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Clinton World: Rumblings of war with Russia

The American Democratic Party and mainstream media function as one entity. They meet, plan, coordinate and collude to disseminate their barefaced version of events to the masses.

Published: October 14, 2016, 9:35 am

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    The Wikileaks Podesta files reveal how the Clinton campaign shamelessly bullies, fabricates and manipulates media coverage to suit their objectives, offering an interesting portrait of the inept, yet ruthless Washington elite in action.

    As the torrent of Wikileaks releases continues, Clinton World is fighting back with “rape accusations” against outsider and Republican contender Donald Trump as well as with ever louder war rumblings against Russia.

    In a New York Times smear piece published on October 12, Trump was accused of sexually assaulting a number of women, including one Jessica Leeds in the first-class cabin of a flight to New York more than 30 years ago. But Leeds shares a phone number with the Clinton Foundation and during the 1980s armrests on all flights were fixed and could not be lifted as Leeds claims repeatedly in her statement.

    It seems as though the Clinton campaign is not too worried about presenting any factual evidence ahead of the November 8 vote to bolster any of these accusations, and perhaps the voters are also starting to notice their carefree attitude towards journalism and reporting generally.

    The latest polls show 63% of voters said Clinton is overly secretive, 55% said she was corrupt, and 52% said she was “extremely liberal.” This is most interesting since the only presidents since 1900 to be elected with greater than 60% of the “unpopular vote” were Lyndon Johnson in 1964 after the Kennedy Assassination, 61.05%, Franklin Roosevelt in 1936 with 60.80%, Richard Nixon in 1972 with 60.67%, and Warren Harding in 1920 with 60.32%.

    Hillary, it seems, is a winner, beating every unpopular president before her with the highest rating of distrust.

    But more worrying than the sensasionalist “anti-women” Trump fodder in the mainstream media, are Democrats warning foreign governments and hackers that cyber attacks against the United States will be regarded as declarations of war.

    The US Director of National Intelligence, representing 19 US intelligence agencies, as well as the Department of Homeland Security leveled unambiguous cyber charges against Russia on Friday.

    DNS hijacking or DNS redirection is a common practice. It amounts to subverting the resolution of Domain Name System (DNS) queries.

    This can be achieved by malware that overrides a computer’s TCP/IP configuration to point at a rogue DNS server under the control of an attacker. It can even modify the behavior of a trusted DNS server so that it does not comply with internet standards.

    However, the most difficult problem in finding the source of these attacks, is really attribution.

    Each data packet sent over the Internet contains information about its source and its destination. Yet the source field can be changed [spoofed] by an attacker to make it appear as if it is coming from someplace it’s not.

    This is standard operational procedure. Consequently, chances of professional hackers, Russians in this case, leaving traces, are virtually zero.

    Russia has dismissed accusations that Moscow is trying to sway the US presidential election with cyber attacks to help Trump. Clinton World’s cynical political charade, insisting that Vladimir Putin and Russia have become a national security threat, was ridiculed by Putin on Wednesday as “hysteria”.

    Looking back at her tenure as America’s highest foreign policy official, it becomes clear that Hillary’s animosity towards Russia is quite new.

    In June 2010, the FBI arrested ten Russian spies who had established relations with both Obama officials and Clinton officials. According to press reports, their covert mission was to recruit members of the administration who might be helpful to Russia.

    Captured spies are usually kept in prison, isolated and interrogated, mostly in a very unfriendly manner. Abu Ghraib in Guantanamo Bay springs to mind. Not only was none of this done by Obama and Clinton, but the spies were immediately returned home to Moscow.

    After the release, the Clinton State Department officials then inexplicably boasted to the media about how great a relationship they had with Russia.

    In 2012, in a scene that can only be described as both bizarre and unsettling, Obama met with Russian President Dimitry Medvedev and when he thought no one could hear him, the following hot mic exchange took place: Obama said, “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this can be solved, but it is important for him [Vladimir Putin] to give me space… this is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.” Medvedev replied, “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.”

    By then Obama and Clinton had already rammed through the New START Treaty that national security experts had vigorously warned against as it would provide Russia with a strategic advantage over the United States.

    The Obama administration even acknowledged that Russia was in violation of other treaties it had signed with the US at the time New START was ratified, but Clinton boasted once the treaty was ratified that it was one of her great “accomplishments”.

    Earlier, in 2009, Obama and Clinton withdrew newly placed missile defense systems from Poland and the Czech Republic, ostensibly a protection from “Iranian missiles”. The missile system that would provide both countries with added security against Russian aggression, was regarded as redundant by the Democrats and such fears were brushed off as “Red scares”. Meanwhile the thaw in relations with Iran has come to a halt, as proxy wars with the Iranians are currently raging in Syria and Yemen.

    The reality is that there is practically nothing that Trump could do for Russia that Clinton and Obama have not already accomplished.

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