The cover of Time magazine. Photo supplied

‘Migrant child crisis’ in US a fabrication based on lies

The mainstream media in the US has fabricated a "migrant child crisis" to stop President Donald Trump from erecting a wall on the country's southern border. And its not based on factual information.

Published: June 24, 2018, 10:47 am

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    Migrants entering the US illegally are and have been slated for prosecution. This means that children are often separated from parents who face arrest – a humane solution by the US government to the scourge of irresponsible adults. If children had to remain with their parents or adult minders, they would no doubt face incarceration.

    Moreover, shockingly, the vast majority of illegals crossing into the US with children, are not the parents of the underaged they are accompanying.

    According to a new Rasmussen poll, a majority of Americans are aware of this, and blame illegal immigrants – those responsible – for the child crisis on the border.

    A hyper focus on the separation of families at the border has been played in the mainstream leftist media over the last several weeks, forcing Trump to sign an executive order ending the separation.

    However, the Rasmussen poll shows that Americans do not blame the Trump administration for the approximately 2 000 children who have been separated from their parents, and 54 percent of likely voters polled think the parents are to blame for breaking the law.

    Only 35 percent said the government is to blame for the crisis.

    “Democrats are the problem. They don’t care about crime and want illegal immigrants, no matter how bad they may be, to pour into and infest our Country, like MS-13. They can’t win on their terrible policies, so they view them as potential voters!” Trump tweeted. Most Americans agreed with him.

    He also tweeted: “We must always arrest people coming into our Country illegally. Of the 12 000 children, 10 000 are being sent by their parents on a very dangerous trip, and only 2000 are with their parents, many of whom have tried to enter our Country illegally on numerous occasions.”

    An image of a crying child on the cover of Time magazine as well as on Daily News was a major factor in pressuring Trump to do a U-turn on his immigration policy and sign the executive. He admitted that his “zero tolerance” policy made him look like he had “no heart”.

    The photo, however, has turned out to be based on fake news. The father of Yanela Hernandez confirmed that his wife and daughter had not actually been separated.

    Worldwide outrage had followed after Trump’s decision to toughen immigration laws, including from British Prime Minister Theresa May who called his policy “deeply disturbing” as well as from Pope Francis who said it was “immoral”.

    But Trump’s initial move was based on some 400 sheriffs from around the US, affiliated with the National Sheriffs’ Association, who all called upon Congress to pass legislation that would secure the southern border.

    “Year after year, we have been warning the Federal government about detrimental increases in transnational drug trafficking, gang violence, sex trafficking, murder, and other escalating incidents of crime by illegal aliens entering our country. Because Congress has failed to enact the necessary reforms, our citizens and legal residents face even greater dangers, our national security is more vulnerable, and our enforcement efforts have been seriously compromised,” the letter asserts.

    Migrants have been openly gaming the US system. The National Sentinel reported a three-fold increase in the number of illegal aliens attempting to use children in order to apply for asylum. Breitbart News reported that illegals using children as props have increased more than 300 percent since last year.

    A recent investigation by a local TV news network revealed how Somali immigrants were exploiting American taxpayers by sending upwards of $100 million per year to relatives back home, essentially funding terrorist groups.

    Fox 9, after a five-month investigation, reportedly discovered that millions of dollars in rampant fraud that was shipped overseas mostly in carry-on baggage. Sources said last year alone, more than $100 million in cash left in carry-on luggage.

    Glen Kerns — a retired Seattle police detective who spent 15 years on the FBI’s joint terrorism task force, told Fox 9: “What we were interested in is where [the money] was going. It’s an outright crime, it’s unbelievable.”

    Kerns discovered that a lot of the money was coming from Somalians who were on federal government assistance programs. “We had sources that told us, ‘It’s welfare fraud, it’s all about the daycare,’” he explained. Fox 9 had already reported about five years ago that child daycare fraud was rising in Minnesota.

    A New Yorker article even described how children had been given scripts and were coached to make situations appear worse.

    US government expenditures on illegal immigration totals $135 billion annually, while illegal immigrants only pay $19 billion in taxes, Fleccas Talks revealed.

    In California, illegal immigrants and their children make up almost 11 percent of the population. They are costing taxpayers more than $25 billion annually in state and local expenses in California alone, or about $2 370 per legal household in the state.

    Californians now pay the highest taxes in the country and six out of seven of the least affordable cities in the US to live are in California.

    The influx of migrants means the state can no longer meet the basic needs of its inhabitants because it is struggling under a debt of $1.3 trillion.

    Sadly, nearly a quarter of all murders in California – 22 percent – are committed by non-citizens, 18 percent of all fraud, 33 percent of all money-laundering, 29 percent of all drug trafficking while Americans are facing an opioid crisis as well as 72 percent of all drug possession convictions, according to state records.

    Most of the adult migrants have profited from the “catch-and-release” system that Trump had wanted to end. Those illegals caught in this manner never show up to immigration court for their hearing — which can take more than two years.

    The manufactured hysteria against US border laws has not died down. New York gubernatorial candidate and former Sex And The City actress Cynthia Nixon called for the abolition of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), saying it was a “terrorist organization”.

    Laura Bush, the wife of former president George W Bush, had no issue when her husband “permanently separated” families from their loves ones in the Middle East in a war based on lies. She has however acted outraged claiming the US government was separating children from illegal immigrants, not in order to protect them.

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