The Covid ‘vaccine’ has caused a pandemic

The corrupt American Medical Establishment led by the mass murderer Tony Fauci was forced some time ago to admit that the Covid “vaccine” quickly loses effectiveness against the virus.

Published: November 23, 2021, 7:37 pm

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    But they claimed the “vaccine” did protect against cases bad enough to send you to the hospital or to your death.

    Now Fauci has been forced to back off this false claim. Vasko Kohlmayer reports:

    Last week Dr. Anthony Fauci made perhaps the most damning confession in the Covid vaccine saga. So far-reaching are the implications of his statement that the interview in which he made it may well prove a turning point in the fight against the great vaccine fraud that is being perpetrated on the peoples of the world.

    In a November 12 podcast session with the New York Times, Fauci was forced to admit the fact that the vaccines do not reliably protect their recipients from serious Covid or death.

    Called upon to explain the data coming from Israel – a country with one of the highest vaccination rates in the world – Fauci said the following:

    “They are seeing a waning of immunity not only against infection but against hospitalization and to some extent death, which is starting to now involve all age groups. It isn’t just the elderly.”

    In other words, the vaccines’ protective efficacy wanes not only in regard to the threat of infection, but also in regard to severe Covid and death. Speaking about the effectiveness of the vaccines in countries with high vaccination rates, Fauci admitted:

    “It’s waning to the point that you’re seeing more and more people getting breakthrough infections, and more and more of those people who are getting breakthrough infections are winding up in the hospital.” 

    In other words, all of the claims made for the Covid “vaccine” are false. Vast numbers of people have been deceived by a corrupt medical establishment and a corrupt media into acts of suicide and serious health injury. Yet, the coercive campaign to vaccinate continues. The people responsible for this campaign are murderers. These murderers include all the political leaders of the Western world.

    Why do all of them and the media scum continue to lie blatantly? These totally corrupt people keep hyping “the pandemic of the unvaccinated.” There is no such pandemic. Information from every country shows that infection and death rises with vaccination.

    In the UK 74 percent of alleged Covid deaths between August and September were vaccinated people.

    The data collected by Public Health Scotland show that the vaccination campaign achieved a 3,071 percent increase in Scottish deaths from a year ago and more Covid cases among the vaccinated than among the unvaccinated.

    “The unvaccinated account for just 19.7 percent of all Covid-19 deaths since August 14th 2021, whilst the vaccinated population account for 80.3 percent of all deaths since the same date, with the fully vaccinated accounting for 76 percent of the deaths.”

    The data from Israel bears out that the pandemic is among the vaccinated.

    The reason the vaccinated are at risk is two-fold. The “vaccine” has serious side-effects that are confused with Covid, and the “vaccine” damages and ultimately destroys the innate human immune system, making the vaccinated more susceptible to every virus and illness.

    Distinguished scientists and medical researchers who are independent of Big Pharma grants have established these facts, but the whore media refuses to report them. All people get from CNN, MSNBC, NPR, BBC, New York Times, CDC, NIH, AMA, politicians, and social media is indoctrination that causes people to damage and kill themselves by accepting the “vaccine.”

    The facts are clear. The Covid vaccination campaign is the largest mass murder movement in history.

    The public response to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s just published book, The Real Anthony Fauci, shows that people are seeing through the orchestrated narrative cultivated by the whore media. The book has had a media blackout as if it doesn’t exist, but is nevertheless Number One on Amazon’s best seller list and Number One on Kindle’s best seller list.

    In addition to Amazon and Kindle, the book is available at local bookstores and at Barnes & Noble, IndieBound,, Target, Walmart, Books-A-Million. Buy and read the book. You will see that public health is in the hands of gangsters.

    What the “Covid Pandemic” has taught us is that we can only have zero trust in the medical establishment, politicians, and media. These corrupt people have agendas totally different from public health.

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