Japan's Health Minister Norihisa Tamura. Screenshot from YouTube

Graphene oxide is the main ingredient in Covid jabs says former Pfizer employee

According to a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for pharmaceutical industries, graphene oxide nanoparticles are the key ingredient in BioNTech/Pfizer Covid-19 shots, the product which is being marketed as a “vaccine”. But bad news from Japan may have an impact on this marketing strategy.

Published: September 1, 2021, 4:56 pm

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    In an interview with Stew Peters on July 28, Karen Kingston said graphene oxide was not listed as an ingredient, because the manufacturers claimed that it was a trade secret. It was therefore not included in BioNTech/Pfizer patent filing as an ingredient in the Covid-19 shots, since it is purported to be the intellectual property of the pharmaceutical giant.

    Kingston explained that while the ingredient was redacted from Pfizer’s US patent due to its alleged status as a “trade secret”, it was actually included in Pfizer’s Chinese patent application.

    According to Kingston, the Pfizer vaccine and the Moderna vaccine are essentially the same injection. It is therefore interesting to note that in the July 2020 Moderna patent [US #10703789B2], lipid nanoparticles, the phospholipid, the cholesterol, the cationic (positive ionic-charged lipid) and the PEGylated polyethylene glycol lipid are also listed as was done for the Pfizer product.

    The Chinese patent described the compound hydrogel, composed primarily of graphene oxide. She has no doubt that these jabs contain the ingredient that the Japanese government has now alluded to in their ban on alleged “contaminated” vials of these products. “I’m as confident that graphene oxide is in these as I am that gravity exists,” she said. She also underlined that graphene oxide was the “main ingredient in the Covid shots”.

    Like India, Japan has meanwhile launched the discussion of the success of Ivermectin to treat Covid-19. Ivermectin, an anti-parasite drug was first approved for human use in 1996 by the FDA.

    As far as the Covid vaccines are concerned, there are at least 2000 studies on graphene oxide toxicity and 500 of them were published in 2017. Graphene oxide has been developed for biomedical gene and drug delivery under the EU’s “Graphene Flagship” programme.

    The EU programme spent billions of euros on testing gene delivery for an intranasal SARS-Cov-2 flu vaccine containing graphene oxide. In fact, in China a patent was filed and approved last year, using graphene oxide nanotechnology in gene and drug delivery and diagnostic purposes for a “Coronavirus vaccine”.

    Moderna had previously developed graphene oxide for cancer treatment since it had specialized in cancer cures, not vaccines. Moderna had been a struggling oncology cancer therapy company, before its surprising success as a “global leader” in “vaccines”.

    Japan has now reported yet another “contamination case” involving Moderna’s (MRNA.O) vaccine, the fourth such incident in less than a week, suggesting that the country’s inoculation campaign is about to hit a wall. Moderna claims that it was caused as “bits of the vials’ rubber stopper break off when needles are incorrectly inserted”.

    The bad news from Japan may have also pushed two leading FDA members to resign. The two top vaccine officials, Marion Gruber, director of the Office of Vaccines Research & Review, and Phil Krause, her deputy director, announced their decision on Tuesday. Gruber has been at the FDA for 32 years and Krause has worked at the agency for more than a decade.

    They had been “frustrated” by the CDC’s meddling in the vaccine approval process, as well as with White House pressure to market booster vaccines, a former top FDA official told Endpoints.

    After two animal trials that resulted in the death of all the animals, graphene oxide was deemed to be unfit for use in humans due to its toxicity to healthy cells as well as vaccine-induced ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement) resulting in the immune system destroying itself.

    Leading virologist Professor Dolores Cahill, world-renowned virologist Geert Vanden Bossche and Pfizer whistleblower, Dr. Michael Yeadon have all warned of the danger of ADE.

    Animal studies had already confirmed that graphene oxide enabled “self-replicating vaccines“, i.e. transmission.

    In his last interview, Julian Assange described the advances in this kind of nano-technology which graphene oxide made possible. It is a world in which computers are as small and weightless as dust particles. These mini machines, invisible to the naked eye, would be breathed in or injected. A researcher named Kristofer Pister coined the term “smart dust” in 1997, a reference to wireless microelectromechanical sensors (or MEMS).

    Proponents visualize these particles as the Internet of Things on another level. Smart dust would make it possible to run a Google search in the physical world by using smart dust, but it also raises serious issues about privacy, weapons, and surveillance. Whoever controls smart dust – or graphene oxide weaponized blood circuits in the human body in the case of these injections – and its data could theoretically control every aspect of human interaction.

    A Spanish investigative team known as La Quinta Columna revealed on June 30 that graphene oxide was indeed the key ingredient in Pfizer’s “Covid-19 vaccine” serum.

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