Ostfildern will shoot anti-vaccine critics who dare to go for a walk on Mondays. Screen shot from YouTube

Mayor issues decree to shoot German vaccine critics

The large town of Ostfildern in the district of Esslingen near Stuttgart in Germany issued a “general decree” on January 26, 2022, according to which peaceful walkers can now also be shot if they take part in protests against the leftwing government's Corona measures.

Published: January 31, 2022, 8:20 am

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    In order to ensure that the ban on assembly in Germany is observed, the use of direct coercion, i.e. physical violence or the use of weapons, have been ordered. After weighing up the conflicting interests, this is “proportionate and necessary” because there are no other means that would discourage potential anti-vaccine participants from walking, the decree states.

    This death penalty was imposed and signed by SPD Mayor Christof Bolay (54) on January 26, 2022 and came into effect on January 28. It is unclear whether and how the municipal council was involved in his decision. To date, there have been no large anti-vaccine walks in this insignificant town with around 30 000 inhabitants. The highest number of strolling participants seems to have been less than 150 people.

    The quality of leadership raises eyebrows

    The Socialist Bolay was never in the Bundeswehr, so he has no weapons training. In fact, the militant mayor from Ostfildern does not appear to have any professional qualifications. Nevertheless, he has threatened armed violence.

    The governing leftist clique from Stuttgart shares Bolay’s convictions, where the former Maoist Winfried Kretschmann serves as the Green chief of Baden-Württemberg with the toughest Corona measures. Only the courts and other federal states have managed to slow down Kretschmann’s vaccine fever. The state’s opposition CDU Interior Minister Thomas Strobl, the son-in-law of ex-Bundestag President Schäuble, is however also a jab fanatic.

    The current German “elite” has been described as a kakistocracy, a government run by the worst, least qualified, and most unscrupulous citizens. The word was coined as early as the seventeenth century.

    Similarly, the jab shill and leader of the Green party Ricarda Lang, is not only a 28-year-old college dropout, with no professional training or significant experience in normal working life, but boasts about being the “first openly bisexual member of parliament”.

    The general decree from Ostfildern has rightly alarmed Twitter users with hundreds expressing their shock at the decree. Tens of thousands of people have been taking to the streets on Mondays across Germany for weeks, protesting during “walks” against the Covid measures taken by the federal and state governments.

    Posing with Anitfa

    The “walks” are a thorn in the side of politicians, and numerous cities have banned the unannounced but legal protests. “The demonstrations are increasing, what is increasing above all is the increased participation of right-wing extremists,” lamented Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD).

    Where are these right-wing extremist masses supposed to come from all of a sudden? Incidentally, the SPD politician had her picture taken with Antifa adherents from her home district. Recently it came to light that Antifa had drawn up a “death list” for 53 AfD politicians, together with instructions on how to make bombs. Another popular technique is “doxing” whereby the private details of conservative politicians are released and Antifa members are called on to carry out certain acts of violence against them.

    Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (centre) who is responsible for “internal security” in Germany during a visit to the “Antifascist Education Initiative eV Main Taunus”. Photo supplied

    Those who are not shot will be starved

    The head of the German Employment Agency, Detlef Scheele, announced that if a general Corona vaccination obligation is introduced, those who do not obey would see their benefits evaporate.

    Scheele told the newspapers of the Funke-Mediengruppe: “We as the Federal Agency must then also check whether a lack of vaccination leads to a blocking period.” A blocking period means that an unemployed, unvaccinated person will not receive unemployment benefits for a certain period of time.

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    1. The Brandenburg city of Cottbus now also allows the use of “immediate coercion”. Paragraph 64 of the Brandenburg Police Act : The use of firearms is even explicitly permitted here, provided that this has been announced beforehand, for example by means of a warning shot.

      Comment by Rentia Diedericks on January 31, 2022 at 9:38 am

    2. Comment by Delaney on January 31, 2022 at 9:58 am

    3. Germany’s national character remains that of of the Nazis.

      Comment by Martina Vaslovik on January 31, 2022 at 3:19 pm

    4. These people are bolsheviks – very different from the Nazis.

      Comment by JubalE on February 1, 2022 at 4:56 am

    5. What’s the difference when it comes to these matters?

      Comment by Martina Vaslovik on February 1, 2022 at 11:35 am

    6. No real difference at all. Nazis and commies . . . both are totalitarians.

      Comment by Noel Pillman on February 2, 2022 at 12:39 am

    7. When you’re herded into a death camp, you really don’t care whether it was a Nazi or a Commie who put you there. No one comforts himself with the thought that “at least it wasn’t a Nazi (or, conversely, a Communist) who put me in here! Yep. At least there’s that!”

      Comment by Durand Jensen on February 2, 2022 at 8:32 am

    8. (from the amren story: “happy-black-history-month”)

      You said:

      Add this to their history book: A brawl involving at least 40 broke out Friday night in a Golden Corral in Bensalem, Pennsylvania, apparently due to rage over the restaurant running out of steak.

      Did you miss the 2 white boys who initiated the chair throwing? I guess you were wearing your race realism glasses … they magically filter out all white participation in dysfunctional activity.

      Comment by Wally Wally on February 1, 2022 at 11:55 pm

    9. I saw the two white guys getting attacked by your amish. And the difference is that we don’t defend white trash who commit crime, while you lick the buttocks of Burn Loot Murder.

      Comment by B. Terclinger on February 3, 2022 at 9:41 pm

    10. Not that different, except the Bolsheviks murdered even more people.

      Comment by Vandervecken on February 3, 2022 at 8:28 pm

    11. Only difference between bolsheviks and nazis is that nazis killed 22 million and as bolsheviks have continued for longer, they have killed 100 million. Also the color of the turds, otherwise all stink the same and deserve to be flushed twice as its a long way to hell.

      Comment by B. Terclinger on February 3, 2022 at 9:40 pm

    12. Not so Smart, Tina: ‘Nazis, try the Slovo and co’ small hats, The Tribe by any other name, they of the 6 million hoax, now back to your Protocol script, Vasslowvax.

      Comment by Padraigin Eagle on February 8, 2022 at 11:01 am

    13. So how is life in the 50 cent army these days? Getting paid enough per post?

      Comment by Martina Vaslovik on February 8, 2022 at 11:40 am

    14. Getting laid enough to boast: So how is life in the Hasbara 50 shekel army these days, Vaslovitch. Hmm, that small hat getting you down, my suggestion, remove your head to relieve the pressure of that Protocol crown.

      Comment by Padraigin Eagle on February 8, 2022 at 12:10 pm

    15. Seems to me that the Blackmailed pedo politicians by Pfizer have crossed the line, take the poison death jab or we shoot you….Looks like killing them is just a matter of self defence now to protect yourself and your kids from these psychopaths trying to poison you

      Comment by mariomilano on January 31, 2022 at 5:37 pm

    16. A very good reason to shoot the mayor …

      Comment by Snifflin_Joe on January 31, 2022 at 6:28 pm

    17. Absotively posolutely. Do him before he does you.

      Comment by B. Terclinger on February 3, 2022 at 9:45 pm

    18. The mayor is foaming at the mouth. I wonder if he got bitten by one of those rabid monkeys.

      Comment by Jimmy Yost on January 31, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    19. Hmmmmm . . . was he in Pennsylvania recently?

      Comment by Durand Jensen on February 2, 2022 at 8:29 am

    20. Comment by Rick Morrow on February 1, 2022 at 12:37 am

    21. Comment by NormVan on February 1, 2022 at 2:11 am

    22. You’d think a good German would remember his history. Shall we remember N_U_R_E_M_B_E_R_G?

      Comment by come-and-take-it on February 1, 2022 at 4:52 am

    23. While main stream media condemns using ivermectin the most populated area in India simply declared they’re actually COVID free after promoting this safe tested medicine. In addition to this, Ivermectin attaches covid spike proteins and stops them from binding to ACE2 receptors. I recommend everyone to have ivermectin for emergency situations https://ivmpharmacy.com

      Comment by ProudGirl on February 1, 2022 at 11:48 pm

    24. The German people need to take to arms and exterminate the threat their government represents. The same of course goes for all people of all nations, yet due to these treats of massacring the population makes that very urgent and unfortunately, unavoidable.

      Comment by JohnConnorTM on February 2, 2022 at 11:42 pm

    25. I am Shocked, Shocked I tell you that Germans would decide to Shoot or Starve political opponents of The State. I mean, it’s not like they have a HISTORY of MURDERING opponents to State Rule.

      Comment by Vandervecken on February 3, 2022 at 8:27 pm

    26. Two to the chest, one to the head. Rinse, Lather, Repeat until Covidiot Free!

      Comment by Wooded Beardsman on February 3, 2022 at 10:27 pm

    27. Nazi-ism is not dead yet, and it is no longer aimed at just the Jews.
      Contradiction is the new enemy.

      Comment by The Viking. on February 4, 2022 at 9:20 am

    28. Contradicting that so-called ‘new enemy’: The Jews are the string pullers, always have been, always will be, the holohoax their faux victim ‘deride and rule’ golden key.

      Comment by Padraigin Eagle on February 8, 2022 at 11:04 am

    29. Hello my friend from the past. Hope all’s well.

      Comment by The Viking. on February 8, 2022 at 7:50 pm

    30. My ol’ friend, indeed: Viking, ’tis you, a blast from the past, at least a year or two since you raised the mast, and I be fine and well, ‘can you tell’, flying on until the final bell, and you, be your mind and heart true, Spirit renewed anew?

      Comment by Padraigin Eagle on February 8, 2022 at 8:36 pm

    31. Raise the mast? Indeed, albeit on foreign soil.
      Our poor “volkie” has now been silenced as all local “gossip” platforms has been destroyed by those thin skinned, demented assholes who think they can cancel an upstream, unconventional nutcase like mesself.
      On Saturday, 12-02, yours truly will advance to the young age of 70, going on 24.
      When the bell tolls? Who cares. Been ready and waiting but not anticipating The final trumpet for aeons to come.

      Apart from wear and tear, all’s well, thank you kindly.

      Comment by The Viking. on February 9, 2022 at 2:49 pm

    32. Canshill kulture, sure to lose the battle against us unconventional nutcases: Foreign soil, hopefully for thee ’tis less trouble and toil, while we once again this eve endure the Snake of the Nation address via the puppet Scamaposer no less – protected by the Slovo, Kasrils and Sachs hidden hands, faithfully carrying out their Great Reset plans, a shapeshifting Marxist who despises the genuine white folk, meaningless platitudes designed to paper over the mess that St Mandela and his handlers in 1994 did South Africa ‘bless’, with the bought and sold presstitutes fawning over the Emperor without clothes, ‘blog’ commentary that exposes their turpitude disallowed as you point out, but, as you say, ‘who cares’, seventy in a few days, time to break out the moonshine and the roof raise, blow that trumpet until your final days!

      Comment by Padraigin Eagle on February 10, 2022 at 9:49 pm

    33. Brace yerself Heinz. Winter without fossil fueled energy sources are going to overtake the holocaust tally.

      Comment by The Viking. on February 4, 2022 at 9:27 am

    34. Remove the right to protest, and you will get something
      considerably less friendly.

      Comment by Jacquelyn Sauriol on February 9, 2022 at 2:10 am

    35. His Dishonor the Mayor should have his backside filled with cement and sauerkraut…

      Comment by Alex1956B on February 11, 2022 at 5:31 pm

    36. 💗 Guys, we reaaally need more men on this dating site. Too many girls, but no men at USA, EU and some other locations. Help us please. 🔥🙀💖 👉 DISQ.US/p/2mryf09 (My id on the site – id607581)


      zopplorre fahcoa lewilrest calo forttratsuppvi ciaprecfor chamti nalto blanlittimbsen linstun gammorschondmalja bagotdaiworfolg kcomlepkaisefast dperaltephilwa fgabter ecvi snacismatsi fiopal hornbarkterpane terehadiso pochip gresmageb coiclasrip platippapac redows kildeotiomasma taver presicmaph mondslow anar mischpas lypsgod svesway ununun enroa piletmendwitch asit misney zagamnahiga boaspinseonasis frisin rolla ulor rebmefoteg freermi bodhnewsstourmafets inwithgo unap tercornle uarswimerbrumer.

      Comment by 💋Amanda💋 on February 12, 2022 at 2:25 pm

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