Ksenia Medvedeva

Articles by Ksenia Medvedeva

Donbass launches criminal probe into Ryanair passenger Protasevich

On May 23, a Ryanair plane flying from Athens to Vilnius changed course and made an emergency landing in Minsk due to a bomb threat on board. Among the passengers there was a Belarussian journalist and one of the co-creators of the oppositionist Telegram-channel NEXTA Roman Protasevich, who was detained after the plane landed. He was later arrested for the duration of an investigation. And although it happened almost two weeks ago, public attention directed at the situation of Protasevich has seen added vim as new developments on the case have come to light.

Greeks in danger

Turkey and Albania plan to relocate migrants to Northern Epirus: What are the plans of Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan?

Putin bravely dons hazmat suit to visit Covid-19 patients in Moscow

MoscowPresident Vladimir Putin donned a yellow hazmat suit to explain to the public the emergency measures taken by the Russian government.

How the East fights against the Coronavirus

MoscowEurope currently appears to be drowning in chaos and dysfunction when it comes to the fight against the Coronavirus. But how is Russia handling the challenge right now?

‘This is not America’ – Bannon crashes in Europe

Steve Bannon came to Europe to unite the Euroskeptic populist forces. Instead he created chaos and even betrayed his closest allies – as he did in US.

Ukraine: The drunkard at the polling station

KievUkraine has elected a new parliament: But there many things which happened that the West does not know about – but should know.

Trouble in Tbilisi

TsibilisiSince June 20, protests have swept Georgia. The unannounced start of the protests was done as a provocation. The consequences however, are utterly painful, especially for the average citizen of Georgia.

Russia makes a comeback at PACE

It has been a hard and long struggle, but Russia has been readmitted to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). FreeWestMedia gained some exclusive insights into the struggle for return, positions and scandals.

Zelensky’s options: ‘Mythical Ukrainian roads’

KievUkraine's newly elected president Vladimir Zelensky delivered an ambiguous and populist inauguration speech. Will he be the man of words or the man of actions?

Is Ukraine’s president more than just a comedian?

KievA comedian won the presidential elections in Ukraine by such a large margin against the acting president Petro Poroshenko that the question arises: How the heck is that possible?