
Second Swedish police officer blows whistle on migrant crime cover-up

A second Swedish police officer has blown the whistle on a government cover-up of migrant crime. In a groundswell of public support, it has led to Swedes demanding a national conversation on the issue, a "Swedish Spring" after a first Facebook message on the issue went viral.

Published: February 9, 2017, 8:51 am

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    Tomas Åsenlöv, a police officer for Greater Gothenburg, revealed how police have been told to implement a “Code 291” procedure in order to cover-up information about crimes committed by migrants.

    “The Swedish public has to be told all the facts now,” Åsenlöv wrote on Facebook, explaining that Code 291 is used to hide “all information about the immigration-related crime,” including a ban on releasing photos of migrant suspects in public.

    “I understand that the younger officers may not dare to go out and criticize the leaders, or go out openly and support Peter. Then it is over for a future career. Then, when they apply for jobs, they will be classed as disloyal to the employer,” says Åsenlöv.

    Åsenlöv hopes the situation could change: “Now I believe that the ball has started rolling and maybe we can get the leaders to open their eyes and no longer deny the truth.”

    His testimony comes only days after a Swedish top cop was called “racist” for exposing the origin of the crime wave.

    Peter Springare has been inundated with goodwill from citizens who have been sending him flowers for his courage, but authorities ban members of the press from taking photos of the huge number of bouquets because “flowers represent a potential security threat”.

    In his original post, Springare says almost all of the suspects he processed when dealing with crimes such as rape, extortion, blackmail, abuse of judicial procedure, threats, violence against the police, drug trafficking, aggravated drug offenses and attempted murder, were called “Mohammed” or a variation of it.

    He also warned about how “our pensioners are on their knees, schools are in chaos, health care is an inferno, police have been completely destroyed,” as a result of soaring migrant crimes.

    Springare, a serious crime investigator in Örebro, wrote a Facebook post in which he described the “chaos” as a result of serious crimes being committed by Muslim migrants.

    “Half of the suspects, we can’t be sure because they don’t have any valid papers. Which in itself usually means that they’re lying about their nationality and identity. Now we are only talking about Örebro municipality.”

    Springare may now face charges simply for accurately pinpointing the problem. He has been reported to authorities over the remarks under Sweden’s strict “hate crime” laws and is facing an internal investigation on the grounds of “racial agitation”.

    Sweden’s Prime Minister Stefan Löfven also responded to the controversy, claiming that Springare’s assertions were “wrong”.

    While government authorities want to pursue Springare, the public and his fellow police officers have rallied around him. A Facebook page set up in support of Springare currently has over 130 000 likes.

    Swedish authorities have routinely turned a blind eye to soaring violent attacks, rapes, unprecedented numbers of cars that have been set on fire in major cities over recent months, and Sweden’s Islamic no-go ghettos.

    “I’m trying to point out a problem within the police force because I believe we are losing control over it. We are unable to tackle it, this violent crime,” Springare says.

    A request for data detailing the relationship between crime and immigration in Sweden has been blocked by the government. Justice minister Morgan Johansson denied the need for updated statistics on immigration and crime.

    Meanwhile a Swedish court sentenced a Muslim migrant to only two months in jail after being convicted of anally raping a 13-year-old girl, claiming his sentences for child rape and sexual exploitation should be lenient because the Syrian migrant claimed he was 17 when the rape occurred at a school in Jämtland County.

    But the Swedish court somehow accepts “Syrian papers” despite Swedish documents showing he was 18 when he entered the country.

    “The then-17-year-old man, who since turned 18, pulled a 13-year-old girl on one of the school’s toilets, locked the door and then raped her,” reported the Swedish newspaper Expressen. “During the trial, the convicted rapist’s age has been a major issue.”

    “His personal shows that he was born in 1998, and was 18 years old when the crimes were committed, but by his own admission he was born in 1999.”

    The sentence for a juvenile is typically 1/3 of an adult’s. Mohammed was also charged with another rape of a 14-year-old under similar circumstances, but the District Court claimed it was child abuse, not rape, because of the “degree of reciprocity.”

    No Swedish media outlets are reporting the crime in their English-language versions.

    In December, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) urged the country’s municipalities to prepare for war.

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    1. SO WERE IS LINK TO FACECRAP PAGE….we will post from outside of Sweden to help expose the hidden Islamic war with the world

      Comment by The Old Timer on February 9, 2017 at 3:24 pm

    2. look for ..Peter Springare…

      Comment by Ben Barends on February 9, 2017 at 3:38 pm

    3. “Stå upp for Peter…” and you should find it

      Comment by Mchael Sander on February 9, 2017 at 7:49 pm

    4. We need to stop calling people “leaders”…they are NOT OUR LEADERS….they have grown to believe that they are….they are people doing a job they were hired to do….they were not elected to be our parents….me need to make that clear to elected people….in fact ANYONE hired to do a job at any state level is still only doing a job….and no job makes anyone better that another

      Comment by The Old Timer on February 9, 2017 at 3:29 pm

    5. I call them “traitors”, both the politicians and the “journalists”, and if this pathetic people (I’m a swede) ever wakes up, I expect the traitors to be held accountable for what they have done (albeit with the support of the pathetic people)…and I truly hope we show the world that not only muslims can come up with horrible punishments, because the traitors truly deserve every bad thing that can happen to them.

      Comment by Illwill on February 13, 2017 at 12:04 am

    6. Don’t forget the judges. They are all marxist “68’er” baby boomer scum.

      Comment by Jon_the_I on February 15, 2017 at 8:49 am

    7. Dont forget their rentboys the Judges gave the right to marry to; and then feed them heterosexsuals children to adopt.

      Comment by Crippled by UK State goons on February 15, 2017 at 2:40 pm

    8. Judges?

      Oh, heh…for those that don’t know, in Swedish courts (except for the supreme court) we always have more politicians (“nämndemän”, which are assigned by the political parties) than lawyers. In some courts we actually have only politicians (like if you try to go against the regime’s media).

      Comment by Illwill on February 15, 2017 at 8:07 pm

    9. About time I heard a Swede talk like that, I thought you’d all turned to cowards. Execute the traitors along with the invader muzz. Scare them so bad they run all they way back to the filthy hole they come from

      Comment by vinagaroon on April 28, 2018 at 11:26 pm

    10. We (the real Swedes) are still around, and we’re pissed off. But for every man in Sweden, there are most likely ~100 cucks. There are probably more than enough real men left to take Sweden back, but we aren’t organized and it’s rather difficult to find others that actually understand what should be so incredibly obvious to everyone.

      Sweden could be taken back in a manner of a few months, and yes, your approach would of course have to/should be used. And, if Sweden can be taken back, then all of the West can be (because Sweden is without comparison the worst).

      But, I am not going to sacrifice myself for a people that I am disgusted by, so I will most likely give up in 3-3½ years and find a country where men have similar values as to what I have (i.e. they are men, not gender neutral cucks). As for the women, it’s not that I dislike women (quite the contrary), but it won’t be women that save the West (even though they are quite responsible in destroying it).

      Comment by Illwill on April 29, 2018 at 9:52 am

    11. You sound like you could be a lost twin brother, I’m glad you MEN still exist in Western Europe, but like you say you’re a minority among simpering cucks. Women by their nature are generally naïve and are helping in Europes invasion and downfall, but of course with the help of effeminate, cowardly “males”. I live in Hawaii and have a friend here that is from Sweden, he left years ago, over 25 and said even then he was disgusted by his own government and dreamed of living in America. We have our own problems now with a large number of liberal idiots but the difference is we have guns and any fools that try to take them will end up as rotting carcass’s. Gotta ad that there are plenty of tough, conservative women but the liberal ones have come to govern Europe to it’s demise.

      Comment by vinagaroon on April 29, 2018 at 5:21 pm

    12. Well, everyone has a part to play, I guess. Sweden as a whole does too, although the part is quite pathetic. Quite simply, the SJW capital of the world will continue to act as an example of what not to do. It’s really quite absurd, Sweden was one of the best countries to live in not so long ago. Safe, prosperous, good people that were honest/intelligents/well-educated and worked. Well, give the communists power over the media and the educational system and they can completely ruin a country in less than 40 years.

      Regardless of what people may think of Fox News, you should be happy you have them. And yeah, your guns too. But, to be honest, there are A LOT of guns in Sweden as well, even if you don’t count the illegal firearms the sand people use on a daily basis. If the hunters turned out to be men, this country would be ours again. But, men don’t hurt animals unless forced to, so these overgrown children will not be the ones to save the country.

      Comment by Illwill on April 30, 2018 at 3:05 am

    13. Doing a job and not doing a good job at that. Liberals called Homobama the countries father. That pile of maggot food wasn’t even my pet rat let alone father

      Comment by vinagaroon on April 28, 2018 at 11:25 pm

    14. Kill the polticians families and anyone else siding with the invaders.

      Comment by dicksuckingmoslemprez on February 9, 2017 at 5:31 pm

    15. Slowly sinking into the abyss.

      Comment by Byron Shutt on February 10, 2017 at 2:01 am

    16. Sweden no longer sounds like a place I would want to visit, much less live! After reading this article, it sounds more like Nazi Germany or Communist Russia/China!

      Comment by Kenneth Breitling on February 10, 2017 at 4:29 am

    17. No, it’s exactly like Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Many of these so called ‘Syrians” aren’t Syrians at all, but rather invaders from countries that have no business being in Sweden. Men from N. Africa and Asia.

      Comment by Jaz on February 10, 2017 at 4:38 am

    18. Stay the fk away from this country, Kenneth, it is much worse than you can ever imagine. We have close to 2 million sand people here (and yes, they rape/rob/steal/murder and everything else that subspecies is infamous for), our media is working with communist terrorist groups to threaten those that criticize the regime (I am one of the ones that got the “warning”), our so called “public service” is going to use the tax payers money to pay the legal costs for a couple of “journalists” sentenced for smuggling arabs to our country etc.

      There is no other Western country that is as bad off as Sweden is, not even Germany(!). Things will most likely happen here soon, and regardless if it is complete white flight or civil war, it will be bad.

      Comment by Illwill on February 13, 2017 at 12:10 am

    19. Behind Barbara Spectre, Henry Kissinger (RIP JFK) and Soros, is this

      Comment by Crippled by UK State goons on February 15, 2017 at 9:05 am

    20. I make my own decisions, I don’t date/marry/have sex with someone/something because someone else tells me to. If people are that weak, then they deserve to be wiped out.

      Comment by Illwill on February 15, 2017 at 8:04 pm

    21. Lol; you have strong arms because you pulled yourself out of an abortion bucket. Bully for you.

      Comment by Perfidious Albion bent & broke on February 23, 2017 at 5:28 am

    22. Oh my, the level of projection in this one is off the charts. But yes, I agree with you, it is sad that your father couldn’t figure out how a condom works.

      Comment by Illwill on February 23, 2017 at 6:47 am

    23. Yawno, you are a mere Death cult member, and your mortal end is in sight.
      Cheerio sucker.

      Comment by Perfidious Albion bent & broke on February 26, 2017 at 12:41 am

    24. Worst

      I don’t expect much from people like you, useless cretins that bring nothing to the table, but at least put some effort into your attempts at trolling! Hit and run is so early 2010’s. Back when I was your age (12?) I pretended to sell steroids on a page for fitness freaks. Did I just post once, or in single sentences like a complete loser? No, you have to build on it, you pathetic waste of space! Trolling is supposed to be an art, and it has to involve portions of reality (and if you’re going to go with the “god”-thing, you need to bring it up several notches, as the crazies of the world are far beyond what you pretend to portray).

      You are a neighborhood tagger, an eneducated hoodlum, in comparison to my earlier Lucian Freud. You (barely) manage to spray paint your initials, where as I painted beautiful masterpieces of your mom.

      Shame on you, start respecting yourself (albeit I understand why you don’t)!

      Comment by Illwill on February 26, 2017 at 5:20 am

    25. Lol…
      Are you still in the UK…

      (Stifles a chortle).
      Enjoy the riots this summer….

      Anyway, (on a more sensible note) “if people are weak”, then you should try & make them strong (instead of “wiping them out”)…. otherwise you will be outnumbered really quic………. too late..

      Comment by Crippled by UK State goons on March 11, 2017 at 5:51 am

    26. I’ve never lived in the UK (for more than a few months at a time). I am way worse off, I live in Sweden…and we’re already enjoying riots, murders, hand grenade attacks and the constantly occuring gang rapes (and since we have lots of afghans here now, it’s not just against females anymore).

      If we have learned anything from evolution (and I am not sure about that) it should be that you can’t make the weak strong. Survival of the fittest is the key for our survival, however ironic it may be. Right now, the ones that should be most fit are sacrificing themselves for the least fit, which makes them thrive right now. However, once the most fit have left this country, or left it, the least fit will either die or try to spread to other countries. I doubt any other country will let these “people” in, after Sweden has become the example it already should be. The strong are rising all over the world (even a handful in Sweden), but you are of course correct in that we’re too few, and heavily outnumbered. But I’ll take a few good men over a large amount of gender neutral peons any day, if the goal is to protect our way of living.

      Comment by Illwill on March 11, 2017 at 11:49 am

    27. Good luck with that dude…
      This Sweden news article made me feel sick when I read it (link)… so, I understand that being considered “counter-extreme” over there may be the only logical way forward.
      Inspire people to not invite wolves among the sheep.

      And deal with wolves & swine who attack your flock as required.

      Hope you find people who will boot out of office the chimps in charge of the chaos.

      Comment by Perfidious Albion bent & broke on March 12, 2017 at 3:00 am

    28. Those stories are nothing special anymore. Even our media (!) sometimes write about what is going on, even though they hide who is responsible. We have daily murders, rapes, burning cars, rocks thrown at police and rescue personal and so forth. Things are going bad fast here.

      The main problem (or “challenge” as our traitors call it) with our immigration policy is that we don’t make any demands, unlike all other countries. Because of this issue, we’re not looking for wolves amongst the sheep, we’re looking at wolves, pretty much only. There might be a few sheep in there, but as they are living on wellfare, I want them out as well.

      Sweden has taken in the worst of the worst, the human garbage that no other country on the planet (including their own) would want. But as 100% of the official media and 7/8 larger political parties are supporting this genocide, it will be impossible to solve in a peaceful way.

      Oh, and as far as the “jew”-aspect, I believe in personal responsibility. If someone tells me to do something, and I do it, then I am responsible for that action. If someone tricks me, I am still responsible. Or, in the case of Sweden: if someone tricks me every single day for 20-25 years straight, I am extremely responsible. Well, in general terms of course, as I have never once supported a traitor, as I am not a gender neutral pathetic piece of…or ehum, a “Swede” as they are called today (Swedes were something completely different when I grew up, and I honestly don’t understand what happened, as I didn’t change).

      Comment by Illwill on March 12, 2017 at 12:56 pm

    29. Once you bring that big imaginary daddy in the sky into any rational conversation the discussion should stop immediately.SMH

      Comment by helcast on February 22, 2017 at 11:38 pm

    30. You are too ignorant for rational conversation, because you presume too much, and know even less.

      Comment by Perfidious Albion bent & broke on February 23, 2017 at 5:27 am

    31. Dear Godless wonder; its interesting to see how you dinosaurs managed to fight off the extinction-event meteorites (admittedly some cowardly virus`s for creatures survived somehow) with all the INSPIRATION dinosaurs gave each other to learn & progress. But I don`t expect intellectual chimps to understand how little they understand.

      Comment by Perfidious Albion bent & broke on February 26, 2017 at 12:40 am

    32. surely not…can it really be that bad!

      Comment by NeilM on June 29, 2018 at 4:28 am

    33. Now? No, it’s a year later, it’s worse now.

      During this year, the gang shootings have double and 9000 thousand illegals (hazars from Iran) were given asylum, despite the fact that it’s known that pretty much every single one of them lied about his age and not a single one of them identified himself (and yes, they are all adult males). They are also one of the most expensive and most crime-ridden groups in our society.

      We have an election in September, and the “right wing extremist party” (according to our media, which makes CNN look objective and professional) will once again double their support (they’ve done that every election since the late 80’s, since they are the ONLY opposition to the traitors). They will almost guaranteed become the biggest party in parliament, at least if you pretend the other seven are different parties. But even with 30%, they traitors will have 70%, so the genocide will continue.

      Socialism actually works somewhat with a homogenous population of quality, but once you change the population, socialism will undeniably fail.

      Comment by Illwill on June 29, 2018 at 4:08 pm

    34. It’s no different than France, England, or any European country. Their country will never be as we knew it.
      The immigrants (mostly muslims) have ruined the centuries old cultures of the European countries. Coming to a town near you if the people don’t smarten up.

      Comment by jim on February 20, 2017 at 8:55 pm

    35. Grand Respect!
      Muslim – UNTERMENSCH! Islam – PATHOLOGY!

      Comment by Tony Wilu on February 10, 2017 at 6:12 pm

    36. what a bunch of cowards. people need to arm themselves. if a child is raped the parent should kill the rapist. I bet it would stop pretty dam fast. they do something to one of yours do something back. never mind your government go to jail if you have to.

      Comment by rose sigut on February 10, 2017 at 10:53 pm

    37. You’re not a Swede.

      I am, I agree completely with you, but there are almost no real men left in Sweden (and essentially no women). If I can’t figure out why this people is so pathetic, you will never be able to…and you should be very happy about that.

      Comment by Illwill on February 13, 2017 at 12:14 am

    38. Sadly, much of Europe (especially the UK) takes to jailing the victim.

      Comment by Crippled by UK State goons on February 15, 2017 at 9:14 am

    39. IMPORTANT: The Left want to suppress the Truth & use violence. DONT USE VIOLENCE stand peacefully & firmly for the Principles of Liberal Democracy, which is incompatible with prophet Mohammed’s religion of dominantion. We are the Kuffaar.

      If we do that we win!
      The authorities can’t suppress the Truth forever!
      Love & Respect your Adversary – including Muslims enslaved by islam & the fear it relies on.
      =^) =^) =^)

      Comment by Platypus Paws on February 11, 2017 at 9:38 am

    40. Yeah, no. Don’t be a cuck.

      Comment by Columbiad on February 15, 2017 at 2:15 pm

    41. You wish. How naiv is it possible to be

      Comment by Otto Aksdal on March 23, 2017 at 6:08 pm

    42. welcome to the real world Sweden. Hope you learn quickly.
      Muammar Gaddafi:-
      We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah
      will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns,
      without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a
      few decades.
      Speech (10 April 2006), quoted in New York Sun 6 September 2009

      Comment by WALK on February 12, 2017 at 10:48 pm

    43. Quickly? This pathetic people has supported its own genocide for over 25 years. Either this people will wake up, throw out the sand people and execute the traitors, or the country will become part of the calipathe within 10 years. Oh, and this people won’t wake up.

      Comment by Illwill on February 13, 2017 at 12:13 am

    44. Sad…
      Maybe their Chief of defence is a bit like around half of them in raped Northern Europe?
      Or maybe, if its a he, something like a prancing Trudeau (till the obvious forthcoming day of Lee Rigby style destruction for them)?

      No biggie, I saw it was unfit to live in Europe a long time ago. Even Enoch Powell warned you in his prophetic “Rivers of blood” speech when I was a kid.

      Comment by Crippled by UK State goons on February 15, 2017 at 9:12 am

    45. its ez, someone sold Sweden..

      Comment by Janis Van Helsings on February 13, 2017 at 7:32 am

    46. I have a very twisted feelings about this matter. My grandparents were refugees and were deported by Swedish government after WWII and died in Siberia as a result. Sweden made their apologies about this. It looks like they went from one ditch to another. This happens when a country has no backbone!

      Comment by Oskar Gardener on February 14, 2017 at 11:51 pm

    47. The main thing is that Swedish immigration politics have deteriorated into some kind of fanatic state. Yes, Sweden deported a lot of Baltic refugees to USSR, most likely due to the imminent threat that country actually was against a small, neutral country. It was ugly, surely it was.

      Nowadays the agenda is quite another. In stead of letting those neighbour Baltic refugees stay, Sweden accept immigrants from quite another culture, a culture whose prejudices of Western dressed girls are considered whores just asking for it, a culture filled with loud speaking, threatening aggressions whereas the natives usually are more drawn back and calm, seeking quiet conversation to solve conflicts, a culture not feeling the least thankful for their “rescuers” who actually pay for their housing, food, clothes, entertainment, computers, cellphones, education and most likely for any job they manage to get. The cultures clash severely.

      And saying that this isn’t working at all in public is like standing in front of the Pope, denying the existence of a God – and then get surprised if you are expelled from the Vatican City. Because this is how this have become. A fanatic religion. A religion denying facts, while embracing lies. In the former DDR, being critical against the Communist International belief would probably lead to the dissident being out of job and fading friendship, probably also detention. In Sweden today, detention is a bit long-stretched although a critical artist, Dan Park was convicted for his art. But sure. You may lose your friends and your job for saying the unsayable – that this invasion of immigrants from incompatible cultures is steering Sweden dangerously close to a treacherous reef, while the natives suffer.

      Comment by Ratatosk_SE on March 23, 2017 at 4:58 pm

    48. A salute to that Man.
      Its about time police had some common sense.
      The hidden crimes of immigrants has been ongoing for generations across Europe, since I was barely 16, when a gang of Africans booted me almost to death, for being a young white male in my home town (the immigrants almost snapped my neck booting my unconscious head and nearly kicked out my left eye). UK police ascertained I was not Jewish, nor female, nor muslim, and refused to even look for the perps. They dropped the case. Maybe it was too hard looking for African perps in the dark?
      That was 3 decades ago; now I feel safer when I hear they drown.

      Comment by Crippled by UK State goons on February 15, 2017 at 9:02 am

    49. I’m Swedish. Every word in this article is true. I am living in a complete madhouse!

      Comment by FiveToTwelve on February 17, 2017 at 2:42 am

    50. the need to build a catapult and launch rocks at incoming boats of refugees

      Comment by Allan Stroud on February 17, 2017 at 11:51 pm

    51. Sounds like the have a real free press over there, lol

      Comment by Eric Lindsey on February 21, 2017 at 3:31 pm

    52. I’m not sure what these so called leaders are thinking.Why are they so Fn soft on Muslim migrants.Muslim religion is a hate based religion and allowing it to get a strong foothold In your country is nothing more than treason
      I live in Canada and it’s not better here. we have a leader who just implemented a bill called M103 which basically makes it illegal to say anything negative about Islam.He makes me ashamed to be a Canadian. He won’t be satisfied until they start bombing our cities and killing our children raping our women.

      Comment by 1shot1kill on May 10, 2017 at 11:28 am

    53. Second Swedish police officer blows whistle on migrant crime cover-up
      A second Swedish police officer has blown the whistle on a government cover-up of migrant crime. In a groundswell of public support, it has led to Swedes demanding a national conversation on the issue, a “Swedish Spring” after a first Facebook message on the issue went viral.

      Published: February 9, 2017, 8:51 am

      Read more
      Black South African students throw faeces during Swedish-sponsored lecture
      ‘Clear as all hell’ why migrants burn Sweden
      Alternative Nobel ceremony – Freedom Awards with the Sweden Democrats
      ‘The media is an industry in very deep crisis’
      Converts in Africa are threatened by Muslims – from Europe
      Tomas Åsenlöv, a police officer for Greater Gothenburg, revealed how police have been told to implement a “Code 291” procedure in order to cover-up information about crimes committed by migrants.

      “The Swedish public has to be told all the facts now,” Åsenlöv wrote on Facebook, explaining that Code 291 is used to hide “all information about the immigration-related crime,” including a ban on releasing photos of migrant suspects in public.

      “I understand that the younger officers may not dare to go out and criticize the leaders, or go out openly and support Peter. Then it is over for a future career. Then, when they apply for jobs, they will be classed as disloyal to the employer,” says Åsenlöv.

      Åsenlöv hopes the situation could change: “Now I believe that the ball has started rolling and maybe we can get the leaders to open their eyes and no longer deny the truth.”

      His testimony comes only days after a Swedish top cop was called “racist” for exposing the origin of the crime wave.

      Peter Springare has been inundated with goodwill from citizens who have been sending him flowers for his courage, but authorities ban members of the press from taking photos of the huge number of bouquets because “flowers represent a potential security threat”.

      In his original post, Springare says almost all of the suspects he processed when dealing with crimes such as rape, extortion, blackmail, abuse of judicial procedure, threats, violence against the police, drug trafficking, aggravated drug offenses and attempted murder, were called “Mohammed” or a variation of it.

      He also warned about how “our pensioners are on their knees, schools are in chaos, health care is an inferno, police have been completely destroyed,” as a result of soaring migrant crimes.

      Springare, a serious crime investigator in Örebro, wrote a Facebook post in which he described the “chaos” as a result of serious crimes being committed by Muslim migrants.

      “Half of the suspects, we can’t be sure because they don’t have any valid papers. Which in itself usually means that they’re lying about their nationality and identity. Now we are only talking about Örebro municipality.”

      Springare may now face charges simply for accurately pinpointing the problem. He has been reported to authorities over the remarks under Sweden’s strict “hate crime” laws and is facing an internal investigation on the grounds of “racial agitation”.

      Sweden’s Prime Minister Stefan Löfven also responded to the controversy, claiming that Springare’s assertions were “wrong”.

      While government authorities want to pursue Springare, the public and his fellow police officers have rallied around him. A Facebook page set up in support of Springare currently has over 130 000 likes.

      Swedish authorities have routinely turned a blind eye to soaring violent attacks, rapes, unprecedented numbers of cars that have been set on fire in major cities over recent months, and Sweden’s Islamic no-go ghettos.

      “I’m trying to point out a problem within the police force because I believe we are losing control over it. We are unable to tackle it, this violent crime,” Springare says.

      A request for data detailing the relationship between crime and immigration in Sweden has been blocked by the government. Justice minister Morgan Johansson denied the need for updated statistics on immigration and crime.

      Meanwhile a Swedish court sentenced a Muslim migrant to only two months in jail after being convicted of anally raping a 13-year-old girl, claiming his sentences for child rape and sexual exploitation should be lenient because the Syrian migrant claimed he was 17 when the rape occurred at a school in Jämtland County.

      But the Swedish court somehow accepts “Syrian papers” despite Swedish documents showing he was 18 when he entered the country.

      “The then-17-year-old man, who since turned 18, pulled a 13-year-old girl on one of the school’s toilets, locked the door and then raped her,” reported the Swedish newspaper Expressen. “During the trial, the convicted rapist’s age has been a major issue.”

      “His personal shows that he was born in 1998, and was 18 years old when the crimes were committed, but by his own admission he was born in 1999.”

      The sentence for a juvenile is typically 1/3 of an adult’s. Mohammed was also charged with another rape of a 14-year-old under similar circumstances, but the District Court claimed it was child abuse, not rape, because of the “degree of reciprocity.”

      No Swedish media outlets are reporting the crime in their English-language versions.

      In December, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) urged the country’s municipalities to prepare for war.

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      Comment by Jack Mack on August 21, 2019 at 5:27 pm

    54. Sweden is scum, there’s no getting around it. An evil anti-white racist-rapist totalitarian traitor state that serves ethnocide, Islam, and crime. They turned a peaceful nordic haven into a boiling festering hell, just for the hell of it. Satan-Shithole-Swedistan should be its name. The West would be much better off without it.

      Only righteous liberation and cleansing occupation can maybe save it now, or patriotic revolution. Given the national ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ paralysing the country, the former is the more likely necessity.

      Sweden is clearly, clinically, criminally insane, and needs to be treated as such.

      Swedistan, model moron member of the Eurabian Ummah, rape-capital of Europe, and evil exemplar of White Genocide.

      Swedistan’s evil treason is going to cost it everything, as well as the deep loathing of the entire West in the end.

      The current Salafi-Socialist government is not even democratically legitimate, having come to power in fraudulent elections with dodgy marked ballots and suppression tactics against the patriot right.

      Comment by Stev60 on October 23, 2019 at 5:37 pm

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    Swedish military wants to remilitarize the Åland Islands

    The demilitarized autonomy has previously been known as 'the islands of peace.

    DESTRUCTIVE HAILSTORMS will become more frequent and violent with increasingly larger hail, predicted solar researcher Valentina Zharkova back in 2019 when she stated that it's one of many signs of an impending Grand Solar Minimum. This is exactly what we have witnessed this year in both Europe and the world. Here is the German town of Benediktbeuern in Bavaria after a hailstorm on August 26th. Almost all rooftops and cars were damaged. The centuries-old church and monastery were damaged for the first time ever. Interestingly, the monastery was rebuilt in 1699 during the Maunder Minimum. Combined with heavy rainfall, extreme weather will devastate a significant portion of our food production. For instance, heavy rainfall destroyed a quarter of all crops in Greece in just two days in September. However, mainstream media remains silent. Photo: X @safe0007/Sandor Feher

    NOAA Predicts Zero Sunspots for Almost the Whole 2030s

    CLIMATEThe United States' government scientific organization, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), predicts zero sunspots from 2031 to 2040. This is an extreme situation that has not occurred in as long as humanity has been counting sunspots, and it leads us into uncharted territory in terms of our solar system. However, this prediction aligns with the warnings of the world-renowned solar researcher Valentina Zharkova for many years, who indicated in 2019 various signs of this catastrophic phenomenon, including the extreme hailstorms we have seen in Europe and the world this summer. The forecast and various observations this year give cause for very significant concern. In this unique analysis, Free West Media explains why.

    NATIONALIST COLLABORATION TAKES SHAPE. Six parties met in Budapest on August 26th to sign a joint declaration confirming the friendship and political unity among the parties. The goal is to either form a new group in the European Parliament after the EU elections in June next year or to reconstitute the existing Identity and Democracy (ID) group with the new parties. Pictured from left to right: Mikael Jansson (Alternative for Sweden), Thierry Baudet (Forum for Democracy, Netherlands), László Toroczkai (Mi Hazánk, Hungary), Kostadin Kostadinov (Vazrazhdane, Bulgaria), and Josef Nerušil (Svoboda a přímá demokracie, Czech Republic). Also included is Mass-Voll from the non-EU country Switzerland (inset image). Photo: Free West Media

    European Nationalist Parties Forge Cooperation Ahead of EU Elections

    EUROPEAN ELECTIONSOn Saturday, August 26, representatives of six European nationalist parties gathered in Budapest. The meeting was initiated by the Hungarian party Mi Hazánk and took place in the national parliament. Representatives of the parties signed a joint declaration that not only reaffirms the parties' friendship but also their unity on a range of complex political issues. A surprisingly clear and radical manifesto was established. The hope is that this cooperation will lead to success in the EU elections and eventually result in the formation of a group in the European Parliament. For Swedish nationalism, this meeting marks a success as Sweden, for the first time, has a party represented in a leading nationalist cooperation in Europe. Free West Media was present at this historic event.

    Sweden's Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson participated in the Pride parade in Stockholm where Erdogan was ridiculed, something that Turkey took particularly badly. Photo: Nya Tider

    Turkey Believes Sweden Hasn’t Done Enough

    Sweden will have to wait a bit longer for NATO membership, according to Turkey's Justice Minister Jilmaz Tunc. First, Sweden must extradite the "terrorists" Turkey wants and stop the desecration of the Quran.

    Ka-52 crashes after being hit by a Swedish RBS 70. Russian sources report that one of the two pilots died in the crash. Image: Telegram

    Swedish Weapon Takes Down Russia’s Best Attack Helicopter

    The Russian attack helicopter Ka-52 is considered one of the world's best and has struck fear in Ukraine, where it has hunted down tanks and other armored vehicles, often beyond the range of many light anti-aircraft systems. However, it has met its match in the Swedish air defense missile system RBS 70, which has quickly led to significant losses for the Russian helicopter forces.

    The Sun has been found to be the main driver behind Earth's cliamte - and it's getting colder. Photo: iStockPhoto

    The Sun Drives Earth’s Climate, Not Carbon Dioxide

    Top Researchers Push Back Against Climate Lies."The correlation is as clear as day," explained the Israeli astrophysicist Nir Shaviv, who was hailed by the establishment, before his interview with Forbes was hastily deleted. What he says contradicts the climate narrative, which points to humans as responsible for Earth's climate. Shaviv firmly asserts that it is the sun that controls the climate, something that can be scientifically proven in many ways. Contrary to the popular belief, the sun's influence on Earth has, in recent years, caused unusually cold and rainy weather, a trend that solar researchers warn will worsen significantly in the coming decades. The sun has exhibited an unusually low activity since 2016, during Solar Cycle 24, which was the weakest in a century.

    Alternative for Germany held its conference during the last weekend of July in the thousand-year-old city of Magdeburg, located by the Elbe River in the eastern German state of Saxony. The first of the two conference days began with a strong program speech by the party's male spokesperson. Subsequently, party officials were elected and motions were addressed. The second day was entirely devoted to candidate selection and positioning for the EU election in June next year. Screenshot: AfD on Facebook

    Strong Confidence in German AfD

    Alternative for Germany (AfD) held a party conference on July 29-30 to select candidates for the upcoming EU election next year. EU Parliament member Maximilian Krah, belonging to the party's more radical, ethnonationalist faction, was appointed as the top candidate. The party's two spokespersons delivered powerful speeches criticizing the EU's failed migration policy and trade sanctions that isolate Europe and Germany from the rest of the world. They argued that it's time for the EU to return a significant portion of its power to national parliaments. However, they have dropped the demand for Germany to exit the EU.

    Maximilian Krah is one of the AfD politicians who is singled out as an ethnonationalist, as he has stated that there is a distinction between ethnic Germans and immigrants who have obtained German citizenship. Krah is a Member of the European Parliament and AfD's top candidate for the upcoming European Union election next year. Still image: AfD on Facebook

    The Establishment Wants to Ban Germany’s Second Largest Party – for the Sake of Democracy

    The rising popularity of AfD has raised strong concerns within the establishment. Despite lies and demonization in the media and isolation from the overall political establishment, the party continues to grow. Certain representatives of the party are accused of becoming increasingly "extreme," and in an unusual move, the influential weekly newspaper Der Spiegel demanded that AfD be "banned."

    FvD was quick to support the protests against covid restrictions. Today, the party also stands behind the farmers protests against the governments’ plans to close a big portion of the farms in the country for the sake of “climate”. The picture is from a protest against covid restrictions in Amsterdam in January of last year. Photo: Wion

    Dutch FvD break through the media blockade

    What is happening in the Netherlands? It is often difficult to follow events in other countries, especially when distorted by system media. We give Forum for Democracy (FvD) the opportunity to speak out on the political situation in the Netherlands and the staunch resistance they face in trying to save the country.

    Albert Bourla (l.) has close ties to Ursula von der Leyen (center). YouTube screenshot

    The Ursula von der Leyen Affair

    After a criminal complaint in Belgium against the President of the European Commission, the so-called SMS-case, now takes a new turn. The judge responsible for the investigation will likely gain access to the secret messages exchanged between Ursula von der Leyen and Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, at least if they haven't been deleted.

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