Can the world rely on Joe Biden's mental alertness in case of nuclear escalation? Photo credit: POTUS Twitter

Biden speaks to the dead

An embarrassing performance by US President Joe Biden: he made a peculiar mistake at a conference, which again raised doubts about his mental fitness. Can he be trusted to make sane decisions in case of a likely nuclear conflict?

Published: September 29, 2022, 11:13 am

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    The 79-year-old apparently believed a prominent politician who had organized the event was in the audience. Sadly however, Republican MP Jackie Walorski, who had prepared the conference on hunger together with other parliamentarians, died in a car accident in early August. Biden seemed to have forgotten this when, while standing at the podium, he repeatedly demanded that she show up.

    “Jackie, are you here? Where’s Jackie?” Biden asked. “I think she should be here.” It can be ruled out that he did not know about the politician’s death, because shortly after the accident, he was “sad” and paid tribute to the deceased as a parliamentarian respected across party lines.

    Biden’s spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre tried to save her boss from ignominy after the fiasco. She said the President called out Walorski’s name at the conference because he was thinking of the late MP: “He was thinking of her when he called out the names of the advocates in Congress on this really, really important issue.”

    Joe Biden turns 80 on November 20. According to the current status, he wants to run again in the next presidential election in November 2022 in order to move back into the White House.

    The leader of the ‘Free World’ is non compos mentis

    Washington is in the grip not only of an unfit leader, but also of lobbyists that yearn for a world war. These two factors should set off alarm bells.

    Scott Horton’s interview with Ben Freeman uncovered in great detail the Ukrainian Government’s lobbying efforts in Washington DC. Freeman combed over records and uncovered over 13 000 political activities that Ukraine reported carrying out in the US during 2021.

    Among those activities were 2 000 contacts with American media and over 8 000 contacts with Congress. Freeman pointed out that, although he studied how foreign governments work to influence American politics, this effort by Ukraine was on a whole other level.

    The omnipresent reports about the Ukraine war, which for many have already become routine after seven months, also include the repeated and hardly reported demand by high-ranking people close to the Ukrainian President for the use of Western nuclear weapons – against Russia

    Start of World War III

    Apparently, according to leading Kiev regime officials, the war cannot escalate into world war quickly enough. Some evidently cannot wait any longer for the US to launch a nuclear attack on Russia. Last week, Mykhailo Podolyak, a high-ranking adviser to President Zelensky, demanded in the British Guardian that the West participate in the spiral of nuclear escalation.

    “The other nuclear states need to say very firmly that as soon as Russia even thinks of carrying out nuclear strikes on foreign territory – in this case the territory of Ukraine – there will be swift retaliatory nuclear strikes to destroy the nuclear launch sites in Russia,” he declared.

    In plain language: Podolyak is demanding that other nuclear powers, among Ukraine’s western allies the US, Great Britain and France, guarantee that they will launch a nuclear war for Ukraine – even if this would inevitably end in their self-annihilation. As pointed out last week by conservative US talk host Tucker Carlson, among others, this would basically mean that Russia should be pre-emptively nuclear attacked now, since President Putin may be contemplating the use of nuclear weapons if the territory of Russia is threatened.

    Verbal detonators

    It is such verbal detonators and irresponsible gamblers to whom the West blindly and unchecked not only supplies state-of-the-art weapon systems (and thus ammunition against Russia), but for whom it also permanently buries diplomatic relations with Russia that have developed over decades and for whom the global security architecture is more at risk than it ever was at the height of the Cold War.

    In an interview with the Swiss newspaper Blick, when asked how Ukraine was preparing for a nuclear attack, Podolyak maintained: “The use of nuclear weapons is a global security issue – it is no longer just about Ukraine. Now the states that have nuclear weapons have an obligation. You must make it clear to Russia that the use of nuclear weapons will have extremely catastrophic consequences.”

    One can only hope that other states will not allow themselves to be drawn into a spiral that will actually lead to the war escalating into a global nuclear conflict.

    Ukrainian agitation

    While Russian security demands are often dismissed as irrelevant in the mainstream media, Ukrainian leaders – ignored by the same media – are increasingly trying to force the NATO states into a fatal escalation spiral that will eventually take on an uncontrollable momentum of its own.

    At the beginning of this year, in February at the Munich Security Conference, Zelensky already wanted to abandon the Budapest agreement in order to acquire a nuclear capability. “If [consultations] do not happen again or their results do not guarantee security for our country, Ukraine will have every right to believe that the Budapest Memorandum is not working and all the package decisions of 1994 are in doubt,” he warned.

    The document he was referring to was signed when Ukraine agreed to relinquish its nukes.

    It should be clear to anyone with a bit of historical awareness that the danger of a Third World War can no longer be ruled out, but that it would already have happened if Ukraine had its way. The West must de-escalate rhetorically, post haste.

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