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Pro-immigration Democrat governors horrified by migrants in their midst

The Republican governor of Florida, Ron De Santis, has had enough. The southern border of the US has been overrun by illegal immigrants since US President Joe Biden took office. De Santis summarily had two migrant groups – mainly from Venezuela – flown out to the luxury island of Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts.

Published: September 20, 2022, 8:17 am

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    The rich and beautiful of the US live there, with many Democrats, including ex-US President Barack Obama, calling it home. When strangers suddenly swarmed the pretty boulevards, the Democrat elite suddenly got a wake-up call. Because the island is not prepared for such cases, the migrants have been dispatched to a military camp on Cape Cod.

    Biden fuels migration crisis

    Some of the migrants transported to the affluent Martha’s Vineyard told the media they did not know where they were, having been lured here with promises of employment papers. One of them came illegally from Venezuela to the United States with eight family members. Some believe the whole thing was an attempt to prevent them from making their court appearances so that they can be more easily deported. Since Biden took office in the United States, people illegally crossing the border to seek asylum are not “ illegal migrants ” until their case is heard. Florida and Mexico are therefore literally overrun by illegals.

    The border authorities are completely overwhelmed, and border security is costing billions. The Republican Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, also set an example at almost the same time as De Santis and had around 100 illegal immigrants brought in buses to Vice President Kamala Harris’s residence in Washington. Her entourage had previously described the borders as “safe” to the media. Both governors pledged to continue until Biden finally does his duty and secures the US southern border.

    Hypocrisy knows no bounds

    The Democrats, as usual, were extremely hypocritical: “The children … (among the illegal migrants) deserve better than to be dumped on the streets of Martha’s Vineyard, ” said Biden’s presswoman Karine Jean-Pierre. California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, who has been successfully working to turn the state into a developing country since taking office in 2019, has declared De Santis and Abbott “human traffickers” along with other Democrats and called for the Justice Department to investigate the governor. The Republicans had allegedly abused the children as “political pawn victims”, they claimed.

    Pro-immigration activist Max Lefeld, a founding member of the Casa Venezuela Dallas foundation that provides aid and support to Venezuelan migrants move to the US, told NBC News that sending Venezuelan migrants to Martha’s Vineyard was like dumping “trash” there.

    “Florida Gov. DeSantis sending asylum-seekers to Martha’s Vineyard is like ‘me taking my trash out and just driving to different areas where I live and just throwing my trash there,'” Lefeld told NBC News.

    NBC News quickly deleted their tweet comparing migrants to “trash” after a flood of complaints, but Lefeld’s quote is still available on the news site.

    Lefeld’s foundation thrives on donations to relocate the “more than 5,9 million people” who have had to flee Venezuela due to “a combination of violence, insecurity and a lack of food, medicine and other services”.

    Sanctuary cities are no longer sanctuaries

    Biden and his deputy have consistently refused to personally inspect the situation at the border. The reality and “where that’s coming from, there’s a lot more,” Abbott said. New York City, Chicago and Washington DC (ruled by Democrats) are ideal places for illegal migrants, he said. Because these cities have given themselves “sanctuary status” – which means that the state’s immigration laws do not apply there. Illegal migrants and often criminals are thus removed from law enforcement’s grasp. According to Abbott’s office, the governor has shipped at least 10 000 migrants to those cities, at a cost of about $12 million.

    New York Mayor Eric Adams recently conceded that the city would soon not be able to do this anymore even though New York has a “Right to Protection” law. Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser meanwhile declared a public health emergency last week. She set up a new government office to coordinate migrant arrivals, which will initially cost $10 million.

    She complained that Texas did not coordinate the arrival of the buses with her, conveniently forgetting that illegal border crossings are not “coordinated” either. Lawyers and helpers who look after migrants along the border have said that even if there are political motives behind Abbott’s actions, he is providing a useful service by sending migrants safely and free of charge to their desired destinations.

    Biden lured 5 million into the country

    A report by the Association of US Immigration Reform in August found illegal immigration had skyrocketed under the Biden administration. In the past year and a half, 5 million people, roughly the equivalent of the population of Ireland, have entered the US illegally. Biden is to blame. He has reversed the strict Trump regulations and shows no “willingness to enforce the existing laws”.

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