POPE FRANCIS, born Jorge Mario Bergoglio on December 17, 1936 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, is the 266th Catholic Church pope, bishop of Rome and head of state of the Vatican City. He was elected the successor of Pope Benedict XVI in 2013, despite the fact that he was and is still alive, and was previously Archbishop of Buenos Aires. Francis is the first pope from Latin America, and the first to belong to the Jesuit order. Here he is seen surrounded by luxury in his palace.

Pope: Private property is ‘not Christian’, WEF agrees

At the turn of the month November-December, the pope made a move that was described as shocking by many. He argued that Christianity did not support the right to own a home. This led to surprised and outraged reactions, whereby several pointed out that those who are forced to rent or beg for shelter can never be free. Free West Media can here reveal that the Pope's statement is in line with the plans that the globalist elite has long discussed and also more or less clearly communicated to the public, something that most people have overlooked. Among other things, we present the World Economic Forum's 8-point vision for 2030. These world-changing plans are beginning to materialize in various ways now, including in China.

Published: January 19, 2021, 3:46 pm

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    Pope Francis attracted a lot of attention in Catholic circles on November 30 when he said several controversial things in a video message to judges from the Committee on Social Rights in Africa and America. However, the general public is not aware of his sensational statement, as the system media did not report on it.

    The pope said, among other things, that a new “social justice” is needed and that private ownership is not something obvious in Christianity and therefore not for the Catholic Church either.

    “Let us build the new social justice and admit that the Christian tradition has never recognized the right to private property as absolute and immovable,” said Francis.

    Outraged reactions

    Many were shocked by the statement and pointed out that the right to own private property is one of the most important human rights.

    PROFESSOR KLAUS SCHWAB, 82, is a German engineer, economist and professor of business policy who is best known as the founder and chairman of the powerful globalist foundation World Economic Forum (WEF). In his book Covid-19: The Great Reset, Schwab claims that the world “will never” return to normal, despite acknowledging that the alleged coronavirus pandemic “does not pose a new existential threat.” – The pandemic represents a rare but narrow time window with opportunities to reflect (re: flect), rethink (re: imagine) and restore (re: set) our world, Schwab said at the launch of The Great Reset this summer. Photo: KTU

    They pointed out that without that right you are like slaves of old, who must rely on their owners giving them a roof over their heads and food. Being always forced to earn in order to pay for the most basic need – protection against the forces of the weather – makes you both unfree and in practice completely powerless, some said on social media.

    The pope’s statement was also widely discussed in Christian circles and no comments were positive. The exception was possibly the Twitter account Lichten & Bright who wrote:“Thank you for letting us know the Pope’s position on private ownership of property and means of production. We had no idea that he was an advocate of nationalizations [the state seizes] all land and business companies and against democratic elections. Thoughtful things”.

    The Twitter account Catholic Victory wrote briefly that “Francis is a heretic and not a pope”.

    Several people pointed out that it was reminiscent of the startling tones heard for several years from the World Economic Forum (WEF) foundation, which is best known for the annual conference in Davos, Switzerland. It brings together some of the world’s most powerful policy makers and globalists in politics and business. It was precisely the WEF that this summer, via its “ambassador” Prince Charles, launched The Great Reset, which more and more world leaders are now talking openly about being implemented.

    The author of The Great Reset is Klaus Schwab, chairman of the powerful WEF, who wrote a 280-page book entitled COVID-19: The Great Reset. The book puts forward the argument that the pandemic has proven absolutely necessary to immediately introduce a completely new world order.

    No private ownership 2030

    To get an idea of ​​the background to the pope’s strange statement and what The Great Reset might mean, we can watch a video from the WEF entitled “8 predictions for the world 2030”.

    COVID-19: THE GREAT RESET is 280 pages long and was already published on July 9, almost four months into the pandemic. Many have pointed out the improbability of writing such a comprehensive and complex book in such a short time. It tells us that the pandemic has shown the need to immediately introduce a new world order, which does not quite unexpectedly advocate a comprehensive “world government” and a merger of governments and multinational corporations to meet people’s needs. The incentive for for-profit large companies to pay out, for example, social benefits is, to say the least, vague. Instead of prioritizing profits, companies must now put “people at the center”. The book also proclaims that capitalism is obsolete and should instead be replaced by a new merger of capitalism and socialism, which is called “Stakeholder capitalism”. Critics call it communism in the form of a totalitarian global technocracy ruled by a small globalist elite using Big Tech (technology giants) and artificial intelligence (AI). Photo: WEF

    The first point there is as simple as it is remarkable. It states that “You will own nothing and you will be happy”. The point also explains that “Whatever you need, you will rent”. So no more ownership, but everything should be rented, including the clothes you wear on the body.

    Can they really mean it? We visit WEF’s website for more information. There you can in a text, which paints the future they want to see in 2030, read the following:

    Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city – or should I say “our city”. I own nothing. I do not own a car. I do not own a house. I do not own any appliances or clothes.

    The text on the WEF’s website also states that it is not only private ownership that will be abolished in the new utopia, or dystopia depending on who you ask, but there will also be no privacy. We can read there that:

    Sometimes I can get annoyed by the fact that I have no real integrity. Nowhere can I go without being registered. I know that somewhere everything I do, think and dream about is recorded. I can only hope that no one will use it against me.

    Many who hear it for the first time believe that it must be a conspiracy theorist’s crazy fantasies, but it is instead the richest and most powerful globalists on the planet who meet annually in Davos who present it in text and video form. System media has not reported on this and then the general public does not know these visions and agendas of these globalists.

    Canadian Whistleblower has been right so far

    Someone who claimed to be a Canadian MP and member of the Liberal Party of Canada (Canada’s Liberal Party led by Justin Trudeau, the country’s current Prime Minister) wrote an open letter on October 10 to warn the Canadian people that the pandemic is a smokescreen with the aim of introducing a far-reaching agenda where, among other things, people will be forced to renounce their right to private ownership. The Whistleblower did not reveal his name, but wrote that “I sit on several committee groups, but the information I provide comes from the Strategic Planning Committee, which is governed by the PMO [abbreviation for Prime Minister’s Office]”.

    The anonymous MP then set out a secret roadmap established by Trudeau, which would be implemented regardless of their views or objections. He initially states that a second shutdown will be introduced in November, which will then be even tougher over Christmas and New Year. This is exactly what has happened in both North America and Europe. The whistleblower then indicates a frightening development in 2021, where, among other things, a third wave from a mutation called “COVID-21” – this time with real death rates – will be followed by an even harsher third shutdown in the first and second quarters of 2021.

    Regarding the current economy and ownership, he indicates an impending “collapse of the supply chain, stock shortages, major economic instability” in the second quarter of 2021. Desperate people will then be offered the general basic income program, Universal Basic Income [UBI] in English. It can be mentioned here that Australia has already made it clear that only vaccinated citizens will be given welfare funds under a new law with the slogan “No jab, no pay”, “no syringe, nothing paid”.

    In China, thousands of people in rural areas who voluntarily abandon their privately owned property and move to newly built apartments have been rewarded in various ways, while those who struggle are arrested and punished. Their houses are being demolished regardless of compliance.

    POPULATION FROM THE RURAL AREA has begun in China. Here you can see Xiguozhuang, the first village in China’s eastern Shandong province, where residents saw their houses demolished at short notice. Fewer than a dozen homes remain along the village’s main road when the photo was taken in August. The Communist Party (CCP) forcibly expels farmers from their homes and farms. Liu, an affected farmer, recounts how he came home one day and discovered that local officials were preparing to demolish his house. When he called the police, they arrested him instead. Liu told the news channel NPR how about a hundred government officials surrounded his home before breaking down and arresting him, because he “resisted”. Liu’s privately owned property has now been demolished and apartment buildings await him and his neighbors. Photo: Amy Cheng / NPR


    NEWLY BUILT MICRO APARTMENTS IN CHINA. Here you can see high-rise buildings with micro-apartments in Heze, in China’s eastern Shandong province, where Liu and his neighbors will be forcibly relocated when they are ready. The farmers are upset about the high rent they are being forced to have and will find it very difficult to afford. They are given the right to continue using the land, but they say that it will be impossible due to the long distance between the rental apartments they have been forced to and their land and that they do not have buildings left there that are necessary for the work. For several years, China has built many new cities, some of the largest in the world, which in most cases are still completely empty. This has been a mystery to many. Now that the CCP is starting to forcibly relocate people to the countryside and demolish their homes and farms, some are beginning to suspect that these “ghost towns” were built for Agenda 2030 and the massive expulsions from the countryside the globalists advocate (see NyT v50 / 2020). Photo: Amy Cheng / NPR

    Then the whistleblower describes in detail how the Canadians will be forced to renounce their ownership starting already this year. The anonymous Member writes:

    Based on the roadmap provided, the Strategic Planning Committee was asked to design an effective way to change Canadians to meet unprecedented economic hardship. One that will change Canada and change the lives of Canadians forever. What we were told was that the federal government would offer Canadians a total debt write-off to compensate for what is essentially an economic collapse at the international level, where the federal government will offer Canadians to write off all their debts. Here’s how it works:

    The federal government will offer to write off all personal debts (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc.) where financing will be provided by the Canada [International Monetary Fund] IMF during what will be known as the World Debt Reset.

    In exchange for accepting this total debt forgiveness, the individual will give up ownership of all property and assets forever. The individual will also need to agree to participate in the vaccination program for COVID-19 and COVID-21, which would allow the individual to travel and live indefinitely even during a complete shutdown (using a photo ID called Canada’s HealthPass).

    With the pope’s statement, the Vatican and the Catholic Church have now officially taken the position that such possible plans do not run counter to the “Christian tradition”. Pope Francis was the one who, at the UN headquarters on September 25, 2015, the first visit ever by a pope, saw to it that all world leaders signed Agenda 2030.


    Christer Ericsson


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    1. That pic is NOT pope francis. A stand in maybe, but looks nothing like him

      Comment by Tim on January 20, 2021 at 1:55 am

    2. Probably this picture has been made after President Trump visited Him.


      Comment by HunVagy on September 7, 2021 at 6:20 am

    3. LOL

      Comment by Tim on September 7, 2021 at 10:30 pm

    4. The pushback to the corrosive WEF-backed ideology needs effective counter-arguments. One of the best is by Adolphe Thiers, a 19th-Century French politican and President, who published, in 1848, “The Rights of Property: A Refutation of Communism and Socialism”. This is an excellent discussion of not only the right of property, but arguments against leftism, be it socialism or communism. The book came out the same year as Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, but unfortunately has not received attention or the influence it deserves.

      Comment by LuciusAnnaeusSeneca on January 20, 2021 at 3:59 pm

    5. So private property is not Christian? What bible is this heretic pope using as his justification?

      Consider the Ten Commandments, numbers 8 and 10 specifically, against theft and covetousness. They of course assume property ownership. In his parables, Jesus never portrays thieves, burglars, or robbers in a favorable light; they are always portrayed as attacking ordinary people to take their property.

      And when Christ enjoined the rich young man to sell what he had, in order to give the money to the poor, that assumed buying and selling, and thus private property. And when Jesus said that it would be difficult for those who were rich to enter heaven, he specified just that. He did not say it about property owners in general.

      Beware of those who pervert scripture for their own agenda!

      Comment by LuciusAnnaeusSeneca on January 20, 2021 at 5:49 pm

    6. This Pope was brought in to push the communism/fascst agenda. He is a Jesuit and at one time the Catholic church had cast out the Jesuits because of their affiliation with communist/communism. This Pope was brought in to push the communist agenda.

      Comment by Karen Bracken on February 1, 2021 at 10:46 pm

    7. =
      >Thou shalt not steal…………..
      So GOD was wrong when GOD recognized private property?
      How stupid I feel that the Pope says GOD was wrong.
      I’m moving into the vatican next week to live there for FREE,


      Comment by SIGN IT Salute Marine -Wingnut on February 13, 2021 at 4:54 pm

    8. The Pope is a joke and should be respected so , faith , religion and no hope with this joke in a dress .

      Comment by 66 on September 3, 2021 at 5:04 pm

    9. No wonder. The fish stinks from its head.

      Do not forget.
      The sickle and hammer were a symbol of the Communists. Is this what Jesus was crucified for?


      Comment by HunVagy on September 7, 2021 at 6:12 am


      Comment by Robin Waters on September 30, 2021 at 6:10 pm

    11. Ahhh….Satan speaks through his mouth piece! Sits on a throne of Gold while children suffer, Christ would throw him to the sea with a grindstone around his neck!

      Comment by Facing_It_Together on October 28, 2021 at 9:38 pm

    12. Being communist goes against the Church of Rome, Pope Usurper!

      Comment by sgtdoom on December 1, 2021 at 8:17 pm

    13. The first thing the communists do when they take over is murder millions of people. It happens every single time throughout history. Communism is satanism.

      Comment by MAJ on February 20, 2022 at 4:44 pm

    14. The Pope is a liar. He is leader of the second beast in the book of Revelation 13. The woman who rides the beast (the first beast) who is the One World Government, Revelation 17. The Bible is clearly against what he says. The Pope has broken all the commandments, and he is held up a holy, and God’s man on earth. Those who follow him are like him. Jesus says to come out of her the Great Harlot!

      Comment by Annie on December 4, 2021 at 2:17 pm

    15. The satanic globalist-communists have infiltrated every single institution, including the Christian churches and the Vatican. The governments of the world, even the local city governments, the schools, the media, the churches. Everything has been infested with satanic communist scum.

      Comment by MAJ on February 20, 2022 at 4:41 pm

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