The veiled termagant of Oceania, Jacinda Ardern, has called for ousting the unvaccinated from society. Wikipedia

New Zealand PM, Naom Chomsky call for unvaccinated to be dispossessed of civil status, starved

The New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern confirmed a reporter's question about whether she could create two classes of people, with only those vaccinated retaining their civil status: "That's it, yes, yes".

Published: October 26, 2021, 9:33 am

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    Her new “Covid-19 response framework” to be released on Friday, will make life unbearable for the unvaccinated in her country and she looks forward to this development: “It will become very clear to people that if you are not vaccinated there will be things that you miss out on, everyday things that you will miss out on,” Ardern told Morning Report.

    “It’s about both rewarding people who have gone out and done the right thing but also keeping away people who are less safe.”

    There is no supporting data or the slightest evidence for Ardern’s assertion. Getting the jab may not be “the right thing”. In fact, the British government has published a finding showing that the vaccinated people do not produce antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein, which happens to be a crucial part of a healthy response in the unvaccinated to the virus. This may explain why the vaccinated now constitute the majority of hospitalized Covid-19 cases.

    Moreover, vaccines do not stop infection or transmission of SARS-CoV-2, while natural immunity appears to be a much better way to fight off the virus.

    Despite the alarming evidence already piling up, the Ardern administration proudly plans to roll out vaccine certificates to coincide with the new two-tier system. “We’ve always said once we’re vaccinated it will be different, so we need to therefore design what that looks like.”

    Ardern’s notion of punishing the unvaccinated is supported by globalist shill Noam Chomsky, who has called for starving the unvaccinated by denying them access to food.

    It is evident from the meteoric rise in cases that Ardern’s Corona response has been a total failure, but she seems to be pressing on in compounding the disaster. The same trend is evident in highly vaccinated Wales, but the New Zealand prime minister appears to be igoring all relevant information.

    German doctor Wolfgang Wodarg, who almost single-handedly stopped the global swine flu vaccination campaign in 2010 in the European Council, has warned against damage to the immune system due to these jabs.

    The “fully vaccinated” last month accounted for the vast majority of Covid-19 deaths in the UK, Belgium and Sweden, according to official government data. Because of the risk of developing heart problems, Swedish health officials also imposed a permanent ban on the Moderna vaccine to anyone under 31, the Daily Mail reported.

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