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Cancelling cash

In the slipstream of "big" issues, there is a stubborn struggle in many countries to keep cash. Many governments want to gradually phase out cash and are aiming for purely digital currencies in the future. European citizens have long feared this step towards the abolition of cash and tighter controls: in public consultations, almost every second response was concerned about the protection of privacy.

Published: November 14, 2022, 1:42 pm

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    The fact that this course is quite controversial was made clear recently by the new Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni – she announced that she wanted to increase the upper limit for cash payments in Italy from the current 2000 to 10 000 euros, the same amount as in Germany.

    WEF-star, The Netherlands, meanwhile is marching full steam ahead in the opposite direction. If Finance Minister Sigrid Kaag has her way, all transactions over 100 euros will be monitored by the banks in the future – a massive invasion of privacy. In addition, unsurprisingly, the minister is campaigning for the introduction of the digital euro.

    According to the Dutch news agency Business AM, the finance minister is currently working on a relevant draft law. Transfers that exceed the amount of 100 euros are to be stored in a separate database accessible to the government. What the hell do they want to do with that database?

    In addition, Kaag is pushing for the launch of an EU-wide central bank digital currency. No surprise really since Kaag is a Schwab acolyte par excellence. “The introduction of the digital euro is becoming more and more real. I think it’s important that we in the Netherlands, with our innovative and open economy, take an active part in these considerations,” the minister was quoted as saying in a letter she sent to the House of Representatives in the summer.

    Transfer monitoring from 100 euros would be a clear step in this direction.

    Recently, a summit took place in Brussels on the introduction of the digital euro. Who guess who attended? Queen Maxima, the European Central Bank, Euro commissioners and multinationals. People’s representatives from member states were nowhere to be found of course. That’s “democracy” for you.

    MP Mahir Alkaya (SP) is the Dutch House of Representatives’ rapporteur when it comes to the digital euro, but he was not invited. “Very crazy and remarkable,” he told a popular radio programme. “The queen is there and not a rapporteur on behalf of the Lower House. The people’s representatives were not invited and I don’t think that’s a good thing.”

    The digital euro will be debated in the Dutch Lower House on 23 November. Alkaya thinks it’s crazy that Queen Maxima is already stomping around Brussels, while the matter hasn’t even been discussed in parliament yet. “That is not good for democracy,” he said. Well, yes, that’s an understatement of note.

    Maxima also gave a speech at the conference. If the EU decides to introduce a digital euro, it should be done with the idea that disadvantaged groups could also benefit from it, the queen said. She added that a digital euro should lead to lower costs for such things as financial transactions and access to financial services for a wide audience, and be secure.

    Maxima forgot to mention that banks need to screw over their clients for bailouts, which is why they need to police us.

    “This is ‘your’ Queen Maxima. Advocate of the digital euro and advocate of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, initiator and executor of the elitist Agenda 2030. When will we wake up?” Dutch financial expert Ab Flipse wanted to know. I’ve been wondering the same thing. I guess TikTok is too interesting to be paying attention to real stuff.

    The ECB plans for the digital euro are taking on more and more concrete forms. The Brussels grandees are leaving no stone unturned and their henchmen in governments are implementing the plan to control citizens. Pretending that the alleged fight is against money laundering and terrorism when governments invite in ISIS terrorists to stay, or claiming that it’s about a reconstruction of the devastated economy in Europe – all these fabrications are supposed to serve as a pretext for their totalitarian project.

    ECB boss and WEF foundation board member Christine Lagarde has been harping on about the advance of foreign corporations in European payment transactions. In the case of card payments, around two thirds of the transactions are booked by service providers who have their company records outside the EU.

    The image of heteronomy is intentional: because inevitably the image of influence from Russia, China or the US is implied, although financial strongholds such as Switzerland or Great Britain are also not EU members. All this is presented under the euphonious but meaningless slogan “strategic autonomy”.

    The route is as follows: An investigation phase will run until October 2023 before the final decision on the design of the digital central bank currency is to be made. After that, another three years are planned for the complete implementation of the project. In other words, by 2026 at the latest, the digital euro should be a fact in citizens’ payment transactions.

    Clearly, the EU wants to be able to monitor the movements of Europeans. But somehow they have to get the people on board with their controversial project. And so Christian Lindner (FDP) – as German finance minister, after all, patron of the largest economy on the continent – tried to put lipstick on the pig by calling the digital euro an “economic engine”. He even spoke of “digital cash” to entertain the really stupid voters.

    The German Interior Ministry, by the way, has decided to close the lobbies of bank branches at night because of the increasing number of break-ins at ATMs, Bloomberg reported. The Minister must be relieved that ATM robbers are at least providing a service aimed at ending cash.

    “A €30,000 cash purchase of jewelry or watches should soon be a thing of the past,” Nancy Faeser announced, adding that it would “smash crime”. Bavaria’s Finance Minister Albert Füracker quickly poured some cold water on this nonsense. “The compulsion to pay digitally does not automatically lead to less crime – this is also reflected in cybercrime, which in case of doubt can get by without cash,” he said.

    Carl Friedrich

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