an “exponential” rise in Covid-19 cases. The government has meanwhile “strongly” advised against celebrating even private Christmas parties.
Health Minister, Samantha Sacramento, described the increase in case numbers as “drastic”, but despite the clear evidence of vaccine failure, nevertheless encouraged people to get a booster. The government reminded citizens that “we are still in a global pandemic and people are losing their lives every day all over the world”. But no one is allowed to question why “people are losing their lives every day all over the world“.
Robert Kennedy Jr. – scary…
— Wittgenstein (@Kukicat7) November 18, 2021
In Iceland, the Ministry of Health cited a sharp rise in domestic infections. “Due to the situation, the National Hospital’s services have been interrupted, and they’re facing a staff shortage,” the Chief Epidemiologist’s memorandum stated.
In order to reach “widespread communal immunity” the booster shot programme is also underway and around 160 000 people will be summoned for their third vaccine shot by the end of the year. Iceland is the third most vaccinated nation in Europe and the fifth most boosted nation on the planet.
In Israel, data engineer Haim Yativ and doctor Hervé Seligmann, formerly of the research unit on emerging infectious and tropical diseases of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Aix-Marseille, analyzed vaccine data and their findings were published in an article on the website.
The authors of the article requested access to information from the Ministry of Health, through the equivalent of the Israeli CADA (Commission for Access to Administrative Documents).
Their findings are elucidating, showing that rather than indicating the effectiveness of the vaccine, data indicate the adverse effects of the vaccine. “We are declaring that the vaccinations have caused more deaths than the Coronavirus would have during the same period,” the authors noted.
“We conclude that Pfizer vaccines, for the elderly, killed during the 5-week vaccination period about 40 times as many people as the disease itself would have killed, and about 260 times as many people as the disease among the youngest. We insist that this is to produce a green passport valid for no more than 6 months and to promote sales of Pfizer.”
These estimated numbers of vaccine deaths are likely much lower than the actual numbers, as they only represent those defined as Covid-19 deaths during this short period and do not include strokes and cardiac (and other) events resulting from the inflammatory reactions in dozens of reports documented on the NAKIM website, which themselves are only the tip of the iceberg, they added.
Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) however blamed vaccine critics of having a “misplaced perception about people’s individual right to make a decision that supersedes the societal safety” in an interview with Ted Koppel of CBS.
There are currently no studies confirming that vaccines contribute to “societal safety”. Studies now show waning protection from these shots instead and thus the need for incessant boosters. Clearly, the vaccinated actually constitute a societal danger by spreading the disease.
CDC now claims that “Immunocompromised People” will need a 4th dose – so that’s a new jab every 6 months, in order to be ‘protected’ from coronavirus.
— Wittgenstein (@Kukicat7) November 16, 2021
New leaks underscored that more vaccinated people died during the duplicitous Pfizer’s trial than those taking the placebo and the CDC has yet to comment on this explosive revelation.
As of 16 November, according to Taiwan’s VAERS, in just three days as many people had died due to a “suspected serious event” post-injection as had died with Covid during the 14 months from January 2020 to March 2021.
The proportion of people who have died of Covid-19 has also increased in Switzerland, as can be read on “According to the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), more and more people who have been completely vaccinated have be admitted to a hospital due to a Covid-19 infection. According to this, 22 unvaccinated [or partially vaccinated, ed] and 24 vaccinated people died at the end of October.”
The Cayman Islands have 86 percent of their population vaccinated, yet cases are up 6 565 percent. This average is the equivalent of ~1 100 000 cases/day in the US, making the case rate the highest in the world. This is likely to be reflected in the death rate as well.
The Cayman Islands have 86% of their population vaccinated, yet 1.5 months into a mask mandate, cases are up 6,565% & they’re averaging the equivalent of ~1,100,000 cases/day in the US, highest in the world
Somehow I don’t think masks & vaccine mandates will “end the pandemic”
— IM (@ianmSC) November 16, 2021
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Bill Gates’ New Plan: Cut Down 70 Million Acres of Trees to “Combat Global Warming”
To be buried to prevent carbon emissions.It sounds like a bad joke, but the project has already been launched in US national parks. Millions of trees are to be felled "for the sake of the climate." The project is called the Carbon Lockdown Project and involves logging robots cutting down trees and dragging them to large pits where they are buried under oxygen-free conditions. "One ton of biomass in the soil is one ton of carbon dioxide not in the atmosphere," says Ning Zeng, the founder of the project. Bill Gates sponsors such a "climate company" called Kodama Systems, which has set itself the goal of burying one billion tons of biomass.

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The Entire Solar System is Changing
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MSM is trying to make fun of people wanting to protect themselves with cheap and proven drugs. Ivermectin has been FDA approved for human use since 1996. It also beats Pfizer’s new wonder drug hands down, and costs next to nothing. Ivermectin doesn’t make tons of money. So they know the Covid shot is on its final gasp, so they take it add something different to it, rebrand under another name and charge 20 times what they would for ivermectin. I cannot wrap my head around this nonsense. When I explain this to my relatives they label me as crazy and ask me if I know better than science. I don’t make up these information out of my ass. All this information is true and proven. For some people it is near impossible for them to wake up. They are comfortable in their clown world life. If you want to get Ivermectin you can visit
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The new Infection Protection Act passed in the German Bundestag on November 18, 2021, which legally approves privileges for vaccinated people over unvaccinated people.
The example of Ireland shows where this is leading.
Ireland is vaccination world champion. A little more than 90 percent of those over twelve are vaccinated against Corona. The political class absolutely wants to go there, that’s their dream goal.
Unfortunately, the number of corona cases in Ireland has skyrocketed since the beginning of October . The government in Dublin is now responding with a curfew, home office and contact restrictions. So with exactly those measures that are supposed to be spared those Germans who are obediently vaccinated.
Although nine out of ten Irish people are immunized, the number of new infections on the island is clearly increasing again.
Ireland shows where this journey is going. The survey group of more than seven million Irish people is large enough to be able to reliably assess the effects of nationwide vaccination on the development of the pandemic. The result of such an assessment exposes the prevailing propaganda as misleading.
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The ongoing COVID-19 nonsense here in the United States exists solely and exclusively because our governments have failed to use the correct treatment. They used so-called “vaccines” when Japan has just proven, in less than ONE MONTH, that Ivermectin can wipe out the disease. IVM was awarded the Nobel prize for medicine in 2015. One of the 3 most important drugs in human history: Aspirin, Penicillin, and Ivermectin. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!
The CDC is admitting that the deadly vaccines are killing people but are pushing it anyway.
I do not like your COVID jab.
I will not take your COVID jab.
I will not take it in my house.
I will not be your little mouse.
I will not take it because you’re nice.
I know what happened to those mice.
Do not demand to have my arm.
Your persistence causes great alarm.
Do not make me a scornful topic.
Graphene oxide is a toxin.
You need not mandate I partake.
In VAERS I’ve seen the lives it takes.
Fauci says the disease is deadly.
Then why did he fund it with our money?
High vaccinated countries, high Covid cases, high death rates…now what could be the cause of all these deaths? It’s a mystery!
Those countries are perfect examples of you can’t comply your way to freedom.
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