
Dem operatives boast about inciting violence, fraud

Published: October 19, 2016, 6:37 pm

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    Key operatives in the Democratic party send agitators to cause unrest at Donald Trump’s rallies to try and paint his supporters as “violent”. They also boasted about election fraud on several occasions.

    Scott Foval, the national field director for Americans United for Change, was caught by a hidden camera, revealed.

    “The [Clinton] campaign pays DNC, DNC pays Democracy Partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval Group, The Foval Group goes and executes the shit,” Foval explained to an undercover journalist who had asked him about his role.

    One example of the “shit” Foval executes was an incident involving a 69-year-old woman that hit the headlines after she claimed to have been “assaulted” at a Trump rally. “She was one of our activists,” Foval boasted.

    One Robert Creamer, acted as a middle man between the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee and fake “protesters” planted and “managed” by Foval at Trump rallies in order to provoke public violence.

    A website meanwhile, has uncovered that Creamer had visited President Obama 47 times, according to White House records. Creamer’s last visit was in June 2016 and his job was to steer the direction of the tasks carried out by Foval.

    The operatives incited ugly behaviour by sending in actors to deliberately cause trouble that would cast a negative light on the Republican campaign rallies.

    “And the Democratic Party apparatus and the people from the campaign, the Clinton campaign and my role with the campaign, is to manage all that,” Creamer told a journalist, also undercover. “Wherever Trump and Pence are gonna be we have events,” he explained.

    Creamer also visited the White House 342 times since 2009, White House records show according to a conservative blog Weasel Zippers. Creamer has stepped back from his role as an agent provocateur with Clinton campaign, possibly as a result of being exposed by the blog.

    The embarrassing video caused Creamer to subsequently resign from consulting the campaign as he issued a statement saying that he was “stepping back from my responsibilities working the [Hillary] campaign” over fears that his continued assistance would be a distraction for the campaign.

    Wikipedia revealed that Creamer had spent 5 months in federal prison in 2006 for “$2.3 million bank fraud in relation to his operation of public interest groups in the 1990s.”

    Another bombshell is the release from James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas showing a Democratic operative apparently boasting about engaging in voter fraud and how to best to avoid prosecution.

    The video also features Scott Foval, now-former field director for Americans United for Change, describing various ways in which he allegedly engages in voter fraud. Based on the video, Foval is describes how voters are brought in from out of state.

    Project Veritas’ undercover reporter got Foval to talk by pitching his own, made-up idea for having people illegally vote around the country using fraudulent pay stubs and home addresses.

    In the video, Foval says his methods are designed to be as difficult as possible to prosecute.

    Elections expert J. Christian Adams told Foxnews on Tuesday that there are 4 million dead people on US voter rolls. Adams, who was the Voting Section Attorney at the US Department of Justice, filed six suits in the past year against Philadelphia and Broward County, Florida where voter rolls have been corrupted.

    Far left groups continually sue to keep the voter rolls the way they are, while the Obama administration has no desire to clean up these voter rolls.

    Adams said he had one case in Texas where the person died in 1944.

    With less than a month to go before the November 8 election, the largest voter fraud investigation in Texas history is underway in Tarrant County.

    According to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the allegations that prompted the investigation focused mainly on mail-in ballots. Mail-in ballots allow voters who are unable to leave their homes, in jail or out of the country to send in their ballot without any ID or verification of identity.

    The system is easy to abuse, especially when it comes to “vote harvesting”, or illegally filling out and returning other voters ballots without their consent.

    While some complain that the investigation is politically motivated, others argue that it is finally shedding light on a contentious issue that has existed for years.

    In New York City, a Democratic official was caught on camera admitting his knowledge of voter fraud.

    Alan Schulkin, who serves as a Democratic Election Commissioner in New York City, was interviewed undercover at a United Federation of Teachers holiday party in December 2015, the New York Post reported. Project Veritas released the video too.

    Schulkin was caught saying, “people don’t realize certain neighborhoods in particular, they bus people around to vote.” When asked for clarification, Schulkin says, “They put them in a bus and go from poll site to poll site.”

    The female journalist in the video then asks “Oh like minority neighbourhoods, like black neighbourhoods and Hispanic neighbourhoods?” to which Schulkin nods and responds “Yeah. And Chinese too.”

    The final round for Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump will take place in Las Vegas, a city known for high-stakes gambling.

    The third of three presidential debates will be the last chance for either candidate to deliver a knockout blow live, in front of a large prime-time audience before voters go to the ballot box.

    Wednesday’s 90-minute debate at UNLV, is expected to be a no-holds-barred event, scaling new heights in drawing political blood.

    It will give Trump, the Republican nominee, to gather votes particularly in key battleground states such as Nevada. Clinton, the Democratic nominee, is battling charges of corruption made worse by a slow-trickle WikiLeaks dump.

    Trump’s supporters are confident about their candidate’s chances.

    Michael McDonald, chairman of the Nevada Republican Party, said the debate moderator, Chris Wallace of Fox News, will ensure the debate is fair.

    McDonald said Trump was already preparing, and “would be at the top of his game”. He said Trump could prevail in a debate that’s focused on issues, such as national security and bringing about jobs, rather than on tabloid-style sensationalist news.

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