The release of the 20-year-old woman who was held captive and raped for 17 hours by, among others, Damir Al-Ali (imprisoned). Photo: Reader image GT / Police

Sweden: Convicted gang rapist handsomely rewarded – his victim settles for pennies

The criminal asylum seeker Damir Al-Ali has attracted a lot of attention after receiving a scandalous compensation of SEK 840 000 (€82 000) from the state after being convicted of savagely gang-raping and torturing two different women.

Published: August 25, 2021, 11:42 am

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    Information has now emerged that one of his victims received only SEK 3000 (€300) in damages out of the SEK 225 000 she should have received. And even though Damir is now getting rich at the Swedish taxpayers’ expense, his fortune cannot be confiscated to cover his victim’s damages.

    Handsome reward for a convicted gang rapist with an expulsion order

    The outrage among the Swedish public has exploded after the Syrian asylum-seeking migrant Damir Al-Ali was awarded three times as much in damages as the two different victims he brutally gang-raped. After receiving penalty rebate on penalty rebate, his final sentence was only four and a half years in prison. But after appealing, claiming to be younger than he had stated in private messages, as well as a confirmation of his alleged age by the Forensic Medicine Agency – he was released and could claim a gigantic sum in damages of 840 000 kronor.

    It has now emerged that one of his victims, a Swedish woman who Damir raped on March 18, 2017 together with Adam Hamlaoui after the two broke into her apartment, only received a fraction of her damages. Despite the fact that the crime was committed several years ago, she has only received SEK 3000.

    “One of the perpetrators received SEK 840 000 from the state. I myself have only received three thousand kronor in damages,” she told Kvällsposten. But worse than that, despite the fact that Damir was issued with an expulsion order, the now wealthy gang rapist can happily walk free.

    Broke in and gang raped woman

    There is no doubt that the asylum seeker Damir Al-Ali is guilty of a number of very serious crimes against various women together with his brother and several other immigrant men. After Damir came to Sweden in 2014 with his family, they were granted asylum, but it did not take long before he and his brother Mohammad Al-Ali started committing crimes. The most notable of these were the gang rapes and rapes that the two asylum seekers carried out in Malmö in the spring of 2017 together with other immigrants.

    The first of these took place on March 18, 2017 together with Adam Hamlaoui, born in 1994. Adam was reported to the police for possession of a pistol with which he threatened his victim. After further threats against the woman and a police operation in which Adam managed to escape, he and Damir Al-Ali broke into the woman’s home one morning while she was asleep.

    The men strangled her so that she had difficulty breathing. She tried to play dead to make them stop, but then they beat her to make her wake up again. Eventually she lost consciousness. “I ended up in an unconscious state,” she told the police.

    Eventually, the two immigrants disappeared but stole bank cards, a passport and other belongings from her apartment.

    Raped woman in car

    Damir’s brother Mohammad Al-Ali committed another rape on his own in early 2017. Under the pretext that he had a home for sale, he tricked a woman into a car and drove her to a parking lot in Malmö. There he locked the car doors and kept her locked in the car for several hours, subjecting her to extreme and debased sexual violence.

    Detained in basement – invited several men to gang rape the victim

    But the two brothers’ taste for rape did not end there. Together, they decided to rape a woman and extort money from her. It was on April 28, 2017 that the two brothers from Syria tricked her into coming with them.

    Once down in the basement, the asylum seekers locked up the woman and kept her locked up. They beat her, threatened her with a gun and a knife and sexually abused and tortured her.

    They forced her to stay overnight and the next day the rapes and violence continued. The Al-Ali brothers also invited five more immigrant men to rape her. They apparently found nothing morally wrong with coming to a basement to gang rape a kidnapped and abused woman. These men have not been arrested since the Al-Ali brothers protected their identities.

    A friend of the kidnapped victim who the two brothers were trying to extort money from, contacted the police instead. The police operation was carried out by the national task force – they disguised themselves as road workers in order to surveille the property. The friend, meanwhile, met with Mohammad under the pretense that she would hand over the money. The police then arrested Mohammad, who threatened them with a pistol. He was shot in one leg during the arrest. Shortly afterwards, Damir (Ali) could also be arrested. The police then broke into the basement and freed the victim.

    “She seemed terrified and in shock,” one of the policemen in the task force said. In total, she had been imprisoned by the Syrian immigrants for 17 hours and subjected to a very large number of rapes by at least seven men.

    Light and greatly reduced sentences for the gang rapists

    The Syrian brothers were first convicted in Malmö District Court and later in the Court of Appeal. The penalty for the crimes was ten years in prison, which in itself is low based on the extensive torture and sadism that the women were forced to endure.

    The fact that the two brothers were sentenced to deportation from Sweden until the year 2032, for example, according to the court resulted in a one-year prison sentence discount. Mohammad’s sentence therefore was nine years. But for his younger brother, there was a continued absurd penalty rebate, including a “youth rebate”.

    Damir was first sentenced to 3 years and 3 months in prison by the Malmö District Court for the crime. The verdict was challenged in the Court of Appeal, which increased the sentence to imprisonment for 4 years and 6 months. He began serving the heavily discounted sentence but appealed to the Supreme Court.

    Damir had claimed that he was 15 and 16 years old when the crimes were committed, but the courts had concluded that he was at least 18 with the help of medical age assessment and SMS conversations where Damir himself wrote that he was actually 18 years old. In one of these messages, he also urged his friend to remain silent about this, as he had told everyone that he was 15. Forged documents from Syria were however presented and after a ruling by the Supreme Court, the entire Court of Appeal hearing had to be resumed.

    The new sentence, in which the gang rapist was sentenced to just two years in prison, was announced on April 16 and resulted in Damir being released immediately. But since he has now, according to the new verdict, been imprisoned for 14 months too long, he demanded a very large compensation sum.

    Getting a huge pay-out for his crimes

    The Chancellor of Justice considered that Damir had been “subjected to too severe a punishment in view of his age” for his repeated gang rapes and torture of women. Therefore, SEK 840 000 was “reasonable” as damages for the “suffering” that the gang rapist had endured. This corresponds to SEK 60 000 in compensation for each month of imprisonment.

    The two women who were gang-raped for several hours, were beaten, held captive, threatened with death and pressured for money, were awarded damages of SEK 275 000 and SEK 225 000 respectively. But since Damir lacked his own assets and had lived entirely on the largesse of Swedish taxpayers, his victims were paid by the state’s crime victim fund. The Swedish woman who was to receive SEK 225 000 has so far received only three thousand kronor.

    Damir was given a pay-out which is worth several annual salaries for an ordinary working Swede. Also, there is a rule that says that this type of reward may not be seized for at least two years.

    Meeting the rapist

    Damir has not been deported either, despite the fact that this part of the sentence has not changed. His victim, who is forced to go to a psychologist to process the trauma, actually came across her rapist in the street recently on her way to the psychologist. “It felt really awful. I did not know he came out so fast. No one had said anything.”

    The outrage on social media in Sweden over the case has been huge – several politicians even took the opportunity to call for changing the system. After the incident, the Moderate party said it wanted to change the law to make it impossible to claim damages in such a case.

    Minister of Justice Morgan Johansson (SocDem) promised that several bills were underway, including giving the victims higher damages and being able to seize the perpetrators’ assets. But these are promises he also presented two years ago without anything happening.

    The crime victim’s chairman Sven-Erik Alhem believes that the state has acted negligently. He believes that the public sector should take full responsibility for damages awarded to victims of crime.

    The woman who was raped in the apartment by Damir and Adam also shared her opinion. “A mockery of women in Sweden and the Swedish government who claim that they are a feminist government… They only protect criminal immigration and avoid getting labelled racist for it.”

    For Damir, the future in Sweden looks bright. The expulsion has not been carried out and he has not been detained. The mass media also hides his identity so that potential victims do not know that the immigrant prone to gang rape poses a threat to them.

    In fact, the sadistic gang rapist has scornfully laughed at Swedes all the way to the bank.

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    1. He can take over from Stefan Lofven.

      Comment by Goageb on August 25, 2021 at 11:54 am

    2. what an outrageous story – particularly considered in the light of the Julian Assange ordeal, where he’s been put through hell for withdrawn allegations based on nothing more than consensual sex but without a condom!!!!! – there are indeed two levels of justice everywhere, one for normal people and one for enemies of the state …

      Comment by siamdave on August 25, 2021 at 2:50 pm

    3. Assange bragged about having four kids by four women, he is sex-obsessed and cannot keep it in his pants. I have no sympathy for him.

      Re. this horrific case, it is the result of the West throwing not just Christian sexual morality out of the window, but _any_ kind of morals when it comes to sexuality. There is no reason to allow people to fornicate and have pre-marital sex. Even data by secular psychology and sociology show that for children, traditional families with married father and mother lead to best outcomes.

      Sexual promiscuity is praised even on the “right”: such people have to account for it. If not in this life, then once they have to give account for their lives before Jesus Christ.

      The rapists in question — as well as the Swedish court system — are evil and corrupt, they will hopefully get what they deserve.

      Comment by GodMakesRight on September 25, 2021 at 5:07 pm

    4. Mass immigration and the West’s auto racism is a punishment from God. This is also how those Christians who still believe in Christ see it (in opposition to those who could rather be seen as wolfs in sheep’s clothing; which is, unfortunately, the case in many Churches today).

      A “feminist” society, just like all other obsessions with “equality” or “minority groups” — ‘Certified Oppressed Group TM’, as Chris Langan jokingly calls them — will get destroyed in the end. For not only will such decadence not be able to survive for long — it is based on lies and terror. For not only are women not a “minority”, the immigrants are actually worldwide majorities. While the West aborts its children to wallow in sexual promiscuity. This culture has become sick and gross to live in!

      Comment by GodMakesRight on September 25, 2021 at 5:15 pm

    5. And he looks so handsome!!

      Comment by PerfectStranger on August 26, 2021 at 5:44 am

    6. People get the government they deserve…….

      Comment by Marcus Aetius on August 26, 2021 at 7:40 pm

    7. Nobody deserves Muslims
      Nobody would expect Jews to get Muslims into Sweden.
      now both groups will have to be purged, like what Spain did in 1492 going forward to prevent Muslims from ever invading again. Get rid of the root problem, your anti-Sweden Jews

      Comment by Angelic Observer on August 28, 2021 at 11:23 am

    8. this is Jewish meddling in Sweden
      Muslims are in Sweden to rape and kill real Swedes. It’s the same historical pattern as in other nations that have had Muslims appear as if someone opened the gates to let them in.

      Comment by Angelic Observer on August 28, 2021 at 11:23 am

    9. If you invite vicious animaIs into your house…..don’t be surprised when they bite. This dog shouId be put down….not paid off in the name of “diversity is our strength” buIIshhitt.. Remember who Iet these animaIs in, and act accordingIy.

      Comment by Richard lane on August 28, 2021 at 1:25 pm

    10. When you allow poisonous scrap onto your country, this is what happens. The stand taken. by countries like Hungary is commendable. Goody goody countries like Sweden will forever regret allowing this kind of filthi into their countries. Get rid of the scum.

      Comment by Tony Ann on September 6, 2021 at 1:47 pm

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