WEF involved in non-white manufacturers displaying new shelf labelling
It seems to be part of the globalist agenda where the World Economic Forum once again appears in the background after a large food chain in the United States joined the Woke movement, now rolling over the declining superpower like an unstoppable steamroller. Labels such as "black-owned", "Latin-owned", "LGBTQ-owned" and so on is being displayed to encourage customers to buy these at the expense of "white-owned" companies.
Published: April 11, 2021, 10:29 am
Swedish weekly Nya Tider examined how it came about that ideas with very little support outside a small group of loud billionaires and left-wing activists now appear to have gained enormous success in the once-conservative United States and the Western world in general. A globalist network of powerful large companies, with the World Economic Forum (WEF) involved, is supposed to lead to the transformation of the entire global labour market and “eradicate racism”.

Ira Kress took over the role of CEO of Giant Foods in May 2020 and is ultimately responsible for the racist labelling of groceries that his chain began in January. Kress also serves as a board member of an advisory body at the American University of Research Johns Hopkins, which during the more than year-long pandemic has excelled as a driving force for shutdowns – which mainly affected small independent shops and restaurants – started worldwide. Photo: Giant Food
The American food chain Giant Food is launching a new type of shelf label which, according to the company, “makes it possible for customers to identify products from minority-owned companies”. Giant Food has 164 grocery stores located in the capital, Washington DC and the surrounding states of Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. The plans, which were presented by the chain’s CEO Ira Kress at the end of 2020, began to be implemented starting in January this year.
Giant Food is proud to better highlight our various suppliers, said Kress then, who said that the information was necessary for customers to be able to identify important “product attributes”.
“We are committed to making it easier for customers to identify product attributes that are important to them by promoting a diverse and inclusive network of suppliers that reflects the unique background and experiences of our Giant family, our customers and our community,” Kress said. The way in which the owner’s race affiliation with a supplier is important for the choice of product in a grocery store was not explained in what critics described as a “phrase-filled statement”.
An editor of the American news site Sky News warned that “it is this type of Balkanisation that kills the United States and forces people to start judging and acting based primarily on racial or identity politics, instead of people seeing their nation as just American”. The comments on social media were not gracious either and many wondered if the purpose was to create hatred and division among Americans.
Choose goods based on race
The labels will inform customers and indirectly encourage the purchase of items from companies owned by women, blacks, Asians, Indians, Hispanics as well as sexual minorities and war veterans. Critics say that in theory racially neutral veterans, who predominantly consist of whites, have been included alone so that it does not appear discriminatory against whites, which critics say is in practice what this new labelling system is about.
In total, more than 3100 groceries, food and other items from 281 minority-owned companies will be marked on the shelves with special and clearly visible labels.
The label will also be “clearly visible” online on the grocery chain’s website and in its mobile app, so customers who order online – which has increased dramatically during the pandemic – will not miss the opportunity to choose items by race. This should be ready in 2021 and at the moment the page is therefore down “for maintenance”. In addition, during the year, Giant plans to further “highlight the diversity” of its suppliers, which are called partners, by “highlighting” the minority owners and telling “their story”.

Giant has been and is a driving force in offering its customers “easily accessible vaccinations”, both annual flu shots (see signs TV in picture) and now Covid injections (see inset picture). Giant was founded in 1936 by Nehemiah Meir Cohen and Samuel Lehrman. It should not be confused with the approximately equally large sister chain with the similar name The Giant Company, also called Giant-Carlisle. However, both food chains are owned by the Belgian-Dutch grocery company Ahold Delhaize. They have been spared the draconian shutdowns that have hit smaller independent grocery stores. Photo: Wiki, Recessed: Giant Pharmacy
Giant Foods is owned by the Belgian-Dutch grocery company Ahold Delhaize, which controls around 6500 grocery stores in eleven countries – most of them in Europe – and has a total of at least 375 000 employees. There are therefore good reasons to fear that this type of racist labelling may also come to Europe.
Racism must be eradicated… through discrimination against whites
Some observers, usually focusing on US domestic policy, mistakenly see the Giants’ move as something unique to this particular food chain. But that’s not true, as several major food chains in the United States have already followed the Giants’ example. As with so much else coming from the United States, these influences are also rapidly reaching Europe and the rest of the Western world.
It is also part of a much larger picture, which extends far beyond the United States. To understand this, it is important to remember that the development is in line with goals that globalist front organizations that the World Economic Forum (WEF) has expressed and also very loudly propagated since the introduction of the pandemic in 2020. WEF lumps the fight against the pandemic with the allegedly vital fight against the global climate threat, which according to them is due to global warming due to alleged man-made carbon dioxide.
But they also link these to the struggle for racial and gender equality, which is at least as vital according to these globalists. Exactly how these coincide is not really clear, but it is as central in their rhetoric as it is clear that all this must be achieved with new technology and a total transformation of our societies on all fronts.
In February, therefore, the WEF launched what they call the “Partnership for Racial Justice in Business”, the Partnership for Racial Justice in Business. It is described as “a global initiative that brings together leading responsible companies with the aim of promoting diversity and inclusion of people from all racial backgrounds”. It is believed that this is the part of the ongoing social transformation that is lagging behind and must now be prioritized. WEF writes, among other things: “Despite all the progress made with diversity and inclusion in recent years, there is still a long way to go for equality in the workplace. While most media and business attention goes to under-represented groups such as women and LGBTQ people (sexual minorities), the subject of racial justice – quality for people of all racial and ethnic identities – is another key pillar of diversity and the inclusion agenda.”
Discrimination against whites is being institutionalized
The initiative, which has so far been backed by 56 large international companies (see list below), is led by WEF’s CEO Saadia Zahidi, a 30-year-old Muslim woman. She sees the initiative as both important and obvious. “The need to deal with racial under-representation in the business world is urgent and obvious,” Zahidi claims.
She uses the same terminology as previously used by the WEF stating that there is no longer room for “racist organizations” and that racism must now be “eradicated” once and for all.
“In order to design racially and ethnically just workplaces, companies must confront racism at the system level, and not only address the structural and social mechanisms of their own organizations, but also reshape the role they play in their societies and economy as a whole. The [Partnership for Racial Justice in Business] network has been designed to operationally coordinate commitments to eradicate racism in the workplace and set new global standards for racial equality in business. It also provides a platform for companies to collectively advocate for an inclusive policy change,” Zahidi explained.

Kevin Sneader is the global CEO and managing partner of the American consulting firm McKinsey & Company and is the driving force behind the global “network”. He did not get his assignment as CEO extended in February and is therefore forced to resign in July, after the consulting firm ended up in a scandal concerning unethical advice to pharmaceutical manufacturers. On the company’s website, we can read that “he has been involved in research efforts on global economic and business trends, productivity growth and innovation in emerging markets” with great commitment to gender issues and diversity. He is the co-author of several reports on these topics, but also on the report Beyond coronavirus: The path to the next normal. Kevin Sneader is happy to point out that he is McKinsey’s first Scottish and Jewish business manager. Still: McKinsey&Company’s “Global CEO” Kevin Sneader has said in various statements that he wants to transform all workplaces globally.
In other words, large multinational corporations with great influence in today’s societies are often significantly more economically and influential than national governments – which lose power and independence as soon as multinational corporations take over their previous roles, a process that has accelerated after the introduction of the pandemic – now globally and in a coordinated manner can dictate what the labour market should look like. In short, the goal is for discrimination against whites to be institutionalized on a global level.
It is actually major consulting companies that in practice run the “network”. Among these, one stands out. McKinsey & Company, an American multinational strategy and management consulting firm, which appears to lead the Partnership for Racial Justice in Business for WEF. They recently reported in a document that large multinational corporations have so far allocated $66 billion to promote racial equality.
“Over a decade of research [in which McKinsey has been involved] shows that racial and ethnic diversity can give companies performance benefits. McKinsey is proud to be one of the founders of this new coalition working to address issues of racial injustice in the workplace and identify solutions that work worldwide,” Sneader proclaimed.
In his latest publication at WEF, Sneader writes: “2021 will be the transition year. Apart from unexpected disasters, individuals, companies and societies can now begin to look forward to shaping their future rather than just continuing to get through the present”. He explained that the new or the next normal will be different and that we can never go back to the conditions that prevailed in 2019. Sneader believes that societies will change forever and future generations will describe history in terms such as pre-Covid and post-Covid, just as we are talking about the post-war period in relation to the Second World War.
If you read the “network’s” various documents, it is clear that it is mainly a matter of quoting non-whites on boards and in managerial positions, but also among all employees globally. In addition, companies that do this or are owned by minorities must be helped in various ways in the future. That all this in practice means firing and discriminating against white managers and employees as well as counteracting white board members, entrepreneurs is not something that is mentioned but implied.
Meet the future leader of the new world
Saadia Zahidi leads the WEFs Center for New Economy and Society and is ultimately responsible for the investment in Partnership for Racial Justice in Entrepreneurship, which in practice is led by the multinational consulting firm McKinsey & Company. Zahidi co-authored the Forum’s comprehensive governing document on future jobs, the retraining revolution, global gender differences and the Global Human Capital Report. As a writer, she has won several awards. Her book Womenomics in the Muslim World won the prestigious Bracken Bower Prize for young business writers.
The prize is awarded by the business magazine Financial Times and the consulting company McKinsey&Company. The British BBC has had her among 100 Women, whom the system media hailed as significant for the 21st century.
Zahidi grew up in Pakistan, and as a woman and Muslim she is sometimes described by the globalists’ various mouthpieces as the archetype of “the future leader of the new world”. She holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Smith College, USA, a master’s degree in international economics from the Geneva Graduate Institute in Switzerland, and a master’s degree in public administration from Harvard University in the United States.
The World Economic Forum’s website specifically highlighted a quote from Saadia Zahidi: “Working life is still designed for family and financial structures from half a century ago. That world no longer exists.”
Here is the complete list of the 56 most often multinational large companies, of which 17 are consulting companies that are interestingly described as founders of the initiative (bold text in the list below), which collaborate with the World Economic Forum’s initiative Partnering for Racial Justice in Business. It is described as “a global coalition of organizations and their top executives committed to harnessing their individual and collective power to build equal and equitable jobs for professionals with underrepresented racial and ethnic identities”.
In practice, it is about discriminating against whites and it is not surprising that Big Tech like Microsoft, Facebook and Google or Big Pharma like AstraZeneca and vaccine propagandists like Mayo Clinic are on the list. As expected, we also find Coca Cola, which recently urged its employees to “be less white”, which was associated with a number of alleged negative traits such as arrogance and ignorance.
AP Møller-Maersk
Bain & Company
Bank of America
Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
Bridgewater Associates
The Coca-Cola Company
Credit Suisse
Dentsu International
Depository Trust & Clearing (DTCC)
Deutsche Bank
Henry Schein
Hewlett Packard
H&M (Hennes & Mauritz)
HSBC Holdings
Ingka Group (IKEA)
Jefferson Health
Johnson & Johnson
Kaiser Permanente
Mayo Clinic
McKinsey & Company
Procter & Gamble
Sony Music Entertainment
Standard Chartered Bank
Tata Consultancy
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Uber Technologies
Willis Towers Watson
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